Why are women like that?
Why are women like that?
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Why are you not in the the top 30% is the question you should ask yourself
Am I suppose to pretend men aren't like that as well?
Because they want the best genes they can get since their progeny is assuredly theirs
because you are undesirable and instead of bettering yourself you whine on the internet about it. You're no different from the lardasses on tumblr
People actually believe this dumb shit. Lol no wonder they are inceks
Because we set them free with sexual liberation. In the past female hypergamy was kept in check with mongomey and slut shaming.
The graph is wrong. Men would fuck any slampig that lets them.
This is the reason humans run the planet and aren't still living in cages.
Stupid simps. If women can just fuck chads and become single moms without repercussions then fuck participating in this gay fag Jew matriachy. I am going to stop subsidizing this shit with my labour and all roasties will starve to death or chad will have to step up and take care of his dozen offspring with a dozen different mothers
They dont want your ugly ass as partner. Women have right to choose suitable male for breeding
We aren't? I know that I don't deserve a 9/10 top model so a bland 6/10 with a sweet personality would be totally enough for me. Women are different. Even a fat hamplanet still thinks she deserves Chad.
This, and because their reproductive capacity is limited.
For a guy, there's literally no incentive (biologically speaking) to not impregnate absolutely anything you come across.
>anyone who doesn't relegate themselves to a life of bitter inceldom is a simp!
>Why are women like that?
Because in a normal world where nature is in control that secures the improvement of the species.
One visit at a local bar destroys your chart instantly.
You may pretend to be realistic, but I assert you you are a small minority.
t.brainlet that doesn't realise that once he betters himself he doesn't need to worry about chasing women because they end up chasing you for having your life in order
>all men would happily share a woman with three other dudes
This is why
Women sure are a hypocritical bunch. For all their talk of empathy and compassion, they are just a bunch of cold hearted cunts.
Yeah its actually the opposite.
Women are far more realistic on who is their equal than men who all want 10/10 blondes like the supreme gentleman.
Because women are sexually attracted to big muscle brutes, just as men are sexually attracted to submissive big-tits-and-ass qts. The big muscle brutes happen to be a small segment of the male population.
>wahh wahh I might have to improve myself to be worthy of a partner
Holy shit. Can you losers please fuck off and die somewhere?
Seriously, dont you get tired of being so constantly hateful and bitter towards women?
Every single day, multiple times per day, incels feel this incessant need to post negative things towards women.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE, if you stopped being hateful and started treating women as, jeez I dont know, HUMANS, you might find a woman who gives you the time of day?
Pic related, my face when you losers rage over women for the umpteenth time in a row
They have biological pre-programming to reproduce with what they perceive is the strongest male to give her child the best chance of survival. Purely instinct.
whom men would happily fuck*
I never said there is nothing wrong wi self improvement what I am saying is that hypergamey is a serious problem. Women being massive whores and just fucking Chads and then becoming single moms is not a good thing. This is what you are defending your faggot ass strawmanning simp retard. You excuse women’s shitty whorish behaviour and just say that we must all self improve in competition to become chad. Competeting for women is beta simp. We need to enslave them. They are weak and inferior to us. Kill yourself simp
The end goal of Humanity is to create a society like that of Gayniggers from Outer Space, without any sexuality.
Earth for the men, women for hell.
My aunt was good looking in her youth, but now she is an obese 50 year old uggo living with her mother. She still thinks she deserves a man like Brad Pitt, and is single because of it.
i can't get any pussyyyy, reeeeeeeeee
i am nice and everything, i hold the door, but i can't get any pussyyyyyyy, i pay for the meallllls but i can't any pussyyyyy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
You might notice the women below your line are still reproducing.
Most people would be better off if they just kidnapped/groomed their wives instead.
I say 50, she's actually 45, but you get the point.
This got me realizing I'm top 30 percent but over the years am slipping to 40 or 50. Time to tighten the waistband, add some dollars and acquire a new skill. Hunting should do.
This is what peak MGTOW looks like. If you knew anything about self-improvement you would know it's not all done for the sake of getting a woman. Getting a woman is a byproduct of what you have created you absolute nigger-brain.
I have never once met a man with unrealistic expectations in this regard.
