Islam bad because Quran say bad things

>Islam bad because Quran say bad things
Wow, so does the bible. Do you have any valid reasons why Islam is worse than Christianity?

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I can think of about 3000 valid reasons.

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>salvation is freely accorded to all men regardless of their sins, so long as you embrace christ as your savior, for it was his sacrifice on the cross that stole you out of the devil's hand
>god operates on the basis of middle eastern largesse and all charity and kindness should be built around flexing your generosity to him, also jesus didn't die on the cross because god wouldn't allow one of his prophets to be sullied by disgrace

Then go be a muslim in your home country fuck face
>t in all fields

Look at islamic countries and the behavior of islamic people in 2020

Enough said

It isn't the middle ages, but they are still in it and they want it to be the middle ages

It's muslims fleeing muslim countries to get into christian countries, not the other way round. How about you tell me why that is.

Once muslims become like most western christians eg. watered down their faith to the point that it's only about having a warm fuzzy relationship with God and being generally nice to everyone, then I'll stop caring.

>jewish 2.0 vs jewish 3.0
I don't know, maybe you tell me

How do you know that islam is the cause?

Sharia law. Christians can practice separation of church and state. Muslims are not which is why they're incompatible with Western culture.

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that's actually false islam is the last global religion, it's basically an update to previous religions like christianity and judaism

you sound like you haven't actually looked into islam, it's a whole structured life style that guides you to this world's hapiness and the other (hopefully)
it revolves around the big idea that God is one and only and he created us to worship him (everything can be worshipping God with good intention) and Mohammed peace be upon him is his messenger, the last one to be sent till the end of this world

>so does the bible
no it doesn't

this post is taqiyya

>why Islam is worse than Christianity
I never heard of Jesus being a pedo, a murderer, or a thief
Mohammed, on the other hand...

A text analysis shows that violence is more common in the bible:

what part of it

Allah is a pedophile
So is Mohammed

mentioning violence doesn't mean advocating violence, retard

Allah, Iehovah and Yahweh are the same gods

Better than what you've got to show (nothing)

How does camel urine taste, Ahmed?

All Muslims are potential terrorists

that's the amount of times that the bible advocates for violence

The difference be Muslims take the Quran literally. Christians take from it what they will depending on sect.

Look at the example of the perfect man. Jesus was a peaceful man who lived a righteous life. He sacrificed himself to die so that we may be saved from sin.

Muhammed on the other hand was a murderous Warlord who diddled kids. Who wrote a book saying what he did was just and good.

Now go back to your Middle Eastern shithole goatfucker.

Ok groomer

Well I don't see too many christians calling for the genocide of islam. But the other way around, it's like a general opinion of the typical islamist.

completely wrong take

if christ did not die on the cross then salvation was not accorded and we are living under the sway of sin which corrodes and a fallible moral law that only punishes
perfection in this world is pointless because all things material fail, die and corrode. "this world's happiness" is the fruit of the devil.

>Christians can practice separation of church and state
>cant into arkansas
Gotta poison rational discussion with bait eh?

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God is a lie and religion is the leading cause of murder, rape, and corruption of all time.
>inb4 spirit of anti Christ in me
Cope harder brainwashed fags in denial

Christianity doesn't have Shitskins
islam has shitskins

Matthew 10:34
>Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

it's not just Islam, it's Islam and nigger genes that makes muslims so incompatible with the west. Death to every single non-white and Islamist.

>muh quote out of context

Do you have proof?


>I can think of about 3000 valid reasons.
Are you a Jew or a mutt newfag?

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False, 1 timothy 4:10
Therefore we labour and strife, because we put our hopes in the living God, who is the saviour of all humanity, especially of believers

Why does it say especially of believers?
Its because God is the saviour of all humanity. Believers who believe the real gospel, have a "special" salvation.

You cant refute this verse, but i can refute all your verses that you use to justify eternal torment. Eternal torment is based on mistranslations. Christ Jesus really did take away the sins of the world.

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I don't care, you can apply the same logic to violent quran quotes


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Islam is fine, it's Muslims who are the problem.

yes you're probably true cause the Prophet peace be upon him says that "The world is a prison for the believer"
true happiness is only in heaven

>Christianity doesn't have Shitskins
Keep coping mutt.

