Are the young people of the modern world taking longer to grow up and mature? I’m a 23 year old man...

Are the young people of the modern world taking longer to grow up and mature? I’m a 23 year old man, and I feel like most of my peers around my age act like they’re still in high school. A lot of men 25 and up have no interest in getting a girlfriend or moving out of their parents house. There are grown adults who are obsessed with social media and cartoons these days. Is it something in the water?

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Most will remain this way their entire lives.

>Is it something in the water?

Gallons and gallons of birth control excreted from empowered women delivered directly to YOUR BODY even after evaporation and water cycle filtering.

I think it is because most of the youngs go to university to study a shitty career, finish at 23 or 24, get a shitty job and live with their parents because they have no money. They go to university because they dont want to work and they try to live eternally like in high school

Good times create weak men.

>tfw no gf

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Seems like a sad and pointless existence

The younglings go to college because they’re expected to, not because they want to. Sad to see that college has become high school 2.0

they were told all their life they must go to college to be a success.
There is no future for the average person anymore.

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They have far less real parenting than any generation.

Well since Obama passed health care that said "kids" stayed on their parents insurance until age 26, we might as well cut their arms and legs off and placed them in wheelchairs. He handicapped our youth mentally by agreeing to make them babies. My kids will get the fuck out at age 18. Period.

Also all the initiation rites into adulthood are being denied to more young men than ever. So no real surprise. Historically you're married off young and that is how you mature - the responsability.

I know 36 year olds who have done the university, move out, nice job (like really nice jobs in Sydney) routine and they're still children. They still don't have kids, they still rent, they still watch netflix or whatever. And they're considered adults.

And they will hate you and you in your old age wont be able to figure out why you are in a shitty nursing home being abused by jamaicans but you will deserve it.

envision the aroma

Many of the friends i have thad didn¨t went to uiversity, started to work and now some of them are engaged before 25. Seems like the university postpones life plans

I'm a 32 year old man that enjoys videogames and many cartoons but I also work 70+ hours a week doing roofing and carpentry. I moved out of my parents' house when I was 21 then back briefly when I was 25. I was with my wife for almost fourteen years and we just seperated back in December so I am stuck living with my parents right now. I don't do social media because I tend to like my extended family and when some of them say dumb shit on Facebook I don't want any part of it so I just keep off of it. I won't like, I still do feel like I am 16 years old for the most part but I know that I have responsibilities and I take care of them.

>tfw she will never be your gf

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You will never have kids, incel

There's a happy medium between these called not being a shithead
You really think that watching movies is what bars these people from being adults?

To move out of your parents house you need economic independence, and that's quite hard to obtain. Males with no social skills or contacts are especially fucked because they have become unemployable.

That's pretty much what my wife looks like.
>we are separated right now
>I am also 1250 miles away from her
>I was tricked into visiting my parents and then got a letter two days after Christmas stating that she wants me to stay down here for a while
>Then Corona-chan happened and now I am really fucking stuck

It does for the most part.

People need to separate university from knowledge and a degree from making money because they're not the same thing, and then there's the factor of time that's wasted.

This. Everybody is infantilised, both unintentionally and purposefully.
Especially this.

You sound more mature than many other millennials

A lot of men don’t want to grow up these days. But I can say the same for women.

Most people these days suck on their mommy’s tits for as long as they can

How fucking hard is it to develop social skills?
>I get bad anxiety and don't like confrontation
I don't give a fuck, suck it up and get out there
>I don't have any skills
I don't give a fuck, walk up to some guys doing construction with a dozen donuts and see if they need some day labor
No, no excuses. You fake it till you make it.

No, youre just a faggot with omega peers

People don’t “grow up” anymore. This is what happens when you give every kid a trophy, and don’t even give them grades in school because testing “causes stress” and failing would “cause irreparable emotional harm”. Millennials need to just be forgotten about, as should most of gen Z. We need to start over with.... generation alpha(???) (born between 2021-2035ish) and hopefully actually raise some real adults, and not overgrown, fragile 5 year olds in adult bodies.

>A lot of men 25 and up have no interest in getting a girlfriend or moving out of their parents house.
Almost like there isn't any point in achieving anything anymore, hmmmm.

Is that why you troll for pennies?

>You really think that watching movies is what bars these people from being adults?

When they talk about little more than what netflix said, or what restaurant they ate at before watching more netflix, or what their dog did in the part before watching some more netflix, then yeah, it's just one of many things they allow to poison their lives.

No, men just broke en masse and became so emotionally incontinent they scream about other people enjoying life.

The suicide rate among men who ambiently suffer not because anything is specifically wrong, but because other people are more contented, is still REALLY elevated. So it's like... Get over it or you'll be a statistic.

I know one woman out of about 9 or 10 in a group who basically separated herself from the rest and went off to have kids with some chad. All the other women have their "careers" and talk poorly about the one who went off to have kids. They're genocidal.

Hm seems like it's just media to consume. It used to be Threes Company or Charles in Charge or Growing Pains or any number of other things. People have been doing this for as long as television and film have been consumable. Before that it was radio programs and film and before that it was plays and concerts. It's just the way we consume media now and it happens to be Netflix. I personally hate commercials so I like having Netflix and if there is something on TV that I really want to watch I just watch Hulu with live television. I'm not paying a cable bill on top of my subscription services and internet when I'm only home and awake for four or five hours a night after busting my ass 12 or 14 hours a day.

What the fuck does omega mean

TV is degenerate. I don't have one. Nor do I listen to the radio.

The very bottom, the complete opposite of alpha.

