You can't convince a National Socialist.
They have an iron will and an unflinching heart.
Which is a kind way of saying they can just not listen whenever they are wrong.
The fact that they are in a constant state of mental wars means the following:
1) if the opponent is being reasonable, they're being deceitful, because they are enemies waging a war of ideas.
2) if the data is in the opponent's favor, it is skewed, wrong, out of context, or a flat out lie, because they are enemies waging a war of ideas.
3) if the opponent is being accomodating or kind, or open, or friendly, they are using a sly tactic to backstab you, because they are enemies waging a war of ideas.
Now you used a meme flag, which means you are being deceitful.
You used a Wikipedia article on Behaviorism. So I can say that behaviorism is a wrong theory, or that Wikipedia is a skewed untrustworthy source.
I can attack all of your ideas because they belong to a tradition that is "enemy" and at war with the national socialist way of thinking. other words, you're not a person they can talk to, discuss with, or listen to, or reason with.
Once you're labelled as "enemy" (too friendly, too unfriendly, too dumb, too smart, too obvious, too mysterious), a really easy label to get, the second step is not "listening" or "arguing", but RESISTING and FIGHTING the idea being presented. At any cost.
This is the base of their success as an ideology: the fact that they are always right.
Because nobody ever proved them wrong, nobody truly can. There's only a bunch of people, corrupt, indoctrinated, malevolent, jealous and stupid, that constantly "attack" the bastion of their beliefs, and they "lose" every time!