Antifa is unstoppable
Antifa is unstoppable
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damn straight
I work in a hospital and we had a fat as fuck woman come in and she weighed about 555 pounds and when we lifted her gunt, there was a nest of mice in there.
schrödingers antifa: a dangerous terrorist organisation but at the same time full of cucks and basedboys/women
Is that the irrresistible force or the immovable object?
She's going to smash the fascism and patriarchy by sitting on them!
immovable object
She's a mountain.
The Charlottesville chick?
Antifa is so useless that we only hear about them when Soros gives them money to act like a fool.
Unstopable? They didn't even got anywhere
The buffet line doesn't stand a chance
Haha nah, some fat ass that eventually lost both legs because of unchecked diabeetus
Leftist faggots have inferiority complexes. They grow up in their gay little sheltered white faggot suburbs and they get bullied. So in order to get revenge, they side with non-white immigrants and other outsiders such as degenerate faggots whom they all view as inferior on a subconscious level, and this is why they don't hold these thug retard niggers, jihadists, and hypersexual bug-chasing lgbt fuckups to the same standard of behavior as they do to other "normal" white people.
Slavoj zizek is a prime example of a leftist faggot with an inferiority complex with his horrific speech impediment. He claims to be a man of the people because of his communist views, but at the same time praises stalin who killed more soviet citizens than hitler.
Antifa faggots have so many fucking weaklings in their ranks because they all have inferiority complexes and rightfully so.
Gravity will do the job.
Meanwhile...later that day...
Is there a word for these types of people? Wimps who think they are soldiers or something?
Considering authorities have a backdoor to all social media and apps, it is safe to say the gubment knows all members and actively monitors them for credible threats like what is done here.
its like pottery
¡Dios mio!
>were living in a future where Judge dredd is right but instead of getting an unrelnting force of justice we get the whiney Bobby goose steppers
trully the worst version of every possiblity
this war led by the Jews is the war of all that is ugly, detestable and lying against what is beautiful and true. The war has already started and today our enemies in the field are blood of our blood. Cousins, brothers, fathers and mothers completely damaged by psyops who moo and head towards us to horn us with their mastodontic cattle horns. they are the majority and have almost the powers of a God. We will only be able to overcome them with the help of God Himself.
Mentally ill