"Believe in the Herd immunity!"

Recovered coronavirus patients can have very low levels of antibodies in their system, researchers have found, in a discovery which could hamper the development of immunity tests.

A team from Fudan University in China analysed blood from 175 patients discharged from the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre and found that nearly a third had surprisingly few antibodies.

In 10 patients, antibodies could not be detected at all, which could also place them at greater risk of a secondary infection, the researchers warned.




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Word around the campfire is that recoveries in San Francisco can contract it again. Show your flag, faggot.

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Word is they do not want you to develop antibodies.

How about I raise you with an Anders Tegnell.
That'll be enough of an answer, nigger.

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t. this thread

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hoax virus fuck you fuck niggers fuck bill gates and fuck kikes

This bioweapon has already been spread global 60 years ago, nigger. Time to upgrade.

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>been spread global
You're English isn't great, Schlomo. Sage goes in all fields.

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Did you happen to see that video of a news reporter walking along soldiers within the ultra-orthodox communities of Israel? All trying to stop the corona spread by keeping all inside but get screeched at, yelling about nazis and being the chosen people.

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bitch please we knew about this more than a month ago from Chinese doctors that submitted medical research to american journals for peer review.
Coronavirus attacking immune system

2nd that

the virus lingers in the nose for sure, and earlier on people believed it could get into the nervous system, though that was only shown to happen with a few dead people they autopsied at the time.
Motherfucker we used to have medical research sources for all this shit, and now its been downgraded massively.

Just because politicians and corrupt people in general are fucking around with the numbers and statistics to benefit themselves doesn't mean the virus aint real, jackass.
It also doesn't change the fact that NYC is using mass graves because they CANNOT keep up with the death rate.

30% get no immunity at all

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fun fact, china looked into and isolated properties of SARS that could neutralize antibodies.
This article acts a bit shift and doesn't show the contents like others on the site, but the pdf version is available from that page in the upper right.

Everyone here with 1% sense or higher knows that NYC started faking crisis long before they had one in order to criticise Donald Trump and create an air of unsatisfactory response. The BBC was fart & parcel of this charade, interviewing a crisis actress (((nurse))) and lurking around outside a hospital claiming that scenes in NY were ‘biblical’ yet they couldn’t find anything to show, because there was nothing to see at that point. Still the virus is real.

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what really makes it amazing is how much of a turn around in tune this was for mainstream media lol

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Had to delete some links it thinks are spam




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what links?
break them up right and you can post them.

>no symptoms, nonspecific and unreliable PCR tests, undetectable antibodies in recently "recovered" patients, no deaths w/o independently fatal conditions, seasonal pneumonia and flu deaths plummet in correlation with covid19 reported deaths
How would a hoax look different?

>symptoms not present for up to two weeks
>shitty chink tests and incompetent CDC tests
>no antibodies in SOME patients who also had their immune systems wiped out
>multiple deaths with NO independent conditions
Well congratulations, after eliminating the bullshit you spouted we are left with the fact that the numbers reported are wrong.

>less antibodies is bad
It means their body considered the virus not a big risk. Probably they were young and already mostly defeated the virus with the innate immune system, then you don’t produce big amounts of antibodies. Just the kind that quickly can recognize the virus and alarm the innate immun system to crush it again, which will be even faster with next to no infection this time.

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>containment would prolong the duration of the virus
No shit sherlock
The entire fucking point of "muh flatten the curve" was to draw it out.
It was to reduce the chances of us ending up like fucking Italy.
As it is because some retards were not clamped down on NYC is building mass graves.

where’d you find the mass graves? I’ve been looking everywhere

Why is this virus so fucking weird and we hear contradictory information every day?

Why would we end up like some non-white yuropoor country with socialist healthcare?

because you are a nonwhite amerimutt country with socialised healthcare. since trump said covid treatment will be paid for by the guberment

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I just typed in new york mass graves into jewgle.

Does that mean that the vaccine they make has to be more aggressive than the virus?

Because we only have hospital beds for less than a million people in the entire nation, and new york city alone has 18 million people in it.
The amount of equipment and staff we have to provide intensive care to prevent people from dying if the virus hits them hard enough is far less than a million.
Its not about quality of care, its about quantity of a certain level of quality.
We do not have that required level to simply take this virus on the jaw without seeing greatly increased deaths from lack of proper care. No country does.

He is correct it could be done by a healthy and young society. But we need 70-80 percent to let it burn out. No subtract all people above 50, chronically ill and obese. That’s not enough people left. Also herd immunity doesn’t completely stop the virus it just stops the pandemic spread and then switches to endemically causing a small amount of infections all the time, unless the hole world would artificially infect themselves all the same time. You also can’t stop spill over to the „isolated“ old population since that would mean all young people taking care of them can’t come into contact with anybody else, who is young. It’s not realistic overall. Nice thought however.

So just insulate the 1% of people who could risk requiring intensive care in case they catch. There, problem solved. No reason to sacrifice our entire economy over a souped up chink cold.

The problem is that no one knows precisely who that 1% would be, as there are plenty of cases of younger people getting it, even those whom are perfectly healthy.
Even if it was just fatties, that constitutes far too large a portion of our population who have no clue if they would die or not.
A panic would be guaranteed, especially after italy blew the fuck up with its numbers.
You are thinking about this far more logically and coldly then the common PEOPLE of the nation would.
Politicians, who are also old folks at risk, for what its worth, need to consider that.
They also saw an opportunity to get ahead in some manner, and thus the hands started to rub in that ancient way.

There are multiple layers to this thing.