/neg/ New England General: "2nd American Civil War" Edition

Welcome to /neg/- New England General, New England Politics.

New England General is a General for the New English states and greater New England. Ranging from politics, sports, talks of freedom, etc. New England is home to many ideologies ranging from Libertarians, to some leftists to right-wing people. There is a slice of everyone here and all ideas are accepted for now. New England was the BIRTH of the United States, and New England shall preserve its traditions and rights for all men and women of the region until the end of time. Many Anons had dreams of a free New England and shall is the time to make the dreams come true. If you wish to partake in the thread, you are welcome to do so.

States that make New England:
>NE states (NH,MA,VT,CT,RI,ME)
>Upstate NY (Not the (((City))) )
>Martitimes/Acadia, (Canada)
>All states combined make up a nation called, New England!

>We got a flag, take a look here.



>New England Independence Campaign:
The "NEIC" is a proposed independence movement, but some say it can be filled with faggots and weirdos (We got screencaps why so don't flood the thread with spam.) Until New England secession is likely, NEIC will remain NOT as the official Yas Forums movement until further notice.

We welcome all sides, but glowniggers stay out.
All shills are known will be told to get out and removed.
D.C. shills remain out, and NYC faggots are shunned.



>Cumo wants NY to leave
>If NY leaves, NE leaves
>CT fags are on the watch due to joining NY
>Get the fuck in here, its happening

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Jew England sucks and is nothing but fags and jews. You homos all live in gated communities probably

>Same post, same NPC

NYC is the Jews, user.

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Whats so great about New England

Lots, just avoid Boston.

No, there are Jews all over the fucking Northeast.
Boston is a fucking hellhole of Irish, Italians, Spics, Jews, and Chinks. None of these people had anything to do with founding America.
You have massholes everywhere within 50 miles of the border in all surrounding states.
The police are worshipped in NE on a level that is beyond anything in the rest of the country. Even LIVE FREE OR DIE land has shithead cops on any road that isn't gravel.
Most of the original inhabitants have already fled. The rest are literal catholic mutts.


>NE leaves
>Jews flock to Israel or NYC
>Boston remains open now
>Fags die in the upcoming war

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actual 4 seasons, which is a feat considering America is spread out over roughly 6 different climates

Holy shit, NE secession is getting popular on Twitter

RI user here

Can't wait to move out of this libtard hellhole and up to NH

There is a big chance we can leave soon.
NY, NJ are going to be a nation.

Good, they can rot together at an even faster pace

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Where are you from? Please, allow me to tell you about where you’re from.

about the flag, the naval Jack with St Georges' cross on it looks best to me


I thought you fucked off for good since your threads about NE and the South failed so epicly. At least you're not trying to hijack threads like the flaming faggot you used to be. I give it less than a month before you start spamming some cyclical happening general with your civnat LARP.

This user gets it.

>He doesnt know the Virus is actually pushing states to secede

Learn to read, nigger.
Now its the time.

im not wrong am i though
also New England should cuts it losses (NY, NJ and MASS), tolerate Vermont if it must, but annex Quebec south of St-Laurent along with the Maritime Provinces.
Real potential there.

Yeah yeah interstate compact we're totally gonna do it this time guys honest. Nobody cares about your queer kike raceless pseudostate. No matter how many times you beg Yas Forums to care nobody has gotten on board your autistic project. Even the most enthusatic ones leave when they figure out you don't care about White people. Just fuck off to reddit or twitter, they love this shit.

6 states it the main states.

We will either annex upstate NY or the Maritimes.

Hello fellow RI bro. Im moving to my homestead in Maine asap, RI is a dump but great fishing

I think you're a Chinese spy.

Finally free from yanks? Thanks god this day will come in my lifetime

Anything to brush off your own mistakes. Enjoy the LARP fag.

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>Same images

We said the NEIC is a fag party, thanks for proving our point.

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>New England Independence Campaign:
>The "NEIC" is a proposed independence movement, but some say it can be filled with faggots and weirdos (We got screencaps why so don't flood the thread with spam.) Until New England secession is likely, NEIC will remain NOT as the official Yas Forums movement until further notice.

>Jew posts the same image
>Over and over again

Kvetching is hard

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you're making the same mistake as the union, "main" states should be just that, states, independent of eachother but stronger together.
Useless to make a distinction between a state and an autonomous province, especially if you're careful with Bill of Rights and national curriculum.
On said curriculum: im not saying Fed. government has any business dictating states' curriculum, but we should at least have a national standard.
Fun fact: NH was the first state to publicly fund a library in the americas.

Still, NY is going to leave without a vote.
Could happen at 5PM today

Separatism is actually a jewish plot

Yet you want Balakzation of other nations

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>Could happen at 5PM today
not holding my breath,gonna check in the catalog at 17h though
What reforms do you think would matter the most in terms of time and energy, if NE manages to fulfill it's aspiration to sovereignty?

>glue yourself to a homosexual sinking anchor, or you're part of a jewish plot

Better healthcare, vermonters will whine about energy, water, etc.
We just gotta wait and see, but if NY is gone, NE is gone automatically.
Canada will not Annex us.

god bless massachusetts (specifically western mass) and new england

>Better healthcare, vermonters will whine about energy, water, etc.
I don't like Vermont but it's a solid point. I don't believe there is such a thing as "free" healthcare, but the Right to Life should definitely encompass clean water, clean food and clean air. My take on it:
Clean Water: corporations shouldn't have the right to treat water as a commodity, and to use basins to sell water back to the people
Clean Food: this is touchy, but a)Monsanto has got to go and b)subsidize and support local producers as well as families for homesteading. It's not enough to teach Healthy habits in school, said habits should be cheap to pursue as well. Mcdonalds shouldn't cost less than a proper meal, and if it does, it must be undercut
Clean air: don't like big cities, not sure what to do about this one but infrastructure has to be maintained and updated