I'm voting for him.
Are you?
I'm voting for him.
Are you?
>voting for any candidate
I seriously hope you don't do this.
I'm not
Fuck off back to Weibo, Chang.
Im not.
And I could if I wanted because murrica doesnt even have voter IDs.
not sure, I forgot who he is
If we don't get friendly aliens or the Second Coming of Christ, it's gonna be 'No confidence' all down my ballot.
You should vote for him from the rooftops.
If you're white and voting for Joe Biden, you're voting to be a slave and a serf to a system that hates you and your culture. Kill yourself.
Gropin' with Biden.
Have YOU not seen his endorsements?!
She isn't
If you actually think an election is still happening this year, your delusional. Everyone ready for Emperor Trump?
only oldfags will get pic related
Voting for who? Who is that? Is that Corn Pop? Why isn't he wearing his baby cap?
No. Fuck this corrupt piece of shit.
Up yours Libtarded, Biden ridin Biden
How low effort can you get, is this the best you people can hire?
Isn't Biden a confirmed serial rapist? So we really want a homicidal necropedorapist in the white house?
Will he legalize hair-sniffing?
Anyway he is senile. He will resign after two months in office. This is all a scam to get a woman president.
What are we doing now? Where am I?
satanic democrats or israeli soviet trump, tough choice
No, his eyes bleed randomly. I'd prefer a President whose eyes don't bleed at random.
Biden has already won
once Bernie bros get in line ( they will ) then its over for drumpf
bruh its so obvious. I was actually wavering on support for Trump. Now seeing all these shill threads. Im feelin like picking up my memewar uniform from 16'
It’s either him or the Cheeto in Chief.
Not exactly a hard choice if you’re a decent person.
>I'm voting for him.
Joe, Joe. Of course you're voting for yourself.
Name one thing wrngpost(int,out)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at main.java.OutOfMemoryErrorExample.main(OutOfMemoryErrorExample.java:8)
Listen here Jack, I'm going to punch you in the face
>Trust nobody not even yourself