What's the best way to escape the housing Jew and go live in the woods...

What's the best way to escape the housing Jew and go live in the woods? I recently bought 15 acres in the woods but has no buildings on it. I want to do it cheap.

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Check zoning laws first then you can plan it.

Large yurt then build Earthship house from free materials in 5 years

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Shipping container home

>What's the best way to escape the housing Jew
by removing said jew from society

That's not a tiny house, that's just a cabin with 2-3 rooms.

You can weld them, cut them, punch holes in them

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good yurts are a couple grand, are they good for decades?

There’s a video of a 50 year old who went to Alaska and built a log cabin, all by himself..
So now you have no excuses.

There we are. Can also just buy a camper van and live on the land whilst your shipping container home gets built

My plan is to do the same once I move out this state but my plan was to live in a large Home Depot shed temporarily while building a more suitable home. The shipping container idea is good too but make sure they are clean .

Homes aren’t even good for decades. You have to do constant maintenance

Good luck finding a municipality that would agree to that (in this fucked up country at least)

Home Depot sheds are over priced. For the amount of money they charge you can buy enough material for a legitimate small home

>camper van

You need to make sure there's not much rust and they're completly sealed as well. The advantage of it being sealing is that no rats can get in.

You can also cover it in nice brickword so it looks more comfy to.

That's true
I suppose it isn't a tent it's a house and requires constant upkeep

Use a chinese shipping container.
It will be cheap and ironic, Wang


>failed to fuck with the Canacuck by proposing a container with chinese writing on it.
You need to go back

I actually had this idea. Some climates here aren't bad. And you can install a woodstove in a camper if you want. That will keep you warm year round. Shit and piss outside. Don't be a pussy

Grinder, replacement wood flooring, primer, and paint

>wood stove in a camper van
Carbon monoxide: what it is and how it kills you.

Can you do this in Cucknada? Like I don't know what the housing regulations are but I assume the gubbament doesn't want you to circumvent the bloated housing market

kek, funny doggo. wtf is a yurt?

user, log cabins are horrible in the wintertime. Shipping containers are cheap and you get as much as you want.

Wrong. Since they don’t count as permanent structures they suck for legalities. Ie you could live in a shipping container converted into a house for 5 years but still be forced to remove it because it was always ‘temporary’. Whereas a shed you built on site and that couldn’t be removed would count as a permanent dwelling so you’d have the right to keep it after a certain number of years.

I can where I bought my land. I need to get a permit to build something. Anything over 600 sq ft needs to be built to code. Under 600 no one cares. Also helps if the structure isn't permanent. Doesn't affect your taxes then

It has to have a foundation, a well and a functional septic system or city provided sewage system, even septic is being phased out now though and municipalities are installing water/sewer which you pay for on your taxes ($30-40k)

Oh, and all of that is subject to approval for permits before you can even break ground.

How is a woodstove in a house different than in a camper, retard?

build a castle you dumb nigger, fill it with telecom equipment, a service/make garage and art supplies
It's like ur dumb and shit

Attached: irl castle.png (1019x1028, 925.35K)

Only if you insulate those containers with imitation crab meat.


There's no need to your antisemitic bullshit here you disgusting racist

More space smoothbrain, better air circulation (and most people have co2 detectors) not too bright are you? Know what? go put a wood stove in a camper van, knock yourself out champ.

Eco housing. Cheap and takes all the utility from living in contact with nature.

Attached: simple-eco-friendly-building-materials-for-luxurious-home-design.jpg (1139x768, 192.29K)

What province? I can’t even put a mobile home on land in Manitoba unless it’s rez land.

Antisemitism now !!!!

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Walden by Theareux

You can even have a renewable fish pound to have your own fish once a week. Imagine some windmills and solar panels...comfy desu.

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I had a wood stove in my cabin, which was smaller than a lot of campers. In fact almost everyone does. You understand how a wood stove works right? The fire isn't vented into the dwelling. The smokes goes up a stack and you heat air which heats the space.

cool it with the anti anti semitism bro

not sure how cheap we're talking but there are prefab homes for most budgets. for low six figures you can even get one that looks like a real house and they pour a foundation for you and everything

New Brunswick

Why are you still crying to me? Go do you, why care what I say? run along now.

OP's pic - is that gravel or wood chips? Either way the maintenance would be extremely costly. Beware pretty pictures, living inna woods is hard fucking work, and you don't want to make more work for yourself just so you look good on social media.

Permaculture garden.

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Damn I wanna move out there when this corona shit is over, at least you guys let people have mobile homes.

fuck off you jew loving nigger. off to the oven with you

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If he could afford 15 acres 100% chance its in cold Canada. And not alittle cold, like you have to worry about shit freezing solid indoors cold.