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the damn quran is a ripoff, huge difference

except the quran is written completely differently and you know that, lying rat

i said nothing of hell and i have no issue with universal reconciliation advocates even though i'm not one myself, did you mean to reply to me?

God is a concept of ancient retarded humans who didn't know how nature and chemistry worked.
Religion is an ancient law used to control humans to follow certain rules.

Yes, I do.

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>Well I don't see too many christians calling for the genocide of islam. But the other way around, it's like a general opinion of the typical islamist.
Fucking cucktians always lying and flipping reality around.
Crusades never stopped.

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The impact of religion on ethics is surely not zero, but I could not say for sure if one religion is just intrinsically better or worse than another on a whole in this regard since even Buddhists can commit genocide in its name if they are personally inclined regardless of if the religion itself has endorsed it.
An atheist can be ethical without divinity but can also just as easily not be.

Yes, I do have good reasons...

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If they are true muslim, the koran is far more rigid and explicit on how they should behave.
They can only deviate from othodoxy so long as it is with the intent to subvert the society and spread islam.
Anything else is against the code.

>Christianity is worse
>So Islam is alright
both are messed up and need to disappear. Same with judaism and any other slave religion that values blind obedience over critical thinking.

Christians know when to shut up and accept secularim.
Muslims still live in the fucking dark ages and refuse to face the future.
Both are backwards savages, but atleast christians are more open to reform

and there is no way to the father except through the son
if christ was not the son of god then he was just a guru, a spiritual mentor, first among equals. a speaker of the word, not the word itself.

>opinion polling
Actions speak louder than words.
There's also no comparison to Christianity

Give me a list of all the christian terror attacks over the last 50 years, I'll compile one of all the muslim terror attacks and we can meet after class to discuss

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>what is ISIS

the problem isn't so much what's in the religion, the problem is that Muslims are low IQ savages who are about on the same level as niggers when it comes to stealing, robbing, raping and so on. They are not domesticated, they're unfit for civilisation. Every effort to civilise them has failed pathetically.

ah, the first of the fabled professor Kaffir posts.
Please share the rest, it has been so long

Yes, I do have good reasons to...

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>I never heard of Jesus being a pedo, a murderer, or a thief
>Mohammed, on the other hand...
>Allah is a pedophile
>So is Mohammed
Anglos always lying like the demons that they are while they genocide the rest of the planet.

you have to be 18 to post here

The quran is just a plagiarized version of the Bible.

Do you not realize that most Christcucks don't follow there own religion?

it doesnt belong in europe. punto e basta. vaffanculo.

"salvation is freely accorded to all men regardless of their sins, so long as you embrace christ as your savior, for it was his sacrifice on the cross that stole you out of the devil's hand"

So what happens to those who do not "embrace" Christ? You imply they do not have salvation.

>implying humans now know how "nature and chemistry" works

we have only reached the tip of the iceberg when it come to "knowing and controlling this world", the only objective truth is God, the one and only, creator of EVERYTHING

>The difference be Muslims take the Quran literally.
Says the mutt who also claims that the Qur'an says the sun sets in a pond of muddy water.

If you are over 18 and believe in sky daddy then you are not going to make it

Yes, I do have good reasons to think Islam...

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Indeed christians worship the devil with their eternal torment doctrine.

>sky daddy
>clearly a vpn flag
ok shill

>Muhammed on the other hand was a murderous Warlord who diddled kids.
Keep coping with your lies faggot.

>blind obedience over critical thinking
>hurr blind obedience bad
>every moron thinking for themselves and failing to agree on anything good
imagine being this retarded. 100% of people need to be told what to think because they're too dumb to come up with anything better, that includes you.

>the damn quran is a ripoff

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Yes, I do have good reasons to think Islam is worse than Christianity.

