If you are young, you are FUCKED

I am 22 years old.

When I was 11, the economy crashed. And we still haven't recovered from that. I have lived the 50% of my life under a recession.

This year, I will probably be quarantined for three or four months. This means I will have spent at least the 1.5% of my life under lockdown.

After this shit ends, the economy will tank, AGAIN. And it will do so spectacularly, to levels not seen since the 1930s.

If you are young, your life will be fucked. VERY fucked until you die. Say goodbye to any hope of living a normal life.

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Gosh you sound like such a wuss. Adapt to it. You're young. Travel out if you need to and live off the land like almost ALL of your ancestors before your conned great grand parents. You'll be fine.

I’m 35, join the club buddy. Great Recession hit when I was 20 and 2016 was the only time it started to come back

okay boomer

>shit economy
>no living a normal life
>potential societal tension, violence
But that sounds wonderful.

Bживляйтe чипы вceм

Life isn't meant to be easy, Pedro. Who gives a fuck about the economy, adapt or die

yes but you have the greatest commodity of all, time, use it wisely

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who wants to live a normal life anyway? fuck the modern careerist rat race, it's a path to being a soulless slave to the system

>life isn't meant to be easy

yes the fuck it is, our food literally grows on trees. it's the Jew and his tricks which have forced us into this hellscape.

This, if you can't adapt to a situation like that, you're not worth keeping in this world. Even piss poor Moldova could make it among others. "Muh economy" doesn't really matter if you're a strong person.

20 here with a wife and baby. Just trying to get by and not get the baby sick. That 1.5% shit is fucked. I'm not even sure who to be mad at for all of this.

That’s correct. Just give your local black bear a firm handshake. In fact give a firm handshake to all the cartel mobs south and north of the USA. Go work for Kim with a smile on your face. You’ll do great

It’s ok for me user. My boomer parents will leave me their wealth. Get fucked poorfag. I’m going to use that money to buy myself a cottage in the woods deep in the forests of Maine.

Im 21 and I feel you my guy, I have made a wise choice though.
When the lockdown is over I´m moving to a south american country and make use of my gringo passport to get connections and abuse the new world´s economy.

23 making over 100k
what's fucked?

Just bite the bullet, Manolo. We all are going to have to.

>23 making over 100k
Not for long unless you are a toilet paper manufacturer

your mum

Go into sales

Whats your trade?

35 too.

Paying a house
Paying a car
Wife and 2 kids
Company just seprated in two entities
Wife got fired because coronahoax

I hope I can still provide for them.

GenX here, we felt the same way. At least now it won't take as long.

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Lol it isn't meant to be hard because of some imaginary global economy based on infinite growth.

>to levels not seen since the 1930s
Going to be worse actually, since all western governments are already at maximum bloat. There are no programs left for them to implement, and the previous century of their implementation has made the entire population [or close enough] utterly dependent.

Same. I am also 22. Just found a decent job a year ago and made my ends meet. Now everything looks like it's an infinite nightmare. My salary is now 1/3 of what it supposed to be just 2 months ago. I still can buy food and save very little (around $80-100) but it's getting worse week by week. Shit.


Based and redpilled.

Lots of time to plan the great revenge on Gates and the jew banking cartel.

They can take blood transfusions from many children, but you young blood will still outlive them if you strengthen your body and mind and dedicate yourself to the good fight.

Buddy, when you were 11, I was likely fucking your mom.

It could be worse, you could be over 30

> Say goodbye to any hope of living a normal life

not to sound edgy but I never wanted a "normal life"

The most successful survivors of economic strife have been those whom have managed to market their bodies to the rich.