Invasion of the USA

We could rip the united states apart and split it up equally between Russia, China and the Leading EU Powers (Germany and France). American military is weak and sick from the Virus. Some states want independence. The perfect timeline for an invasion. Imagine if the EU would be united. We could take the US from the East, while China and Russia would take it from the West. It's a German master plan for a glorious new world order.

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We Germans would make Texas our new colony and Americans would greet us with hot salutes.

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Please oh please oh please. I'm so tired of waiting to shoot you Sausageniggers in the street.

>Lets start a nuclear war and talk about how we'll divide up the radioactive wasteland left over.

Nah mate, remember what you've done after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Nah, we're good

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germans fled your shithole for tx in the 1800s you ain't welcome

>rip the united states apart

And why? Because we ran out of reasons not to.

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Do you really think you can invade the most armed country in the world?

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Of all places, I never really expected to see chidaruma here.Small world I guess.

Up yours Chinksect, this be your shithole country soon

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>another German master plan
RIP Europe. Again.

I think we should rather use them as an example of the fatality and the misfortune that liberalism brings.
Don't get me wrong I hate their guts but I think rather than satisfying our lust for revenge we should watch them miscegenate and show our children how the calamity of the USA should never be our fate.

>he says this as Berlin and Frankfurt have a german minority

So heres the thing. I hate my government. I hate the jews that run it. I hate the shit skins that the kikes imported. I hate that only 46% of us are paying taxes. There I lot of thing I want dead or destoyed in this nation.


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Even if the USA was vulnerable, germany and france wouldnt do shit. Both of your armies do fuck all and your tanks are to expensive to arm.

Not to mention that in the middle east all EU nations aside from UK relied on US logistics and air support to fight.

When the european union falls, and it WILL fall, youll beg the US to save you and your banks (like after world war one and two!)... or china, depends on how desperate you Krauts get.

You fucking Germans are hilarious. Well never have any peace until the last of you is driven down into the mud still dreaming of world conquest.

You wouldn't even get across the ocean you stupid fucking kraut because youve got no navy and the brits wouldnlt let you anyway.

I want to have sex with you my transsexual friend

Also Germany is not a power

This time we'll invade Germany from their undefended flank ho ho...we wont stop till we reach the canal. Poland got your back ameribros.

Rich coming froma country where even saying muh holocaust was fake gets u jailtime

Texas has like one German enclave, in comparison to the swaths of ethnic Germans in Pennsylvania and the Midwest.

>Germany is not a power.
Correct. They're a paper tiger. Theres only two real "powers" in the world today. US and China. Then is a second tier, UK, Russia, France. Germany is nowhere near this.

You can't invade a nuclear power. If you could, Russia wouldn't exist.

Bring it on kraut, we love fighting Muslim countries

Nobody here has any fucking clue, you're all ignorant kids, the whole damned board.

>scalar weapons

Try Us. You won't even have ground to stand on.

Finland will get atleast 6-7 states but Florida cant be one of them, these are my demands

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hey, isn't that das nigga from dorohedoro? cool shit

Southcentral is pretty German. Fredicksberg, Schulenberg, shiners and so on. Google painted churches of texas and you will find the main ethnic german pop of Texas

>you cant invade a nuclear power.
Correct. Which is why Kim still rules in best Korea whilst Saddam is dust and ashes. It saddens me though because we can't get rid of the pakis or the poo in the loos until they forget to service them or something.

Did you just post cringe?

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fuck china in all this they cant have shit... i would move to german occupied lands tho or more likely join one of the free zones filled with american resistence.

The tranny jannies need to knock this shit off already. How many times has this been spammed now?

fucking nigger jannies for letting this obvious kike astroturf shit up

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All your shitty armies would get BODIED by our strapped citizens

UK is a little bitch, Iran took one of their ships and they slapped their wrists.


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They would be liquefied, atomized and converted to a quickly dissipating probability cloud before they even woke up that morning. U.S. citizens wouldn't have to get out of bed at all.

Chidaruma is /ourguy/.

Stop being delusional. Civilizans with weapons can defend themselves against a few niggers, nothing else. What the fuck a bunch of unorganized boomers with their meme rifles can do against aerial bombing, heavy artillery and tanks?

>this thread

Protip: jannies make these threads

>south burgers

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Based. When do we start shitting in mutts wombs?

Hes just a shitposting satan.Goes around flying and dropping shit on peoples heads and sleeps all day.

yes, you irrational whore, 'murica is only considered a military superpower because their boomers hide shotguns under the bed.

dreams of über alles 0-2

You will find a rifle behind every blade of grass.

They wont find shit. The crustal plates underneath their feet will turn to dust and the air they breathe will become plasma.

Don't forget the part where he gives a bunch of autists superpowers for shits and giggles because he was bored.

even if the whole usa military suddenly disappear you cant conquer us just cos us citizens have so much firearms and firearms training

I agree that America should be destroyed and re-colonised by Europe but it should only be for Europeans exclusively, chinks and mingoloids should have none of it.

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You can barely deal with the few american troops cucking germans in their homeland since the end of WW2

Sure thing bud, come on over. We’ll gladly wipe out anything you throw at us - were fucking Americans retard and you’ll get fucked up here. Go ahead. What are you going to send the fucking UN? The Chinese would fuck it all up anyways and subvert any plans you had. Lmfao what a stupid fucking thread.

I already conquered America. I just speak and I get free US pussy

lol Germaniggers clearly weren't involved in Vietnam war.

You think Vietnam was bad? Imagine how bad it'll be when every American comes at your troops with a rifle.

I, for one, would welcome the attempt. To the victors go the spoils - don't worry, we'll only rape your attractive sisters and daughters.

You're not German, achmed.
Go the fuck home, nigger.

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This is the funny thing. They say they could take America on on their own soil but they cant even get the American soldiers out of Germany.

so this is what peak german autism looks like, neat

And do you keep the infection from spreading? Cultural cancer is their largest export.

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why that demon boy is so hot. I want to fuck it

that's a european family we're too primitive to have windows that sophisticated

We wouldn't even have to rape them, the women would SWOON at our victorious feet.

fuck you hitler , england will invade and keep the whole lot just like the good old days , cant wait until the butthurt yanks have to live in a monarchy again, hahahahaaa

>American military is
Third world and full of undisciplined wetbacks, niggers, homos, and mudshark, single mom trash pushing strollers full of fatherless mystery meat kids to the PX. It wasn't always this way but now it's a joke.

Imagine actually wanting this instead of the timeline we're on where we cleanse our country before willingly balkanizing and setting it up as purely European colonies