This is true. The normalization of mental health and psychiatry made millennials think they’re all “mentally ill”.

You're probably a poorly developed person as well. Might as well get off the internet because this is the most degenerate form of media that you can consume.

It’s worse for modern women. Feminism and the (((media))) made them think they’re all QUEENS who only deserve the best

?? I thought that’s what beta meant

In trying to “protect” them, we’ve left them completely unprepared for the world. Now the world is eating them alive. Kinda sad really, but there is no cure. We need to just cut our losses, write the entire generation off as a loss and start over.

That's what you get for being a beady Angl*id desu. Stop blaming netflix and women for your failures

Honestly, it's been pretty hilarious watching people suffer total emotional and ethical failures, not because we're low in wealth, but because we're getting astonishing in wealth.

It's prosperity that's breaking the men who kneel to the destruction of their society. That and honesty. Other people finding comfortable, open lives in a free and wealthy society just shatters people who aren't at all being stopped from doing the same.

It's only gonna get worse. I sorrow for the suicides; I can only celebrate the suffering because I believe very strongly that they'll grow out of it. As automation expands the modern economy and new technologies enable breakthrough potentials in biotechnology and neural integration of technology, productivity will rise EVEN HIGHER.

This is one of the "side effects" of technology - leisure expands and more people have time to cultivate their minds, driving further expansions of technology.

Ultimately, a lot of very remarkable productivity will be hard to distinguish from videogames. Even today, there are people dedicated to following what randoms do on NationStates for political influence activities!

I mean, modern man really is whipped, but it's that they're broken to primitivism and hatred which whips them.

Hell is waking up and realizing that your old high school class runs the world.

why get a girlfriend?
why move out of parents house?
social media is obviously faggots
its good for my mom if I live here because I do mowing, plumbing, tree trimming, cleaning, moving stuff, cooking, gardening, use mouse traps
then I get to save all the money I would have sent to (((bankers))) from my loan after only being able to make a $12000 down payment
I don't have any where else to go
I could use more space with another garage

and fuck getting a girlfren
they don't give anything positive to your life
only more problems
I want to be alone forever and try to get my meat-beating down to every other day

Beta is only a step down from alpha. There's also gamma delta and other shit


Lol, whine more. Permavictims like you used to be too soft to come into hardass Yas Forums. ;)

You'll come around eventually.

Real question for boomers and people who like to larp as boomers. How the fuck is a kid born at the end of the 1990s supposed to be successful when the people who have been in charge since before he was able to talk (voted in by you btw) have now crashed the economy twice in the course of 20 years of life, pushed for low skill jobs to be replaced by immigrants and automation, overinflated the housing market so that it costs 250k for some one story shit shack that was built in the 1970's, and made it so that college degrees were a joke that are a complete waste of time and money that don't actually guarantee you a job in the field you studied in because "we're looking for someone with experience"

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Why move out from our parents' house? So we can work full time and waste our money on rent instead of hobbies?
Why get girlfriends? So we can accidently knock them up and be enslaved to them for 18 years?
Why prefer live action film over cartoons? So we can stare at our ugly imperfect world instead of a unique creative one?

How am I making myself a victim again?

You really can't control your masturbation habits? Not good buddy.
Blame the other generations, so sick of seeing that shit.

this especially, holy fuck every like 20 something year old thinks they have a mental illness that is holding them back when in reality theyre just depressed that they were born into this shitshow clown world


Yeah, I thought you'd say that. Best you go conserve something, like some interracial relationships with MAGA hats.

Because you’re an adult. Act like one.

Covid is killing off boomers don't worry about it. My field has had mass deaths/retirements/quitting from people who should have retired years ago and I just took a higher paying job elsewhere because I'm now a hot commodity

They're like that too. And they still go to coachella or whatever it's called, they're pushing 40.

I'm referring to people who are 10 years older than me. I just get to see their awful lives from comfortable distance.

YOU have a point. Keep asking that.

But notice that automation reduced labor requirements in important ways, too.

If you want to shape the future in automation, try getting EXACTLY THAT DEGREE. And study at the cheapest university you can find! Ditch on networking and LEARN THE MATERIAL.

Learn the science that shapes the world and you'll be worth quite a lot of money.

What jobs can you get that pay enough to have your own place.

Every job out there requires communist connections in order to obtain.

The only jobs where you can support yourself with no experience and basically police, military, and medical doctor.

If you think there is anything else like "trades" even the trades are only paying 15 an hour in most states. Only in blue states can you support yourself with a trade and even then you better have communist connections to get in on that.

no girlfriend and living at parents house at 24. Why not live rent free and not spend money on some cunt? Save up.

that all gives opportunities
you obviously don't see it and fell for the University meme

>blame the other generations
Yes you ultra faggot, you were the fuckers who voted these kikes in, and pushed for all these degenerate policies.
It sure as fuck wasn't 5 year old Hayden and Brayden voting these kike politicians in
It was John and Richard and Walter and Karen and Mary

While you beat your meat, Chad, Tyrone, and Hector are getting their dicks ridden by hot girls



>still in highschool

They system is designed so that unless you want to fuck and suck your way to the top you have to go to college and then a few years later go back to grad school because otherwise you're going to have difficulty moving up and making decent money. This leads to work being merely a break from school. Then retards take more classes or go back to "work on my phd in buttfucking" when they're in their 30s. The post-1970 generations are trapped in a cycle of endless schooling, the largest number of professors and university workers ever, university is no longer "the last stage" of school- it goes on forever and ever.

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It’s called the prefrontal cortex, and you’ve just started to understand decision making before they have. Congrats man