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you're right, they don't. god doesn't force or cheat or cajole people into accordance with his laws. you have to agree to partake. hell is just separation from his love, nothing more or less. i do believe that's possible.
if i'm wrong about that then there's no real consequence for it, is there?

depends which order you read it in. the quran has been butchered to make it not look so bad. Put it in chronological order, and you have something very different. ALL religion is evil, it is about control. If you can be manipulated by "god", then its probably satan

I don't need to use a VPN you retarded village nigger. We have very high speed internet here

Aisha was 6.
So Allah and Mohammed are pedo:
Moahammed is pedo for doing the act - and Allah is pedo for sending his messenger, "Jibril" (a demon/fallen angel?) to encourage Mohammed.

holy shit he doesn't deny being from a meme country
no wonder you dont think there's a god, god forgot your country the moment he created it lol

>Sharia law. Christians can practice separation of church and state. Muslims are not which is why they're incompatible with Western culture.

pretty much this. All of the issues with muslims and islamic countries stem from this. Osama bin Laden specifically destroyed the world trade center because it symbolized western globalization. ISIS was specifically formed to create an Islamic state where shariah law and radical islam could be forced without any interference from outside sources.

Being muslim is a slippery slope where if you want to go balls deep into it you can't just do it on your own without bothering anyone you have to bend everyone else to fit your lifestyle as well too.

It's literally in the Coran. He killed war prisoners himself, had slave and raped a 9 year old girl.
>But what i the girl consent?
Do you see where this is going?

Muhammad is a pedo and you’re a chai boy faggot

>this pic
Almost every religion is more valid than gaytheism. If you think as the validity of a religion as not being all or nothing but rather as being on a gradient, then you can see how that would work.

muslims too stupid to know how well WE know their own books should be more careful when practicing sacred lying...

There is no creator. You cannot cope with the fact that everything in the universe is an accident. You think you are special. Guess what? You are not.

didn't the jew do that?

Actually I think that is precisely what OP is hinting at.
The association with Christians and violence or lack thereof is in spite of fundamentals which are disregarded in the name of civics.
Sam Harris' thinking is that Muslims are intrinsically worse in action even though their fundamentals are not as significantly different so blaming Islam itself is probably not adequate.
A lack of reformation perhaps but not Islam itself, for the same reason I would not attribute Christianity as a whole for neither the positive or negative actions of Christian people as a whole.

>Cucktians and kikes get together to false flag Americans into gaining more support in attack Muslim countries.
>Blame Muslims.

>Aisha was 6.
Wrong. Kill yourself bong.

More lies.

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Jesus peace be upon him is a Messenger just like Mohammed peace be upon him is a messenger.

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; Who has not given birth, and has not been born, `And there is none His equal.'

No one is saying the bible is the direct word of God. Muslims say that the quran is word directly from God through jibril. If there is something despicable in the quran it means allah is a despicable creep. He is for sure. Muhammed a fag

I used to be liberal when I lived in the sticks, becaue that was part of being a 'good person'- not being islamaphobic or racist or shit.

But then I moved to the city. I saw muslims and pakis everywhere. I've had paki neighbours, worked with muslims, used to shop in paki shops etc.

If I'm honest, I had to put the liberal bullshit to the side, because they are all double cunts.

double cunts


And thats the truth. They are dirty, dishonest, and selfish people. Not very nice at all.

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About 90% of my people are religious. This is why we are such a shithole in the first place.

Both are garbage.

Classic religious counter argument

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the bible is a collection of stories in which bad things are done, you can make of that what you will and couldn't follow it to a t even if you wanted to, considering the text contradicts itself by telling the same stories in different ways multiple times
the quran is a guide to do bad things, it's the word of god and you have to follow it 100% (there are no contradictions because of abrogation)

Fuck off, Abdullah. Look at Muslim countries. Every single one is a shit hole.

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a key difference however is that christianity is inherently less firm, less rigid, and more forgiving.
It has long since transformed from its barbaric state of the dark ages.
Islam on the other hand has only fallen from the brief golden age it had where it was set to rise above its barbarism, and has since then remained firmly stuck in the medieval era.

no, not a messenger. the message itself. this is fundamental to christian ethics. earthly perfection is deck chairs on the titanic, all pride. muslim cultures have this in spades.

You deserved 9/11

>Europeans invade and destabilize Muslim countries for centuries because of their own xenophobia.
>Fuck off, Abdullah. Look at Muslim countries. Every single one is a shit hole.

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wow a reply on Yas Forums pol with exact words that I understand and will reply to, could this too be an accident?

the device you're now using to connect to the internet came simply by accident, it wasn't made and resembled in a factory, it just kinda appeared from nothing

>barbaric state of the dark ages.
absolute fucking meme, no such thing as the "dark ages". technological and cultural advancement continued unabated after the fall of rome. there was 200 years of highly local confusion until charlemagne came about, tops.

