In light of recent events, both political and not, what do we think of his stance?
Was he right?
Was he wrong?
Did he have the full picture?
What's missing from his conclusion?
/ted/ general
He was right.
Nah, I like my toilet paper and Ford F350.
I'll do some laps in it now since gas is cheap.
However we should distance ourselves from looking like Ted fanatics rather than plain luddites.
He did smear shit all over his neighbor's dogs and in his jourals he talked about wanting to shoot one of his neighbors daughters when he saw her in the woods and he said "I could have killed little bitch today, but big bitch (referring to mom) would have been harder"
He was 100% right about tech and his works should be read. But let's avoid a cult of personality (something he himself says we should do in his letters)
nigger behaviour
He opposed soviet communists because they were technophiles and industrialists but ironically orthodox stateless communism would bring about the change he desires.
Not because communism works, rather because it doesn't work at all - and if stateless communism were actually implemented it would bring civilization to its knees and we'd devolve to warring tribes unable to maintain any sort of technology at all; much like the stone age natives and africans the way colonials found them.
That’s great.
How do you make a Diesel engine do that trick?
Seethe. Whites invented these things so we could enjoy and use them.
just look up rolling coal
He tried to bomb an airplane
Hes worse than niggers or muslims
>he used violence as a means to further his message
boo-hoo who cares. Muslims are based.
White people are cringe
It's still nigger behaviour no matter who invented them. You might as well drop a bag of dirt over people's head on the sidewalk.
There's multiple ways you can do it. Poke around for a "smoke switch" if you want the cheapest but most labor intensive option.
Trying to bomb an airplane with innocent people is pretty retarded. It's one thing to go after technocratic execs. It's one thing to attack innocent kids. If the airplane bomb went off nothing would have happened. Airlines would still be good to go and Ted would have just killed a bunch of airline passengers.
Shut up NIGGER
He really didn't.
That was just a falseflag
It's fucking harmless, you breathe worse air driving into a city.
No you can read about it in his journals he really did. Otherwise he would have denied it in Truth Versus Lies.
But again - I don't care so much about Ted as a person it's more his ideas.
I don't want soot all over me
hey glowie - stop trying to push this psyop. Nobody glorifies this retard. Get fucked.
Uncle Ted was 100% reliant on the System.
Uncle Ted relied on the Postal Service to deliver his little presents, Uncle Ted relied on the New York Post and their large distribution system to print his little rantings, Uncle Ted would ride his bicycle to the local library to get his news and information from....
To put this in context, in the 70s there was bombings and hijackings and political kidnappings every week. Domestic terrorism hit its peak in the late 60s and he was a holdover from that time period. What he was doing was not unique
so? Are you saying a communist in a capitalist society shouldn't open a store? Or a capitalist in soviet Russia should refuse his bread ration out of principal?
You can't choose the system you live in. His whole point is you can't avoid the system because it is all-encompassing.
So what? How does that change the morality of trying to kill innocent kids? Are you a moral relativist?
the only missing point was how to fucking tear down this system. Otherwise he was spot on correct
>Uncle Ted relied on the Postal Service to deliver his little presents, Uncle Ted relied on the New York Post and their large distribution system to print his little rantings, Uncle Ted would ride his bicycle to the local library to get his news and information from....
That was the fucking point you retard. His victims died because the system allowed him to.
The REAL /ATG/ (Former /TKG/) is HERE:
It boggles the mind that so many faggots would actually bump a memeflag thread. And then you complain about the shills, no doubt....
I am there too, but ideas need to be disseminated wherever possible. Plus very little activity over there. Sad state of affairs
he's a nutcase the cia fucked him up big time
He was right, but I do not think what he wanted will occur.
You could, hypothetically, keep modern technology around and still allow for "fulfilling" individual lives if you drastically lowered population levels, and restricted breeding from there on out. This is likely the NWO's plan. However, this would not allow one to achieve adequate fulfillment of "the power process" need, because Ted's conception of that need is based primarily on "real goals" -- those goals aimed at basic survival. Gathering food, erecting and maintaining shelter, etc. Reliance on tech, even for the people at the top, also negates the "autonomy" criterion.
I agree with him that this is ultimately what makes man happy. So, he was right, but the system will not fall by revolution. It will simply run its course, as it is unmanageable to begin with. We may all get genocided before that happens, but the elites will become the victims of their own technological fever dreams.
Sadly he was MKULTRA'd
But he was right about many things