This week, Israeli Jews celebrate the second holiday of Passover

This week, Israeli Jews celebrate the second holiday of Passover.

>Say something nice about the State of Israel
>Ask anything about Israel's politics
>Share your opinion regarding the Israeli military (aka IDF)

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What kind of funny stuff do you guys do with your wieners again?

Must be nice to have an ethnic nationalist state with universal service where they can wall out the ethnic other and defend that state with nukes.

>This week, Israeli Jews celebrate the second holiday of Passover.
>>Say something nice about the State of Israel
>>Ask anything about Israel's politics
>>Share your opinion regarding the Israeli military (aka IDF)

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fuck jews
fuck israel
turn on the gas

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>What kind of funny stuff do you guys do with your wieners again?

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Who are you data mining for?

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>Say something nice about the State of Israel
The way they shoot immigrants before they get to the border is kinda based, for them
>Share your opinion regarding the Israeli military (aka IDF)
The way they shoot immigrants before they get to the border is kinda based, for them

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read that torah good little kikes


this quote can't be real is it

woah a nadsi


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>ethnic nationalist state
Yeah, a place that's filled with Jews from all over Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle-East an the Americas - all being different races and ethnicities -- while being more racially diverse (on a per capita level) than America.

No thanks.

I like latkes

>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources:

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

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>ethnic nationalist state
they're very diverse actually

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That's not nice.

>What kind of funny stuff do you guys do with your wieners again?
Practically, the same thing most white Christian males in the USA do.

>Must be nice to have an ethnic nationalist state with universal service where they can wall out the ethnic other and defend that state with nukes.
Yeah. it is quite nice. Although Israel does has a minority of Arab-Israelis (20%, Muslims with tiny bits of Chiristians and Druze) with Israeli citizenship who even have seats in the parliament.

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happy holiday friend :)

43 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron: This is the Passover statute.
No foreigner may eat of it.

Bretty Based Desu Senpai

Do jews just euthanize girls with small tits to enhance the gene pool or something?

Israel does a good job at keeping niggers out.

> Say something nice about the State of Israel

It probably won't exist in 50 years, and that's a good thing.

It still amazes me how ethnic nationalists from America and Europe keep kvetching about Israel, and how they're jealous of what they have. Besides being more racially diverse than America (and Europe,obviously), Israel has a lower percentage of Jews in Israel than America has a percentage of Christians.

All religion is retarded

Being jewish is its own race

It's not at all. You're smarter than this, come on Esti.

what is the purpose of blood libel?

>Do jews just euthanize girls with small tits to enhance the gene pool or something?
Germans did it for us probably

it very much is and these "people" actively plot your destruction. don't worry just vote democrat and love your (((neighbor)))

>I like latkes
My favorite holiday food tbqh, althought it's not kosher for Passover.


>The way they shoot Palestinian terrorists before they get to the border is kinda based, for them
Fixed that for you.

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The Torah is the Old Testament. As I understand it, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all share the Old Testament. It is the Pharises oral tradition that was codified as the Talmud (hundreds of years after Jesus' death.) that is the crux of the issue.

The Kaballah is very important as well but that is another conversation.

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imagine studying the talmud and not realizing its a manual for demon worship
truly the stupidest people on earth

>Say something nice about the State of Israel
They may be evil but I have to admit they're pretty damn good at what they do. Survival of the fittest isn't about who has the straightest nose.
>Ask anything about Israel's politics
Does the Israeli government seem to be more interested in staying allied with the US or China going forward?
>Share your opinion regarding the Israeli military (aka IDF)
They're dicks for pretending they own land they don't and appear to have no concept of honor, all too often slaughtering women and children and sloppily covering it up. However, almost all conquerors throughout history did all the same shit. It's only so fucked because they're such lying hypocrites trying to enforce double standards on the rest of the world. If other nations start doing the same Israel will be wiped out in a weekend. I think you guys have been overplaying your hand lately and it's going to bite you in the ass sooner rather than later.

>no latkes

Gonna pass over this holiday, thanks. You should make a holiday that's literally just for eating as many latkes as you can, I'd consider converting.

So we shouldn't look out for our own race's interest?

I think they know user.

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How does being a Jew gets transmitted exactly?
I suppose it goes from the mother to the child.
What happens if someone happens to have Jewish blood but wasn't raised in the religion?
If my grandmother was Jewish, but did hide it to her daughter who then did the same for her daughter, would the child still technically be Jewish/able to carry a Jewish child?

they are the descendants of the satan worshippers who killed christ,and actually came up with their religion hundreds of years after christ died, but christianity sprung from their religion
the reality is theirs diverged from the religion of the old testament/torah long after christ, like earlier mormonism or islam

Fake quote.

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KYS yourself dumb retard jew

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but SAY* christianity sprung from their religion


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>happy holiday friend :)
You too, buddy.

>43 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron: This is the Passover statute.
>No foreigner may eat of it.
>Bretty Based Desu Senpai
Nice. What's that though?

>Israel does a good job at keeping africans out.
Yeah, we do jail/deport most of the illegal refugees from Eritrea and Sudan who came here. Also, finished and improved the wall on that side of our border just to make sure.
Either way, Israelis do have an Ethiopian-Jewish minority who make up like 2% of our population and the IDF assisted them to break out of Africa.

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I just don't get why, they go to Europe and America and ruin it explicitly.
It says in their texts in no uncertain terms to spurn the Babylonians, to not allow intermarrying, to not allow mongrelization, to not allow foreigners to take Passover.
I don't understand it, if untouched they would be living in paradises aligned with their own morals, and even texts since there's so much Christian influence.

How do you change your IP so quickly?

Why do AskeNazis think they are Jews when theyre not of Shem or Abraham? lol...

>Does the Israeli government seem to be more interested in staying allied with the US or China going forward?
What do you think?

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based medieval SHREDDER

do you like harari?
is he popular?

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The literal first line of Exodus's Law of Passover section. in the NABRE translation.
Didn't you recognize your own commandment?

Only problem is many Africans now see the role jews played in the slave trade. This is accelerating.

JIDF computer room is connected to multiple ISPs to allow us to take two or more sides in a discussion, up to 5!
With memeflags we can steer any conversation in the direction we desire!

i like israel and i think they are wrongly accused of things like pushing globohomo by people who want to muddy the waters about who exactly is responsible for globohomo (spoilers: it's not israeli ethnic/religious nationalists)

>It probably won't exist in 50 years, and that's a good thing.
The State of Israel is already 72 years old, and we are doing just fine.

>All religion is retarded
Jews are an ethnoreligious group, meaning both an ethnicity and a religion.

>Being jewish is its own race
Nope, race is a fake term (white/yellow/brown/black). Either way, Jews make up 0.2% of the world, so we barely qualify as an ethnicity.

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We've noticed. But you can just use a vpn for that,

McDonald's serving human meat from child sacrifices,Rabbi from New York exposes himself

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Yes, exactly. There is also the "Jesus was a Jew" meme, though the term Jew did not come into being for hundreds of years. Jesus was a Judaen Judahite, one of the tribes of Israel. He was the enemy of the Cohens of Baal (the Pharises, Canaannites and Edomites). He threw them out of the temple and created a NWO that outlawed all the evil degenerate shit that they loved to do.

The Pharises became the rabbis and kept their traditions alive as the oral tradition until they were able to, in secret, codify their outlawed beliefs. This is the Talmud, which the Rabbis study and use to interpret the Torah.

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Rot in piss you subhuman shitstains of your father the Devil

I dont hate you i dont like you i have met great jews and jew jews my best friend is one but that doesnt make me like you all




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