All of National Socialism and alt-right is literally the Genetic Fallacy

All of National Socialism and alt-right is literally the Genetic Fallacy.

Since there is no free will, you are not the author of any of your own thoughts or even behavior. It is dictated by your environment and past experiences in a domino chain. This simple fact eliminates any notion of having Pride. Opposite of determinism is religion, which is what national socialists usually are for; however; religion is unfalisifable so it is also a logical fallacy.

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How pathetic is it that these people built their entire identity and world view off of an actual logical fallacy? Lol. Couldn't be me.

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Jannies deleting my thread because they have cognitive dissonance about their fallacious little world view lmao

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You're right DNA is like confetti left over by God's big party

No! its actually proof that Diablo 2 monsters are on Uranus.

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who said anything about pride nigger

it was never about pride. it's about not being eaten alive by the billions of angry and starving shitskins in the coming eco collapse wars

land, living space, water and air and the zero sum game amongst the disparate races, it always was

pride is just something that is used to rally the plebs

>All National Socialism and alt-right is LITERALLY the genetic Fallacy
>Since there is no free will
Proof? Your wikipedia article about behaviorism is pretty weak as a proof.
>Opposite of determinism is religion
What? A lot of religions are deterministic.
>Which is what NatSoc usually are for
>Religion is a logical fallacy
Doesn't make it wrong though. Fallacy fallacy.
You throw big words, but you obviously haven't taken a single course (or the equivalent in readings on your own) about anything you're talking about. Stfu.

If the same DNA as yourself was born in 'shitskin' land guess what, you would behave like them too. You're no better, and you have no reason to feel a sense of accomplishment about 'muh nation'

If you want to propser you make the entire world better, not just your stupid little tribal bubble. Brainlet.

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You can't convince a National Socialist.
They have an iron will and an unflinching heart.
Which is a kind way of saying they can just not listen whenever they are wrong.

The fact that they are in a constant state of mental wars means the following:
1) if the opponent is being reasonable, they're being deceitful, because they are enemies waging a war of ideas.
2) if the data is in the opponent's favor, it is skewed, wrong, out of context, or a flat out lie, because they are enemies waging a war of ideas.
3) if the opponent is being accomodating or kind, or open, or friendly, they are using a sly tactic to backstab you, because they are enemies waging a war of ideas.

Now you used a meme flag, which means you are being deceitful.
You used a Wikipedia article on Behaviorism. So I can say that behaviorism is a wrong theory, or that Wikipedia is a skewed untrustworthy source.
I can attack all of your ideas because they belong to a tradition that is "enemy" and at war with the national socialist way of thinking. other words, you're not a person they can talk to, discuss with, or listen to, or reason with.
Once you're labelled as "enemy" (too friendly, too unfriendly, too dumb, too smart, too obvious, too mysterious), a really easy label to get, the second step is not "listening" or "arguing", but RESISTING and FIGHTING the idea being presented. At any cost.

This is the base of their success as an ideology: the fact that they are always right.
Because nobody ever proved them wrong, nobody truly can. There's only a bunch of people, corrupt, indoctrinated, malevolent, jealous and stupid, that constantly "attack" the bastion of their beliefs, and they "lose" every time!

what's your point

if I were born a dog I'd shit in the street

not an argument

Genetics aren't a logical fallacy

How is it a strawman? national socialism is literally based on race and 'muh tribe'. It is the genetic fallacy. No strawman required.

>Since there is no free will
Proof? Your wikipedia article about behaviorism is pretty weak as a proof.

You can't have thoughts before a piece of information.

Free will means the ability to make a choice UNIMPEDED. Unmanipulated. You can make any organism make any choice with the right variables. Its all enviormental manipulation. You don't author anything. You can't have thoughts about something before being exposed to external information (manipulation) You have no reason to feel proud about anything.

>Opposite of determinism is religion
What? A lot of religions are deterministic.

And they're retarded. Determinism is physics. It's just saying there is a limited amount of outcomes in a human brain, and if you had all the variables you can predict it and predetermine it. In the same way you can predict how someone will throw a ball.

Religion is the opposite of this, and says there is more to life besides the physical. Which is nonsense cartoon character talk and is also unfalsifiable fallacy.

>Religion is a logical fallacy
Doesn't make it wrong though. Fallacy fallacy.

Basing your worldview of irrational and nonsensical things isn't very smart user. Maybe you should grow up. Don't have kids, you're not all that special.

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Free Will and Determism have no real bearing on ethics. It only reduces psychological products such as "pride" as tools that can be treated as a means to an end..

If "Pride" can be used as a tool to encourage positive behavior traits, then "Pride" should be encouraged so as to foster postive behavior. Thus, pride in the accomplishments of others can and should be used as a tool to improve behavior.

Not if someone taught you not to. Everything is reward and punishment. That is scientifically how organisms operate.