Though in a world where nature were in control rape would be quite prevalent and women would have rather less say in the matter overall.
Women always want to be like that, in the 20th century those guys on top decided to let them. At some point the incel uprising will murder the men with 100+ partner count and no wife.
Daily Reminder: Don't be an incel
How's that crotch gash healing? Not so good, huh?
This. 80% of women in our past have managed to breed compared to
Because pregnancy is a 9 month commitment. Women are thus generally picky about their mates and only want the best (in their eyes) they can get.
It's one of the few survival instincts they developed, and even then half of the time they screw it up.
so they have standards and dont wanna date ugly incels? wow.
iam the same. i would only date a young fertile 8/10 virgin. so i cant really blame them.
No 7/10 guy will date below 7/10
Thanks for the input, baby shaker.
Why settle down with a used up roastie whore who can’t pairbond with you?
with no college or high school or contraception or divorce or affirmative action or welfare
no body who is actually attractive and has genetics that attract women has ever had to self improve to get a woman
You self improve to improve your self image
The only thing that matters with women is your genetics, which... lol good luck self improving that
>0% celebacy
Sources: your ass
>Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE, if you stopped being hateful and started treating women as, jeez I dont know, HUMANS, you might find a woman who gives you the time of day?
Explain how psychopath murderers and criminals like Ted Bundy, James Holmes and Jeremy Meeks got thousands of letters from women then.
The more freedom women have, the more that percentage will shrink. Eventually, the exclusivity of mating rights will be such that the only limiting factor will be the harem owner's ability to get an erection.
Also, top 30% is based on what makes women's cunnies wet. It has little to do with traits that advance civilization.
Troomer amerimutt, when will you learn? The leaf has beaten you out here.
That is why leftists used to pretend to care about eugenics. The entire purpose of leftist policy is to unleash hypergamy.
Why would you want to settle with that???
To be fair to Women it has been a dormant instinct. For the past couple thousand years Men decided mate selection together as a tribal unit. Women just fucked who they were told and Men decided the relative value.
that picture killed my soul
sources: still your ass
Ever heard of r-selective strategy? Breeding doesn't imply a long term relationship.
I mean.. she's a hypocrite
I would fuck her six ways from sunday. I would dick her hard.
> t. a chubby chaser
Just be a billionarie actor president bro
>Woman projects image of smug superiority and contentment.
>Woman is trolling incels on Yas Forums
Lol. The top 10% of men get pussy. The bottom 10% of women post here. You think any woman with a family, or any woman who is sexually satisfied would be here? You must be quite a sad specimen.
I do feel bad for spergs, life is unfair
So you wanna tell me you will reproduce with a tumblr hamlette?
You can lie to me, go ahead, but you can't lie to yourself.
Because getting pregnant incapacitates them for a while and prevents other better candidates from fathering a child with them so they have an incentive to be more selective in contrast with men who have an incentive to be less selective.
Being able to monkey branch serves womens' thriving chances for themselves and their offspring provided they keep trying to monkey branch to a man with more resources and power.
That's not what I said at all. Learn to read. What I said was that many 7/10+ men will happily impregnate a 5/10 woman as long as they don't have to take financial responsibility for it.
If you were a woman, would you honestly want to have a ugly simp manlet school shooter boyfriend?
No I'd rather have a corgi, alcoholism and a pinterest
Honestly, I can't blame them. I really cant feel any attraction for women below 7/10, no matter how nice and intelligent they are, even though I'm something between 4-6. Most couples are so ugly that I seriously wonder how they can be together without feeling disgust, it's better to just be alone and stop lying to yourself desu.
So you would rape a hamlette to teach her a lesson, then.
You are aware that unless you do it in super-religious countries, she can just abort it.
Its good to see the positive reply's on POL here. Men are bettering themselves
incel detected
Thanks for saying I'm 7/10, friend.
I'll explain
in an uncontrolled environment without judges, poolice and other bullshit, all your "chads" will be killed the next night by the other males lmao
>One visit at a local bar
lemme just find my wife at this bar
Preen yourself and you can even become 9/10.
Men always underestimate preening. It's always women who do it, but evolution shows us that it's the male birds who put on a good show.