Modern vidya cringe

Was gaming ever based?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>take revenge on a homophobic cult
>homophobia is a cult

>gaming journalism

Mass Effect 1 and 2 were the most I ever enjoyed video games

>leftists pretending their point of view is the default and anyone else is some radical evil wrongthink weirdo
>but also they’re the bold anti-establishment underdog resistance fighting the status quo

ME2 was my favorite. Loved being a renegade and dicking Tali.

They say that like it's a bad thing.

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You dumb motherfuckers.
Shes not a lesbian to push an agenda (ok or she's not JUST for that reason). The other part is that men don't play games with male love interests. You HAVE to make them lesbians if you have a female protagonist.

You could just play a different game...

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>homophonic cult
Unrealistic, almost all cults have tons of faggotry in them.

Also yes, video games pre-2011 or so were based af. Zoomers grew up with garbage entertainment. Games used to be about fun and skill, now it's all just one giant vending machine for you to endlessly throw money at your corporate slaveowners. Do kids even remember games before micro-transactions at this point? Probably not.

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Why have a love interest at all?

Yeah in the 90s/early 00's. Games had ultraviolence, sexy women, satanic and nazi imagery, etc. Various parents' groups would complain and Congress would hold hearings, but developers ignored them and continued churning out classics. There wasn't a lot of political messaging in games, and what little there was usually amounted to "fuck commies / megacorps".

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They could just not make ZOG games

Just make your own video game industry, goy!

>video games pre-2011
There are some exceptions though

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Takes me back to the good ol' days after 9/11...


True it was a genius move on the part of the devs

>society demands female characters
>but target audience is still male gamers
>forcing them to play as a girl and date a guy would be gay
>even more diversity points from society
>also appeals to the coomers who think it’s hot, who otherwise wouldn’t have enjoyed playing a female character
>but society can’t complain about you pandering with hot young lesbians to the coomers, because it’s diversity

They went overboard when they made it about fighting homophobes though. Kinda like how every black movie is about oppression, why can’t we see niggas going on space adventures or something? Cringe

Autism maxed out with an added bonus of GRIDS.

Play Nintendo games or something. Like, 2000s Wii games.

Because that will entertain, they want to keep blacks one second away from a mass chimpout! It's all part of the plan! Every film about black people now must be about muh racism, muh oppression, muh kangz.


I will only play games from 90s and early 2000s with exception of paradox games. So many mods now for so many classics, who wants a fucking liberal queer fest experience!?!

Remember in like 1999-2000 when everyone thought the future was going to be bright and full of hope and opportunity?

Ha... haha...

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yes, but just like everything, of faggots become a part of it they ruin it, that is why God said to put them to death

Damnit, user, I came here to laugh and shitpost, not to feel.

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Oh, I forgot how based paradox games are

1999 was 50 years ago, user.

Promotes Homosexuality and uses BIBLE.

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Just stop playing american games.

if it is a cult it then is not a phobia, fool

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The writer and director of the last of us 2 is a dual Israeli jew. Every single time.