It is correct. No other age is mentioned. If you have any scripture showing me to be incorrect, I'd like to see it.

inb4 " islamic scholars" make her out to be an OAP.

>Kill yourself
I will not be able to honour this, as I don't do requests for faggots.

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>Muh sin
No one is judged for a sing someone else committed

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Ill admit muslims have good ideas when it comes to social issues and family planning. Its just too bad theyre muslims.

Right so God is not the saviour of all humanity the world then, and you deny simple scripture as 1 tim 4:10.

Let me ask you, did you choose to be born into sin?
No nobody did. We are all under sin because of adam. But God sent his only son, whom he was well pleased with to die a a naked humiliating death, tortured for 6 hours on the cross to tske away the sins of world. But yet you believe Jesus didnt accomplish this. You believe adam is greater than christ.

This mindset comes from the belief of free will, which instills self righteousness in your heart that somehow, YOU, were able to believe while others were not, and therefore you deserve an award. This is self righteousness.

"For as in adam, all died, yet in christ ALL will be made alive".
But you dont believe this. Simply denying scripture. Come to the light dude, and believe that God is the saviour of all humanity wether you believe or not.
Just like you dont have a choise in being born onto sin, you dont have a choise when it comes to salvation.

>It is correct.
>No other age is mentioned.
Ages recorded hadiths are not accurate.
>If you have any scripture showing me to be incorrect, I'd like to see it.

Quran 4:6:
>Test orphans until they reach marriageable age; then, if you find they have sound judgement, hand over their property to them. Do not consume it hastily before they come of age: if the guardian is well off he should abstain from the orphan’s property, and if he is poor he should use only what is fair. When you give them their property, call witnesses in; but God takes full account of everything you do.

According to the Qur'an:
Marriageable age = when one attains sound judgement or intellectual maturity.
Intellectual maturity = late teens to early 20s.
The prophet married Aisha when she was in her late teens as further proven here:

Keep coping filthy Anglo.

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>being this stupid
I have gotten the exact reply on jewbook few months back from an Islamic shill who was advertising to chat with them to know about Islam.

They're both shit

right, only for your own sins, which you love as dearly as yourself and have committed daily since your birth. sin is the natural order of the world, an inescapable reality. it isn't some foreign state or some punishment imposed upon you, it's literally the birthright of your earthly body imposed by the god of the world. die in it and you claim the fruits of it.


yeah cuz Christians constantly declare holy wars and are super violent.

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Christianity is the only true Religion. Even in Christianity there is heresy for example Evangelicals, Calvinists, A good amount of Baptists and most other Protestants. Christianity is the only way to go to heaven and believe in the 1 true God.

Pagan Heresy, Islam, and other Heresies cannot get you into heaven and are not true. The most purest forms of Christianity are Traditional Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, however Catholicism is more purer but both are still really pure and true.

Now as for Islam, Islam is a corrupted form of Christianity, it denies that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that he died like that at all. It denies that Jesus had the Holy Sprit and denies the holy spirit even exists. Allah is not the same God as The Eternal Father (or in Old Testament terms) "Yahweh" and infact Allah is a mix of the God from the Torah, the Calvinist God, and Ahura Mazda the Zoroastrian God.

Islam gets many scriptures wrong like the Jews and they may get a lot of other stuff wrong like how their Religious authority goes (Shariah law). Not because its authoritarian but because it is unholy (authoritarian law under Christianity and God is good but Shariah is a corrupted form of that). However, Islam is not as Paganistic or Satanistic as Judaism is. For Judaism is a Canaanite Religion with Satanic and Babylonian Talmudic Elements too.

Point being, Islam is a corrupted Religion and one that if it takes over Europe, civil war will breakout, terroristic wars break out (by muslims "Jihad"), ETC. Christianity is the one true Religion and is the one you should believe in. If your an Atheist, Pagan, or Satanist, you need to repent and find out the truth.

Don't judge them by what they say/read, judge them by what they do. Muslim countries are shit.

Could any of this be attributed to the destruction of stability in the Muslim world through no fault of its own?
The sacking of Baghdad, the partition of the Ottomans, the CIA backing Islamist militias, the US propping up Saudi Arabia, and just the general tendency of the US to back the Islamist world against would be reformists.

no. both are dumb ancient desert kike superstitions.