Mexican man racially abused and told he has to go back by 2 psychotic Irish roasties
Fucking beaners.
>racially abused
Like just walk away, spicoid.
I'll fucking skin those whores and make them into stew
Now I'm thinkin about them beans!
ugly fucking beaner fuck
>racially abused
Good. Why the fuck are spics in Ireland anyway?
600+ matches on tinder cope harder bitch I'll kill you too
Imagine the smell
Butthurt beaner detected
with other nasty, ugly short 5'3 beaners. You probably live in a shit skin majority city. I'm sure if I browsed through your local tinder list, I wouldn't find a single non-mestizo nigger spic on the damn thing.
>Like just walk away, spicoid.
Maybe was contemplating raping them. Somebody's doing the raping.
Ok incel, whatever you say incel.
Good, get fucked, spic. Stay the fuck out of our countries
exactly what a beaner would say
who know what happened before the vid started
Just Irish trailer trash. Typical.
USA and Mexico are basically the same country
There are beaners in Ireland?
Cope harder gringoy this is my clay
They look like coalburners
Damn, whites are such trash
Has OP found out about Coronachan yet?
Didn't you have an older shit, faggot?
I've seen this video literally 3 years ago.
Inquiring minds would like to know.
I love Ireland. Blessed be the sons and daughters of Erin.
>this what the anons accusing you of being a pedo looks like
well what do you know
Spics are the reason all of Latin America is shit. It’s only reasonable to not want spics in your country.
LOL the irish really are subhuman .
Hey subhuman baboon. I'll just drop this graphic and let you know that my land is whiter than yours.
>psychotic irish roasties
Fugg..hnngg. I need one of those sok badly right now
Generous welfare and a populace prone to empathy to lessers. They'll change their tune once non whites reach about 10% of the population but by then it will be too late.
k spic lmao
That guy wasn't even doing anything wrong.
Why don't those roasties act like that with people that deserve it?
>that assblasted literal subhuman living in California
ugly fucking beaners harassing teenage girls
Cope harder nigr*ids Tyrones
Don't fall for the lies that lower classes standing against the invaders are bad, user
k Tyrone lmao
>omg nooooo whites don't keep whats yours we deserve to be in your lands
Not the USA for sure.
>Argentinian "whites" are Spanish and Portuguese
that's a big ol yikes from me man. You guys are the most profoundly mulatto, beige mixture of humans you could be.
>literally 5 posts from this ID spamming the same pic thinking they are white
Name one spic on the declaration of independence
Literally 90% of burgo*d population
And no Tyrone, there are no mulatto people here since there are no black people to mix with.
Dunno if you can say the same in your country. :^)