Should Trump give Boomers 1 million dollars to retire?

This was viral on FB...

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Why not just make it legal for millenials to shoot boomers for a whole month?

facebook is cancer. everyone still using that website should be euthanised

FPBP. I bet all these boomers liking/sharimg this are against canceling student debt too. Very hypocritical, as usual.

That's gonna be a lot...

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FBPB, that day is going to come permission slip or not.

sounds like socialism

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>boomers go out and jack up demand for houses and cars even more making all these things too expensive for millennials who are now in the same spot they just were except they get paid more.

I swear old white people ask for handouts way more than niggers

Only 40,000,000,000,000 Dollars for this plan. Brilliant!

Well the Boomers have been getting them their whole lives, so why would they stop demanding them. I bet the Boomers get something like this eventually.

The wealthiest generation in history wants another million each, I'm shocked.

Does no one know how to do math? 40 trillion dolllars?

Boomers are not white. They are wannabe jews.

Boomers will end up receiving something like this. Mark my words.

Won't that make a bottle of water cost $700?

Goodest Goy Generation.

By comparison, US GDP is $20.54 trillion

No, because there won't be any demand for $700 bottled water.

Boomers will take it all for themselves not 1 million dollars but 500 thousand judging by the numbers.

let me help fren

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40 million bullets would be cheaper

$40 trillion to get the Boomers to STFU? Totally worth it.

>40 million boomers have to buy a house
>house prices skyrocket
>boomers can't afford to buy the house that they "have to" buy
>end up forfeiting their money, and returning to work

great plan

no need, just cough at them

1) Most of those jobs are circa 1982 and the boomers are literally there for entertainment providing no value but have been unionized since the 80's and are impossible to get rid of. The government shutdown proved that the majority of them are expendable and their jobs won't be passed down to someone else, so 40 million jobs is misleading at best, and will not solve any unemployment problems.

2) Must buy a new American car, made from parts from China and assembled in Mexico doesn't mean the American auto industry is fixed. If you want to build them in American plants you can go ahead and shut down your ventilator production so the boomers you're forcing to buy cars will be dead before they get to the dealership.

3) Most of them live in houses bought decades ago and were paid off decades ago. If you want them to buy a new house in the current market, they will be buying where houses sell for the lowest price, driving up competition and prices in formerly low priced areas. This makes the housing crisis worse, not better.

I get it, the boomer wants a million dollars because it thinks that's a lot of money still. But all these suggestions would make life for everyone else worse. But hey, new house, new toys, new RV and college fund to get your daughters blacked probably seems like a good deal to them.

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we don't have to, just have to unflatten the curve, visit your nearest hospital with positive cases and lick counters then visit your grandparents, it's the patriotic thing to do.

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Millenials dont own guns
Boomers do

>Trump give Boomers 1 million dollars
Like with his Free Jet program, Trump only gives money to billionaires and huge corporations..

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this is without a doubt the dumbest idea i've ever heard.
>remove 40 million from the income tax pool
>simultaneously add 40 trillion dollars in spending
>half the entire planet's GDP
>hand all of them a million dollars that they'll blow

Sure we'll put in a nice building with some a nice door, on that door it will say "Retirement Distribution". The boomers will be made to wait in the room in groups of 20 or so. Then the "retirement" celebration gas is released.

The people on this sight do not respect older citizens

Unless we vote (I know I know) the boomers out, it's an eventuality

It would cost $40M, not $40T.
40M people at $1M a piece = $40M. Heck, Bloomberg could have paid for it himself with his campaign funds.


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Oooooh you almost got me

Or just send them on the Eternal Cruise with a bullet

How about a maximum wage? Top earner of a company may only make 20x the lowest earner, plus 30x stock options. Dismantle the Ponzi scheme, deflate the dollar, and reinvest in the company. No benefit to outsource because transit would make it more expensive.


Are you fucking retarded?
40*10^6 * 10^6 is 4*10^13

retards think companies use the money to party

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Bet this was written by some millenial grad student to see how it would track among the boomers, and I'm sure their old asses are sharing the shit out of it on Faceberg.

40 million millions

>inject 40 trillion into housing market
>make house purchases mandatory
>this will fix the housing market
also, what happens when they blow it on get-rich-quick schemes and useless consumer goods in the first year?