Rules: Don't use the "b-but all women are whores" or "women exist to be controlled" bullshit rhetoric. Give me real reasons, you filthy runts.
Change my mind
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Same reason I am against rape and murder. Disastrous concequences are created for the innocense and stability of a society. Womens sexual liberation may even be worse.
The body belongs to the Jews. Killing a potential slave is a serious crime.
Tits or GTFO
The average person is a complete idiot.
And I mean that quite literally. Most people cannot think logically past the immediate next step. Most people are completely incapable of imagining fourth, third, or even second order consequences of their actions, and if you try to tell them what they will likely be, you will be dismissed as a conspiracy theorist, or racist, or schizophrenic, or what have you.
You cannot convince a woman that having an abortion will haunt her for the rest of her life. In that regard, I actually kind of envy black women. They're literally such animals that they dont even understand that they should feel guilt about murdering an infant (although I believe that's less to do with IQ and more to do with them not having souls in the first place).
You cannot convince a communist that their ideology will only lead to horror and death. If you could, they wouldnt be communists in the first place (or they'd be Jews, who are fully aware of what they're doing but do it anyway because fuck whitey and fuck Christianity).
You will never logic your way into explaining the outcomes of decisions that were not made with logic in the first place. Aristotle knew this thousands of years ago.
The only morally responsible decision is to remove that decision-making ability from those people to begin with, or to so heavily punish it that the consequences are immediate and life-altering, so as to deter the average sheep (because immediate consequences, they can understand).
Women have a right to their bodies. Where people get it wrong is assuming the fetus is part of a woman’s body.
Taking away responsibility from people's actions is dangerous
This. The fetus and the women have different DNA. The fetus is not her body.
It's not your body, it's a baby that's in your body. It's still murder, that's why if I kill a pregnant woman it's a double homicide. Abortion is just legalized infantacide and everyone knows it, it's just that the people who support it don't care.
I don't expect this argument to make any difference,if you've already justified infantacide then you're beyond reasoning with.
>Your body your choice
>Your body your problem
Just don't let your decisions be at the expense of my taxes. Take it up with the guy you let cum inside you.
I'm alright with this, but in the same way I feel about the vegan debate.
If you've never killed an animal for food, you shouldn't eat meat.
Just go on like 1 hunting trip, you'll really appreciate how you get your food and learn to be less wasteful.
So I think if a woman wants an abortion, she should have to watch the child ripped apart in front of her own eyes.
Democracy is the absolute worst form of government imaginable. Not even a contest. Picture driving a car, but with five people in it who all have steering wheels, and all have different ideas of where they want to go/stop. That is democracy.
So authoritarianism is the only correct government. ONE driver, ONE captain.
Then you've got the problem of "well, how do we stop that driver from doing exactly whatever the hell he wants, even if it is abusive or fatal to his passengers?"
That is where religion comes in. By placing an unpunishable punisher above that driver, he is incentivized to behave, or be replaced.
The particular flavor of religion is less important, although ideally it would be one that incentivizes the betterment of the collective (so, an Abrahamic faith, as repulsive as that is to the LARPing pagans on here). Plato envisioned such a society, with a faith (that he admitted didnt matter, so long as it was, at least ostensibly, followed and obeyed by everyone in the society, including the rulers, and set ironclad moral standards for that society. Belief wasnt even important, only the public show of belief).
Apart from that, the only other major point is that you heavily restrict outsiders from entry into that society, or ban them outright. Foreign cultures and beliefs cannot coexist in the ideal society, they must be removed or killed.
>My body My choice
I wish that rules would apply to vaccine
Why would I disagree with you?
Look at the demographcis of who gets the most abortions. We should crank those fucking numbers up. How can we? Let's provide free abortions to the african american community.
Not a truth bomb. A truth nuke.
all abortion is murder and Yas Forums edgelords that support it are literally so pathetic that they would rather have white babies die on the frontlines than them. Bunch of kikes all around.
I have no problem with it so long as it is not taxpayer funded.
That means the building, employees supplies etc.
as it is now PP gets funding for non abortion services. But the same staff attend to abortions. So their paycheck includes hours spent on abortions. as does the building, supplies etc.
to top it off they then donate to Democrats. and get money from the government..
can you imagine the trannie and fag suicides if the NRA got govt. funding and then donated to Trump?
So cut it out, everybody wins...
If it’s brown, flush it down!
So, to conclude:
It is not just your body. Your actions affect at least two other lives (the baby's and the fathers). Much like the greater society around you, we ALL have responsibilities to others that cannot be abandoned or else you risk everything collapsing.
A society that permits infanticide (and that is what it is, there is no debate on THAT point) is a society that willingly commits suicide.
Do you like living in a first world country, where the threat of starvation or murder is almost nonexistent?
Then dont kill members (current or future) of the nation that built that society. Society protects you, you have a duty to protect that society.
So if you want more first world society, give birth to more white babies. If you want to live in Ghana (you dont, trust me), then give birth to black babies. If you want it ALL to collapse, first of all, fuck you, and second of all, dont give birth at all. Get snipped.
Okay, abortion should only be legal if the woman kills herself in the process. That way she technically only makes decisions about her own body and the death of the baby is just collateral damage from her selfish ways. This is the only justifiable form of abortion. Prove me wrong
Cut out a fetus, does it live?
If yes it's alive if not, then not
By being anti-abortion we're protecting the bodies of unborn females from being torn apart and sucked our. We're also protecting unborn males from the same if you even care.
If you want a pro choice article in which the author outright admits that abortion is equivalent to killing babies i highly suggest you give the following a read.
All women are whores and exist to be controlled.
back in the day when life was far more brutal, infanticide was a regular occurrence for disfigured babies. no one had the luxury or resources to care for them. today without abortion the demographic shift would happen a whole lot sooner. ultimately im neutral about the whole thing and i dont really give a shit. i just know i wouldnt kill my kids.
the body of an unborn baby is not the body of its mother simply because the chlid is developing inside her; to kill an unborn baby is no different than killing a baby after birth.
Change your mind on what, you fucking retard? The pic? Because if so, it's not an opinion, you OBJECTIVELY don't have control over your body, the government can do whatever they want with you and no one will help you. Fuck you, faggot.
Can it live outside the mom?
Thank you. Your Tome is pure gold pressed Latinum. I have copied your posting to my Word file, converted it to Book Antiqua Script Font, printed it on two 8 by 11 sheets of Parchment grade paper and I intend to place them in a frame and hang it on my office wall.
Thank you.
Can you live outside of an oxygenic atmosphere?
Yes, I frequently do. I'm an active SCUBA diver.
Proved my point mutt. If something can't survive independently it's not alive. Fetuses are just cells until week 21