I noticed that boomers hate anime pictures

I noticed that boomers hate anime pictures.
We need to post more anime pictures to keep the plebbit away! They are ruining Yas Forums!

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Attached: 1553702643502.png (1213x881, 178.58K)

Cringe as fuck. Go away faggot.

Oh shit I have seen that before.
Stay mad faggot

Attached: 1519930260410.png (197x197, 61.5K)

Op is a faggot loser

This isn't a generational hate, it's a communal hate by everyone who isn't a fucking weeb.
Find a sturdy beam and some rope, hans.

Attached: Carl needs the faggot police.png (536x593, 130.01K)

The boomers are mad LMAO
Why are you so mad LOL

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Why are there boomers on Yas Forums?

Why is that Boomers hate Anime Pictures? Is it because Anime = The lustful poison from Saten.

I see a good overlap with Ted Kaczynski's observation of lefties.

Attached: 1395984085519.png (446x555, 194.06K)

I posted an anime image bro

Oh yeah we are sooo mad. And you are a degenerate pedophile. What's worse? You know you need to kys subhuman filth.

fuck niggers
fuck faggots
fuck spics
fuck chinks
and most importanly
fuck jews

Attached: 1584678453287.gif (549x598, 211.02K)

They came from r/thedonald
I wonder why
People that do not like anime simply don't belong here
Here are some more pictures

Attached: 1520786206407s.jpg (125x125, 2.48K)

Based anime national socialism when?

Attached: 1535116797951.png (360x360, 272.66K)

Attached: Anonymous+used+roll+pictureanonymous+rolled+image+i+am+roll+god+_4ea4510f83ca9d0c1c6d615fc4204f82.jpg (600x300, 21.9K)

Attached: ......................webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

Does this Deter Boomers?

Attached: Smiling Penny.png (1366x768, 631.16K)

Can I post my waifu

Attached: a3f48561371fed4ded6c71be6bf78fc5_0.jpg (584x778, 109.79K)


Attached: EBE0522F-27BD-4C4F-92C9-FB43CC33208A.jpg (538x538, 39.44K)

Based OP

Attached: mai3.jpg (400x613, 50.31K)

Guarantee you are getting fired soon fagboy

Attached: 91d.png (663x837, 756.2K)

It's not gonna work, the obese and uneducated elderly that have taken over this board are more retarded and have more free time than our normal NEET userbase
But here's me doing my part.

Attached: 051E2B57-F202-4427-989B-48CEEACDB241.png (330x327, 136.99K)

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Yas Forums is and always has been weeb
newfags will deny this

Attached: 1581615565587.png (800x2810, 580.03K)

What would happen if Boomer watched anime in the 1950s?

Attached: 190718140828-astro-boy-tease-2-full-169.jpg (1600x900, 215.01K)

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Dilate faggot

underdeveloped amygdala confirmed

Attached: 1558855304647.jpg (254x255, 20.4K)

What about Yas Forums?