8 years, ZERO mistakes

God, please let Joe Biden win.

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Hey, you should probably kill yourself. Sage.

electing a nigger to the presidency was the biggest mistake in 250 years.

>endorsing a senile husk of a former mediocre pedophile politician

imagine tainting your legacy like this. You know he held out for so long because he didn't want to be associated with the demented mess Joe has become. Someone must've paid him a lot of money.

His drones nuked a fucking hospital full of children.

Not shipping all the niggers back to Liberia is THE mistake. That and letting Jews in.

LMAO! That's Obama, dipshit.

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Armed the IRS. Big mistake.
Operation fast and furious. Another mistake.

Eh, probably not much of what went wrong was really his fault.

>ACA punishing the middle class
>fast and furious
>drone striking american citizens

The best president in American history. Unfortunately, trump ruined all the progress he made

Up yours Libtarded
>>Bengazi scandal
>>five terrorist for one treasonious deserer
>>pallet of cash in a airplane
>>fast and furious scandal
>>Swine flu response

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Ok boomer

>let Joe Biden win.
If Biden wins will he give us our Obama stocks back?

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Slide thread don't respond
>Nice trips though faggot

And were they Americans?

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>8 years, ZERO mistakes
Obamacare for one

He killed two US citizens, one was a minor. Not at the hospital but was a directed killing with no trial.

yeah except for the russia hoax that he started

>The best president in American history.
For the 2nd Amendment if for nothing at all

Obama gave us...
Binary triggers
AR15 pistol braces
Bump stocks
Made it easier to get a NFA trust to legally ownl NFA items like suppressors and machine guns

AND DIDNT BAN SHIT or cry about due process second to take your guns with red flag laws

Cash for Clunkers did more to keep people in poverty than most realized. Kept a lot of people from getting affordable transportation and fucked up the used car market.

cant make mistakes if you dindu nuffin

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Wonder how many kids they've fucked between them.

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A few months ago, I would have said Trump would win in a landslide, but now I think Joe is likely to win because this Coronavirus shit will last until at least August, leading up to the election. The economy is ruined and Trump supporters will feel it very soon.

>yeah except for the russia hoax that he started
That was gun grabber Mitt Romney who pushed Russia bad during his own debates with Obama.

The piss gate dossier was created on chan and given to Republicucks Rick Willson and John McCain

It was all that woman Hillary's doing.

you were the joke of the world when Obama was president. Most presidents were nice to him for two reasons: because he was black and they didn't want to be accused of racism and because he was so weak he allowed the leftists thrive.

Obama was the most wronged president of the US. All of that because he's black. Imagine if he was white and still did and acomplished all the things he did.

Kek, H1N1 is still a bigger killer

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Obama was the biggest corporate shill in presidential history

I have had enough of these shill posts
God please let this be a Psy Op
Don't tell me people are this retarded

Fuck obama. THe press sucked his sick constantly

You dont think Fast and Furious, the ENTIRE CIArab Spring or the death of our ambassador in Benghazi were mistakes?

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>murdered american citizns with drones
>no prosecution of wall street criminals
>continued wars for israel

kikeonald trump is doing the same. cope.

>H1N1 is still a bigger killer
not considering the Trump shutdown to the mix, 7 MILLION Americans didnt lose their jobs over H1N1 or need assistance feeding their children or paying bills

>sells guns to mexican cartels
>lose track of guns
>guns used to murder American citizens
sounds good

That's why they should both be condemned.

It's crazy how we got the best president and worst president back to back.

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that was pretty gay honestly

I hate hyperbolic people like you

Obama was shit, Trump is doing OK

>he held out for so long
What? The election is 7 whole fucking months away.