Is 'Karen' the final boss of meme culture?

Is 'Karen' the final boss of meme culture?

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ask the experts

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I see more women do the Karen meme than men, this proves that women are the main drivers of prejudice against women

of course not.

Jewish kike rabbi Moshe Shmuel is the final boss, after you defeat Chinky Chong Wong and Tyrone the nigger-monster

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all these jews have the "I can't believe we're getting away with this" look

Yeah its sexist and definitely not thinly veiled anti white racism. I actually enjoy it, when liberal women become the target of none stop anti white sentiment it'll give them pause.

what the fuck does a personality trait have to do with sexism.
oh right, individual trait->a woman=women=sexism

I first heard it used by a female youtuber who shits on furrys and mlms.

>a middle ages white woman is requiring me to do my job right
>fucking karen

Honestly thats a lot of what the karen meme is.

She is cute and reminds me of the female wojack. I would like to do things to her anus that give her that wide eyed expression.

pic related

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They putting autistic pictures drawn by literal retards with pee bottles sitting all around them into the library of congress?

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>It's problematic if sexist.
>It's ok if anti-white though.

>archiving things other people have made
And this makes them lords?

I guarantee it's going to have a bunch of bullshit like "Pepe is a Nazi symbol" and "Gamergate was about hating women" and probably celebrate how strong women on the internet survived misogynistic death threats to smash the patriarchy.

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That's literally a dude in a wig. You are homosex now.

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Karen is not a meme. If you can post it on reddit and not get backlash, then it's not a meme.


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they aren't meme lords and 'karen' isn't everywhere. more fake news.
well, not so much fake as uninformed.
well, not so much uninformed as ignorant

Karen's the type of woman to cry sexism over the AC temp

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It's usually shitskins complaining about white women, at that.

I wouldn't even rape this woman

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Quick reminder: Karen is not an exclusively boomer phenomenom. All women become entitled after menopause. Old ladies nag waiters all the time, complain about everything and act like they own the world. You can see this when an old lady walks slowly in the middle of the street or, when it rains, under the rooftops/balconies while carrying an umbrella.

What's a karen meme

Wasn't Karen a nigger term for narcissistic white bitches lacking self awareness?

I love that Jews pushed this meme because it was anti-White and just pissed off a bunch of Soccor mom golems who now LITERALLY want to speak to the manager.

women culture is pure cringe
glad i don't even have know what a basic bitch is

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But I suppose everyone is fine with "Kyle" or "Chad", or any other shitty Reddit meme

sexist and racist at the same time

This shit comes in cycles. The cycle needs be broken.

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Chad and Stacy is Yas Forums vintage, the 'associating certain names with certain traits' thing is just being expanded upon by normies

I don’t know if it’s sexist but it’s overplayed and drawn out. Much like the constant references to pajeet and the merchant, it’s a depressing reminder that the masses have no sense of humor, just a deep craving for a warm sense of familiarity based on looking down on others. Karen symbolizes what I hate most about the internet: it strips away the subtlety of every idea it encounters.

Remember “bless your little heart”? I grew up in the south, and for years and years I remember that phrase being applied to a very specific situation. It meant that someone had undertaken a task which was comically beyond their capacity to carry out. When applied to that type of situation it was, in fact, a very devastating insult. It meant you’re so dumb that you can’t comprehend how dumb you are, and the only thing I can do is pity you. But then reddit got ahold of it. Now it means “you’re a fucking dumbass” and it gets applied to situations where it makes no sense at all. Oftentimes it’s not even applied to a situation at all, it’s just mentioned, and since people can remember that it was humorous in one context, it’ll be humorous in any context, or even without context at all. It happens to every joke and meme. I want to sit in a hot bath and cut my wrists.

I just call every woman "whore"

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Incredibly based and unreasonably redpilled.

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Not all of them charge. OP's mom does it as a community service.