Why are individuals taxed based on revenue (takehome without subtracting living/work expenses) while businesses are...

Why are individuals taxed based on revenue (takehome without subtracting living/work expenses) while businesses are taxed based on profits?

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And rich individuals are taxed by a complex scheme where they can tell the government to fuck off? Why, jewker fan?

Why are businesses taxed at all? Everyone who owns one or works for one already pays taxes. Why do people just accept being taxed.

because you can shuffle money around in a corporation that allows you an essentially tax free expense account. billionaries are not spending from their personal bank accounts. they are using expense accounts from a company.

Because its the same thing.

If you're self employed your take home pay (income minus business expenses) is the profit.

>they are using expense accounts from a company.
The company that they own.

How else are we going to protect Israel ?

No, if you're self employed you can buy/lease goods for personal use (such as cars) under the expenses of revenue. Every single wealthy person I have ever met uses their business to purchase personal property as a tax write off. Also a reminder that businesses can purchase stocks as well.

Thats not true if they can prove the money you spent is only for personal use and has no business use you cant claim it as a tax write off.
So something like a car is fine as long as your business is far enough away that you would drive there.

Because the government has a fetish to tax everything in cascades.
Even final products have every step from raw materials to intermediate parts to the final assembly to the final sale taxed at every phase.

The Banking Act of 1933 and the subsequent creation of the FDIC was supposed to be temporary, it wasn't.

So now our government puts us into little tax brackets instead of treating us like citizens.

The government steals as much as it can from as many sources as possible without making people chimp out too much. This is the natural equilibrium of that nothing more.

And accumulates debt too. Black research even uses money from crime to sustain itself.

Don't worry about it. You worry too much.

Because then everyone would just spend all their money and not show any profit and no one would pay taxes at all.

I guess you should just incorporate yourself.

More people to rob than there are businesses

Bullshit. You have to substantiate its business use and only portions of the total asset may be considered as business related, home office for example, and given a tax benefit. Rarely, if ever, can you get away with that shit, especially with Real Property. Our tax code is too convoluted to think that any retard can just step out and go
>lol I’m going to buy this house to live in and record it as a capital expense

t. spoiled sheltered canadian

You can open a non-profit or other tricks. I don't know how to jew people so I can't give more details


To prevent the circulation of money user.
Simple as that.
People pay taxes, the money are drained from rural areas and small towns.
No economy
which in turn makes people desperate and ready to vote for socialist programs, which they obviously will not get but instead will be fucked in the asss even further
I am talking from experience
but it can be seen all around the world

And the crazy part
The goverment doesnt even need them
They could print all the money from the budget and it would be peanuts compared to the money the Central Banks are printing to lend GloboHomo's losing corporations
Literal Fucking Peanuts

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That’s some PTSD right there, governmental and non-profit accounting is the worst but no, it isn’t that simple

Business is registered as a family office wealth management vehicle.

Stop me now.

Don’t know what Canadian laws and treatments are, so I can’t say anything on the matter

Lmao it doesn’t matter as much as you think, when the entirety of the credit derivatives market is predicated upon using SPVs (special purpose vehicles) giving out payouts categorized by different tranches. You can purpose whatever company to your desire and that’s the end of that. Normal working folks haven’t even the slightest clue as to how to game the system. In all honesty, it’s pretty unfair desu.

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>pay something off
>whoa there fella you still gotta pay taxes on that you don’t really own it
Many such cases.

Like I said, it's possible but I don't know the details. See the Panama Papers scandal for example.
Also there are holdings, trusts, retards who can own your stuff for you, offshore banking, shadow banking, ...

Normal working folks lose a lot of time working and get tired after that. They don't have spare time to be sociopathic homosexuals.

This is the greatest crime in human history

I work in PCS. Yes, you can name a company one way and register it for something completely unrelated but deviating from that constitutes fraud and criminal charges due to SOX. It must be substantiated and failure to disclose material acts will also get you slapped for fraud, again, criminal charges. As I said, I don’t know your shit but after SOX was passed here, governance, following their registered course of business, creation of regulatory bodies, and a myriad of other shit from 404, 302, and others have made business operations rigid. Lacking ethics in practices is criminal, it’s a meme

>Also there are holdings, trusts, retards who can own your stuff for you, offshore banking, shadow banking
Agreed. Trusts are fucking cancer and nobody likes working on them for 2 reasons:
>convoluted messes and clients are often retarded with missing documentation
>we have high liability to where we’re more likely to get locked up than the owner of the trust
I spend more time covering my ass during those engagements than I do the engagement itself

But wealth is defined by how few people you have to interact with. If you are in a more crowded place you are not more wealthy.

Likewise if you are in a place with the same number of people but higher turnover where you have to explain cultural norms again and again you are being robbed.


Shareholders own the company.
Anyways, it is easy to get a company to pay for most of your life expenses without paying anything in taxes. Taxation of companies is broken beyond belief

If they could tax you or businesses more without actually lowering the tax income, they would. It's not about fairness. It's about taking everything they can. Clearly it's easier to take from individuals than from businesses.

>Thats not true if they can prove the money you spent is only for personal use and has no business use you cant claim it as a tax write off.

Good luck proving that. A company can have cars, houses, cabins and even yachts that their employees can use and no one bats an eye.

If you are an athlete it is even worse because you can say that literally anything you use or consume is a business expense

>own the company.
>to get a company
>Taxation of companies
OP never said company in his post. Why did you?

Because taxing all of a businesses earnings would mean taxing its employees before its employees even got paid. What the fuck.