God damn, what's wrong with these people? Do they float these ideas cause they are rich TV pundits? Just let nature run it's course, there is no point destroy everybody's lives to stop some obese pigs and nogs from dying preventable deaths if they practiced healthy habits. ENOUGH.
CNN just said we may have to stay inside and social distance until 2022
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i-i-in minecraft right?
lmao just don't nigga
Ye, embrace the good ole booma remova
Just let the virus kill all the boomers. It's all so tiresome.
Some preppers can unironically stay inside till 2022
Remember in past epidemics all we had to do was wash our hands and wear masks? I understand this is like a really bad epidemic and this is like super airborne AIDS but at some point you just gotta live with the fact people are going to die and there is nothing you can do about it. This isnt like sacrificing boomers or elderly or anything its just how natual human civilization works. I dont think the government ever really planned to shut down the whole economy before in past epidemics all they did was have a huge advertising campaign and warn people to wash their hands. To me this is all the government should be doing.
> stay inside and social distance until 2022
Normies/NPCs/Girls won't be able to handle this.
For me just another year.
Not if the fucking herd immunity fails.
Recovered coronavirus patients can have very low levels of antibodies in their system, researchers have found, in a discovery which could hamper the development of immunity tests.
A team from Fudan University in China analysed blood from 175 patients discharged from the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre and found that nearly a third had surprisingly few antibodies.
In 10 patients, antibodies could not be detected at all, which could also place them at greater risk of a secondary infection, the researchers warned.
Saying we all have to go under lock down until sometime in 2022 is basically a death threat. How the fuck can this country last for 18 more months of no economy, when China is already sending the bug people back to the factories?
Too many fucking people wanting too many fucking things anyhow.
Idk man I’m loving this social distancing. I wouldn’t mind if this became the new norm.
CNN is retarded, we'll be out of lockdown by May
How come?
>He's got them 'munities
Ah, a fine follower of Anders Tegnell.
Imagine getting news from anywhere but a group of anonymous racists on a Japanese cartoon board
Chaos, death and disaster = Ratings
It's why they lead with bad weather and the Oscar Pistorius story for four weeks on Good Morning America.
Their job is to get the goyim used to the idea. Slowly but surely they'll accept it.
Can somebody post those crazy CNN headlines from yesterday?
This is Yas Forums, you must be super new.
>This is a really bad epidemic
No it is not.
say 2022 now for next few weeks, suddenly September 2020 doesn't sound so bad (it will still be catastrophic). When restrictions lift, it is going to be a bloodbath like no-one has ever seen and all the fucking "we need to stay at home, this is great" will wish the shutdown never started. Mass unemployment, mass closure, mass evictions, collapse of benefit system, riots and massive decline in healthcare is in our future and all we can do is sit here like cunts and wait 5 months for it to happen
Airborne Aids
A virus, that spreads airborne, that directly attacks the hosts T-Cells. Aka causes Auto Immune Deficiency Disorder
Airborne Fucking Aids
Why wasn’t contact free online ordering a thing way earlier? I can order whatever I want and not only never leave but also never have to even see another human let alone talk to one
This whole thing is a joke, even if I wasn't an accelerationist and a general sick fuck (which I absolutely am) I would still rather take 10 million deaths than shut down the country for even 6 months, and this thing is unlikely to ever break 500,000 US deaths.
If this shit isn't opened up by May 1st I'm going to start burning the world down.
based (and it absolutely will not open by then so better decide whether or not you are joking lol)
chiggy shiggy
I mean, do you know how little I care about looting the entire fucking town to feed my familiy? (in minecraft)
There wontbe a year long lockdown, it'll be more like quarantine local areas where clusters are, wait until it reaches a low point, lift quarantine, letinfections grow, quarantine again,etc... this might go on for several years until we have a cure/vaccine or enough people are immune to it that the virus can't spread properly anymore.
Early April
Mid April
Early May
Early June
Early July
Early August
Fall/Winter Second Wave
8 Months
Seeing a pattern here? They have the intel, they aren't going to be fully upfront. Its called a slow walk.
And too late - worlds already in a slow burn, you'll see :D
Happeningfags are cancer. It's bad enough when it's contained to the board... This is what happens when it goes mainstream. MILLIONS of retarded happeningfags. It's not happening. All happeningfags should die.
2 years isn't worth it just get everyone infected at same time and let 1% of the global population die. We only live 80 years, even 1 year wasted is more than 1% of our lives
work for a large helathcare company. code monkey. we have to start going back into the office before the end of the month. this is actually a nothingburg and we fucked ourselves for no reason
When do normies get sick of it and start rioting in the streets demanding the country to open the fuck up? This shit is getting ridiculous and I want to see the fear mongering media pay for what they've done.
>sitting around and waiting several years waiting for a cure that never comes
this isn't going to happen, it would need mass deathtolls, millions across the world, for people to accept having to go back into isolation in 2021
What kind of retard takes anything CNN says seriously?
There is no such thing as "social distancing" because they are artificially making food shortages and imposing retarded hours so that people are forced to leave the house every 3 days and be in very close proximity to other people just to scavenge for basic supplies.
Restricting store hours forces everyone to be in the store at once.
they fake shortage of supplies gaurantees that nobody can stock up and remain isolated.
pic related, in the middle of the new dairy rations, the government has instructed dairy farmers to dump milk and sell off cows.
They are even actively preventing people from buying seeds so that people will be forced to buy and consume the contaminated produce at the shart mart.
None of this is real
No, you are never coming out of the quarantine..
It's not anywhere near bad enough to justify what they are doing. They are acting like this is the last virus humanity will encounter. There will be more, and much more deadly ones. Are we going to do this every time one pops up? It just won't work.