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then why do we have pride? And why is having it bad? Proud people will push themselves harder, will strive for more etc

it's a doggy dog world tranny

eat or be eaten there's literally a zero sum game being played for basic living space and it is foolish to not be ethnocentric

seethe more & go dilate

I used this flag because I have no fucking creed or tribe. I don't belong to any of your shit head fucking labels or ideals. I'm fundamentally against life in general and wish this species would go extinct already. But that's besides the point that all this "muh pride" and "muh tribe" shit is nonsensical baby talk. If you want to make yourself better, you improve the collective.
It doesn't make sense to only care about your mommy and brother when everyone else outside is burning alive. Thats all that nationalism is.

If there is such a thing as a separation between yourself and your environment (and it is in this case, as we are theorizing about it) it is completely reasonable to have a special connection to events which find their manifestation within your boundaries.

>It is the genetic fallacy.
No, it's not. Genetic fallacy isn't what you seem to think it is. Please reveal your actual flag so I can see what subhuman shitskin nation you come from.

literal life denying fag go figure. Prove you believe that by deeds retard.

So they are no different than an extremeist islamist then?

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It's the usual "leave the job for a bunch of psychopaths (most times jewish)" fallacy.

You're not doing anything that needs to be done. You're a bug parasiting off all the other bugs going around laying your eggs to continue a cycle of being a disgusting insect. You're no better than all the other dumb fucking animals.
Go bang your chest and ooga booga about muh tribe some more you literal ape.

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>the circumstances of your birth are completely arbitrary, so it's dumb to feel pride in your nation or race
>but also you should feel guilty for slavery/colonialism/the holocaust

>improve the colective
>what is national socialism
It's a means to create pride in the so called colective. If you don't have those feelings, you won't belive those actions are good you'll have no predisposition towards it.

you may not be interested in tribes but tribes are interested in you

Now thats a strawman. Guilt? Why should anyone be guilty of something they didnt do?

Bad things happen its just a fact. Do you want to be beheaded or holocausted? Then logical conclusion is to show a little bit of empathy. Unless youre a 70 iq ape narcissist who only thinks of themself

According to who? I see plenty of needs. You're making a value judgement by saying existence is valueless.

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you put the pathetic in empathetic


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>the logical conclusion it show a little bit of empathy
Nice logic jump

Tribes are just like family houses

"Everyone inside my house i arbitrarily place value upon, because I was born into this house. They are amazing great people! Everyone outside this house, well fuck them, I don't know them, they can be tortured for all I care"

Yeah I don' think that's the best way to go about this whole life on planet earth thing. A bit childish and lowbrow. 16 year old tier that hasnt stopped sucking his mummies teet.

Anyway, anything about me is irreelvant to the critiques i've made. Adhominen attacks are not refutations.

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not an argument

it is the world you live

eat or be eaten

It's not about being amazing because you are born in a certain house, it's about making it amazing because you were born in it. Dumb niggerman

So families don't serve a purpose?
Are we proposing we atomise even more but somehow remain loyal to the big group (all of humanity lol). Please go on

>Yeah I don' think that's the best way to go about this whole life on planet earth thing
Speak for yourself. A person who is proud of their home is more inclined to take care of there home, and blind faith in total strangers is foolish.

Society operates only so far as people can be held accountable.

No, its the dumbass animal ape world you perpetuate with this retarded tribal rhetoric. It doesn't have to be like this, but your dumbass emotional biases and prejudices are keeping it this way. Keep spreading your hate and everyone will suffer including yourself, brainlet.

dump your tribalism goy. Also think about humanity goy(the big tribe in a diluted and boring and meaningless form).

it is the way things are

you know NOTHING

just more proof the right left dichotomy is nothing more than is ought


Sorry, you disproved your own point. Why the fuck would I care what some soulless determined bot is saying to me?

You're just a mechanical robot spouting bullshit to derail my efforts.

this is not an actual logical fallacy. this is a way for a jew to pretend that an argument predicated on factual racial/genetic evidence, which was not an ad hominem fallacy whatsoever, is still some kind of fallacy.

You're showing your bias here too. It doesn't have to be like you say either. Why should we make human relations more meaningless. Why should we disdain familial relations just because they're arbitrary(we don't exist in a vacuum so they're not). Your ideology seems full of holes, but that's just me

Where? Lmfao You're desperate. Not my fault you build your entire identity of an actual logical fallacy. Hilarious.

I don't like Jews, but what exactly is so fucking great about you again? What exactly do you do thats so much better and superior than the Jews? I don't get it. Its just more of the same shit. You're behaving exactly the same as the Jews do. Just like Nazi's behave the exact same way Isis does. Same fucking shit, different group. Get a clue. You're all the fucking same.

oy vey! don't be anti-semitic.

That isnt a fallacy, its used in court precisely because its probative information retard

Well as a flaggot of Jihadi persuasion you base your ideology around "god wills it"
Tell me how that is superior.

jew or get jewed
