I don’t understand this

I don’t understand this

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read don quixote

>never read a book
Why doesn't that surprise me?

Tilting at windmills. If means you are fighting an imaginary opponent.

Why did you tell him? Jesus.

>White knight chasing racist windmills
This is as easy a metaphor as metaphors go

It means*

don't spics read Don Quixote in school?

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Typical Mexican.

Read Don Quixote you complete and utter pleb.

In the story of Don Quioxte, he fights windmills thinking they are the enemy. “Fighting windmills” came from this book, meaning fighting an imaginary enemy, a reoccurring theme in Don Quixote.

I had a Mexican friend who refused to read books because
>Then I would just be acting white.

>no honey without bees
We need to dig up all these wise sayings

spoon feeding.

Go back to r eddit.

>written in Spanish
>still doesn’t read it
Keep fighting the good fight against literacy, Mexico.

I really like this one as its more than just neoliberals bad. It shows that these pathetic center left types are just looking for monsters so they can play hero.

It's a literary reference to Don Quixote, a character who imagines that windmills are some kind of giant monster he must slay.

This might be the highest iq stonetoss yet

>doesn't know Don Quixote

you don't even need to get the don quixote reference to understand this. come on



Jesus fucking christ even in america we read don quixote in high school

its commentary how people who see nazis everywhere and then go about trying to fight them are deluded people who need help and shouldn't be taken seriously or given rights
dyed hair is a sign of mental illness, identity crisis
gender fluid nonsense is a sign of mental illness, again identity issues
its almost like these people are all insane and have internal problems that they project on the rest of society
so they scream like nazis that everyone is a nazi because gays can't fuck children in the streets without hassle.
they all deserve the bullet in short.

Fun fact, Miguel de Cervantes was captured and enslaved by sandniggers.

This is correct.

Thank you im a subhuman retard and now i understand the joke thanks!(im not joking).

I think this would be better actually if the windmill is shown as a swastika in the second panel, and then normal in the third.

That's pretty good, I wonder why Don Quixote isn't taught in school, possible that they don't want people to think about the mechinations of our society.

I wonder why... youtube.com/watch?v=eczKlK-j-Qg

>le left want to be le knights in le shining armor
>haha look at me, le happy stonetoss, a harmless normie con
>haha in le leftist quirky mind I am le Nazi LOOK SWASTIKA

God, he's such a fucking boomer faggit

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Acknowledging your subhuman retardedness and moving to Turkey in shame, could have saved us a lot of troubles.

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Also the derivation of the word 'Quixotic', meaning idealistic to an unfeasible degree.

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Says the r*ddit spacing faggot kraut.



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Holy shit. I never realized that.

Now that word makes more sense.

Wow this guy has some really good cartoons.

Why are you so mean. Fuck off


Sometimes. This one is boomer bait, boomer.

Attached: Janny ayuwokey, ayuwokey Janny.webm (622x350, 692.82K)

I'm not a boomer and it's not boomer bait, you just don't understand the comic. That's obvious from reading your posts.

So brave... so based...

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Funny because I remember reading that story in mexico. OP Jose is a braindead faggot


the humor comes from how 'nazis' these days are in higher demand than the actual supply, i.e. imaginary enemy

It means environmentalists are the real Nazis and Democrats are the real racists.

brainlet tier post

He's saying nazis are imaginary.
They aren't an actual enemy because they are fantasy.

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shut up, fat


You're a spamming faggot, what's to understand?

fuck, what a chad, i get hard just thinking about him fucking my gf