25000 Americans dead now because of muh stonks. At what point will this absolute coward offer an apology to the families of the dead? 50 000? 100 000? Will he ever apologise for refusing to shut the country down to reduce spread? Will he ever take responsibility for any of his mistakes? Or is his pathological narcissism too great?
25000 Americans dead now because of muh stonks...
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100% of the blame belongs to China.
I think Im still voting for him though. I cant support Biden sorry man
>admitting fault for anything
lol you haven't been paying attention the last four years
Im ridin with Biden because he actually grabs women by the pussy.
>Low-quality bate is low quality.
Adam Impeachment Schiff is actually more responsible for the situation than Trump.
>Trump apologizes for Chink flu deaths
>now every president from now on has to apologize for flu deaths as well
No he grabs little girls not women
So it was chinas fault that drumpf didn't lockdown the population, test heavily and track and trace like Austria did? What you have said makes zero sense at all and seems to be avoiding responsibility. Are you a redhat MIGAtard by any chance?
.000006% of our population died over a couple of months? Wow I'm scared. Sick slide thread kike you know what I'm going to do in all fields and see if the jannies will clean your mess up
Yeah, totally agree.
My neighbour's toilet flooded and got water and shit, literal shit, in my apartment.
My totally-not-gay trap husband walked through the shit and tracked it all over our apartment.
Ruined our rugs.
Anyways, I blame the neighbour. It's not my husband's fault he's an imbecile.
>didn't shut down the country fast enough
>turning the US into a police state open it up now
>not enough medical equipment
>forcing companies to make medical equipment
>be city that houses a ton of illegal immigrants to sway your elections
>all of them are basically slaves but keep them for dem votes
>all of them won't go to the hospital when sick because scared of police and ICE
>continue walking around with sickness spreading it everywhere
HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED?! The hardest hit places are the ones housing these 'dreamers' in slums
It’s entirely China’s fault that they weren’t transparent and gaslighted an entire planet
Closing the borders is racist user, why would you stop the vibrant diversity from coming in?
I work in healthcare and still don’t know a single person personally with a confirmed case. Nobody I know does either.
>25,000 Americans dead
Source your bullshit.
commit suicide
No they are dying because people like you vote for multi-culturalism go back to reddt or fuck off a die nigger lover
my woman's parents neighbor has it.
Eat shit fag
>a national shutdown matters when everything is already shut down at the state level anyways
>the at risk can't just self-isolate themselves with or without a national shutdown
>the people dying of this are anything more than a burden on society anyways
Shut up faggot. When this is all said and done, the proponents of this shutdown will be swinging from the street lights
No. They died because they are weak. 80% of people will get the virus before a vaccine is available. There is no treatment. Your immune system is the only thing protecting you.
The best part of that is how its all 20s
25000? That’s nothing we need all burgers to die
Hoping he wins again in November
Your not gay husband tried to have the floor closed but the faggot apartment managers and neighbours called him racist because your other neighbour is a disgusting chink.
No one let him do anything until the shot was everywhere.
Only when the dead reach 6 gorillion, then it's anudda Shoah.
But cnn told me that he doesn’t have that power, that each state must decide for itself when to reopen. He’s not a dictator according to cnn, but he is according to msnbc. Get your story straight first — does trump have the power to close the entire country down, or doesn’t he?
Stop misusing Springfeel.
Post the correct one.
>subhuman wastoids are dying to the common cold
Correct - Donnie said he's not going to take any responsibility before it happened. Don't blame him.
Are you retarded? Those deaths are not Trumps fault.
Up yours Chinksect
What if COVID-19 is really just the flu though? On par in numbers. Everyone with something to gain from the debacle has gained and appear to be pushing it as an E.L.E.. Everyone with something to lose over it did, most notably the administration and American people.