Orthodox rats skipping quarantine
109 countries
What, did they find a nickel in the town square?
I like Jews now. There's some fortitude right there.
There was a foreskin
Jews being antisemite to other jews is always hilarious
Oy vey it's anudda watacaust!!!
couple years from now, these Jews will sue the US Taxpayer for violation of....the entire 1st Amend (religion, assembly, speech, press) and they will win.
That will become a lot easier when it becomes accepted that Kung Flu was just a naked power grab by all those bad Goyim in US Govt, and how lucky we are to these brave Civil Rights minded Jews willing to battle for us.
This is public torture, far worse than anything done in public to Jews by the Nazis, and will be paid for accordingly.
I remember that day. 6 million got hit by that liquid zyklon b
Kikes getting btfo by the moshemasher
that wasn't filmed in america
thanks for the sweet vid, saved.
PS-interesting that all Jewish Holohoax claims/slanders end up centering around water.
Holohoax showers, Roman "rivers of blood"(aqueducts), and Moloch (pottery kiln used by neighboring tribes to make vessels able to hold water without dissolving mud into each serving)
Is Israhell
This is in Israel I'm betting
you can say about them what you want, but that is not a slave mentality.
a penny
Are these guys the niggers of Israel or something? They're surely acting like it.
faceplant, kek
Is this New York?
First shower in a while for some of those folks, I bet.
Wow, that sounds like a lame crowder joke but antisemitic.
hey, the Holohoax didn't happen in USA, but look where the Jews file all the lawsuits! :)
did the country where the Jews were hosed down EVER do any business with USA? Then USA must pay.
Note in case of mythical "gold train", Jews are charging Americans BECAUSE their grandfathers joined US Army to save Jews.
lmao at that first jew getting a faceful of asphalt
Das racist
let's try this again
hey, OP video wasn't filmed in america, that's literally jews doing it to jews in israel
man they really like to dance I guess its not just a meme
it’s okay we are blockading them in their neighborhoods, the more dead there the better.
also video is old.
Firefighters are paid by the United States, technically true. Rats are so unscrupulous that they are capable.
At least they are cleaner now.
this is my dream job imagine how comfy it must of felt to hit them with that strong ass water.
When is Israel gonna be the 110th?
You don't love each other, they suck
Will Jews be exiled from Israel?
how dumb do you have to be to believe guys who refuse to even work jobs are somehow responsible for globohomo degenerate capitalism
They needed a bath
They're like fucking pigeons
Bro, may someone open fire on them lmaoo
They will merely reproduce more and outnumber you. You cannot defeat the Charedi BVLL.
I thought that his hatred was only with the Gentiles LMAO
Oy vey, a free shower?!
Based Orthodox turbo kikes, fuck the police.