ITT, niggers getting pissed when whites fuck their women

ITT, niggers getting pissed when whites fuck their women

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Other urls found in this thread:

ITT : things that never happen

Anyone with any affection for their ethnic group is pissed when their women are taken by another ethnic group

Hope you like aids

DA are fucking trolls. Love it. Only intelligent part in ZA. If the ANC rats would get out of the free t shirt and cheese and tomato sammie line to go get an education so they could read they just might understand the troll.

>As a black person, the first question that comes into mind is: "why was it not a white female and a black male?"

stay mad nigger

bmwf, amwf are things that NEVER happem


my gf is mulatto

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>non-white expressing cognitive dissonance regarding the prevalence of white male desirability

Checks out.

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So basically all of Yas Forums? You guys act exactly the same, not a single interracial thread can go up and simply be ignored, it has to always get dozens if not hundreds of angry and insecure replies

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Based Zoe she only fucks BWC even fictionally.

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>DA are fucking trolls
they aren't, retard.


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LMAO she even wants the incorrect lad

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>angry and insecure replies
Imagine being such a smug moron suffering from Dunning-Kruger that you assume everyone who disagrees with your fetish is somehow "angry and insecure".

Why don't you come back when you can discuss the issue like a grown-up?

She must like Neanderthals with rhesus monkey blood and k9 and horse hair that's dead and thin. She must like pink dick. She must like for her man to smell like the puppy he is when he get wet. She like rubbing SPF 2million on him before he go out in the sun come on guys don't judge her love for this dissolving sub-human come on now that's not right. She took him all the way from the causcus mountains and let him and his family destroy the world from top to bottom. This is love right here. She like dead Asians. That's what Caucasian means. She wants her man pale skinned with melanoma and a calcified pineal gland that believe he is superior because Europeans created Jesus and told him that he come from a pale skinned blonde recessive blue eye Caucasoid that look like a fag and like little girls and like to murder people throughout his bible. She like her man to look at her as if she's nothing and he's everything while her skin is beautiful her eyes are not recessive and she the original blood type and rh has monkey and dog blood type. This is love. She let him steal her land. Now him and his Caucasian people have stole all our land and think America is home to them. You can be a native to America Mr and Mrs White People and anybody else that ain't us. You can be born here which makes you natives but you're not from here you're not aboriginal copper colored Americans with kinky hair and penny colored skin that absorbs the sun. Let her love her dog ape man in peace. Praise pale skinned melanoma Caucasian imaginary Jesus aka Caesar Borje or whatever that fag name is.


He is correct though, and it is good. Race mixing is bad

ok we get it, you're american

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considering i don't have much white genes to preserve, i get to breed any woman i want.

>who would win
>a bestial race bred for brutal labor with monstrous cocks
>a 5'4" homo sapiens sapiens

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Dude any white man could score a 10/10 nigress with very little effort, that’s the best part about all the ((Hollywood)) shilling trash.

Honestly with the sociological damage that’s been done to white women on average you’d probably be much happier with a black woman. I don’t condone procreation but as far as being a white man and actually being cared for by your wife I can’t argue on average another race will actually be a better wife than any modern Anglo female.

Possibly spread your genes in some whiteoid bimbo, get custody of your child, marry a only child black female so you don’t have her nigger family in your business.

Probably have to give her a mulatto or two to keep her happy but it’d be worth it.

Imagine being cooked and cared for by your wife. Western white marriages are fucking trash.

They're as fucking bad as the ANC. Get a fucking clue

After me:

lol stay mad mutt

>Black women are the biggest Hippocrates

The two digits in action.

the fact he actually knows the word Hippocrates baffles me


Shut the fuck up kike. All race traitors deserve the rope.

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>Be this man

>Anyone with any affection for their ethnic group is pissed when their women are taken by another ethnic group
>Herro? Basederu Departament?

>sorry my cousin had taken my phone
Black cucks utterly BTFO

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why are you looking at SA news sites op

why the fuck do niggers call each other kings and gods, like how fucking fragile can you be to need that kind of asspats



I'm not really into black girls but that Khaddi Sagnia.. God damn.. I'd smash in a second

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The niggers fake whites of america is fucking is not getting pissed.

Confirmed that black women are now sex slaves for the Reich. We will breed them until there no longer remain any African genes. I think we can get it done in less that 100 years if we are systematic about it. We will colonize all races and bleach them. The true final solution.

The only blacks that are remotely attractive look white.

built for BWC

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