Is St Louis Missouri as violent as some say? Which is the most violent place in America?
Question to Americans!
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I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's East St Louis that is a den of niggers. I don't think actual St Louis is THAT bad just East St Louis dragging them down.
I could be wrong,.
East St Louis is a nigger reservoir. Crime bleeds out sometimes. St Louis has some great architecture, neighborhoods, universities, museums, but you just have to avoid niggers, wiggers, and other scumbags
Ok thanks, yeah I was looking up the most violent places... omg that place has like triple the violence or more vs Chicago and other violent areas.
My friend had a black roommate in college from St. Louis. The black guy would sleep with a knife under his pillow. One day, we saw him getting arrested. He had stabbed someone in a fight. Thankfully, my friend didn't get hurt.
Anecdotal, but true.
I hear ya. Believe it or not I like violent areas especially cities due to the fact it gives a bit of a rush... it ain’t just flowers blowin it’s a wakeful experience.
Most of that comes down to zoning. St Louis's stats come from just downtown saint Louis City and doesn't include the metro area.
The metro area is pretty nice, but gangs have turned some areas of St Louis into Somalia
Ex-New Yorker who moved to St.Louis suburb.
Go to Cardinals game. Leaving game with GF.
Say to her "Wow. There is not a cop in sight. When you leave Yankee Stadium or MSG there are cops everywhere. Just to at least set the tone."
She say's "Well we're not a bunch of crazy New Yorkers."
My face to her during Ferguson riots.
Are there places you can live in St. Louis without being swarmed by congoids?
I lived in Amtrak roomettes for a few years, and more than a dozen or so times I had a layover in St. Louis. The pizza and BBQ are overrated, the people are mostly niggers, but better than Chicago or Baltimore niggers. They're somewhere between Atlanta and Dallas, but not as cool as the New Orleans nigs.
Still never relax man.
let me tell you something about Saint Louis Missouri. I am French (live in belgium, hence the flag). I went there as a tourist thinking oh cool, let's see some heritage. The area is actually wonderful. However, as soon as you step in the city, you notice its actually very segregated. White and blacks do not mix much, and with good reason. The white parts are actually VERY VERY nice. the black parts are... well you know... Anyways, I went to the mall to buy some shit souvenirs and other crap, because america is kinda of cheap. As soon as I am back in the hotel, I turn on the TV and guess what, the mall I was in had a mass shooting with 4 dead and several other wounded. (it was 2012 i think beginning of February). This should tell you all you need to know about Saint Louis MO. It's kind of a nice city, but you dont want to live there...
Jews work hard to make any city or street named after a famous white, Christian as dangerous as possible.
Dogtown was good when I lived there, but that was 10 years ago.
Holly Hill's is okay.
That’s a good reply thanks. Glad you were out of there on time.
>Is it as violent as some say?
>Most violent place in America
Either West Baltimore or South Chicago for major cities. If you really want to see dysfunction, though, look to some small towns in the Deep South where nobody ever dares to tread. I guarantee you that there is a medium sized, 100% black town in Louisiana or South Carolina that has Liberia-tier horrors. You'll never hear about them unless something of national political significance happens there; ie a white police officer from another state wanders in to serve a warrant and ends up getting in a shootout killing one of the locals
I assume the suburbs are safe though?
>Louisiana or South Carolina
Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Those niggers want to kill as many crackers as possible
I'm living on west STL county and here's what i got after a couple of months. Happy to be corrected:
East STL (IL side): niggers, strip clubs, drugs, shootings, dead bodies dump
Downtown STL (MO side): day light, small city downtown area, some landmarks, at night, increased nigger presence, hence property crime, drugs and shootings
North county and gradually everything north from MLK drive: niggers, general crime - Ferguson is here
West/south county: suburbia USA
The far you go west/south, the lower the property value drops, the more redneck prevalence.
IMO, it's a mixed bag. You could find from old money boring mansions, to boring McMansions, to boring neighborhoods, to boring trailer parks, depending the school district rep.
What’s a McMansion?
St. Louis Fag here. I have lived in the City and the County. My parents were South City working class whites that moved to St. Louis County in the 1980's.
I own rental property in some rougher areas. Here is the truth. The northern part of the city is as lawless as Afghanistan. Police Bros I know don't go to certain areas unless it is force. Most of the murders take place in and around there. There is bleed off from that area where there is violence in North St. Louis County and in South St. Louis. South St. Louis is nice and has beautiful parks. But, the Police are overwhelmed and do not investigate certain crimes that well, and even worse now. I had one of my rental properties broken into this past week. The police just made a phone report.
There are certain places I would not go after 5 pm. I have gone to places I shouldn't have and wished I had not. As long as you keep your head down and mind your own business people do not mess with you generally. But, I am armed wherever I go in the city. I do not mess around with my safety. Lots of random robberies in the city.
East St. Louis is like Mars. It is so fucked up and poor its crazy. If and when I have to travel through there I do not stop. I just run red lights and stop signs. I only go through East St. Louis to get to court or if my friends from out of town want to go to the strip club.
The reason why we have a bad reputation is the city is constantly mismanaged. The prosecutor can't actually prosecute and doesn't try cases. The police hate her, and lots of mid major crimes just go unpunished. Lots of financial mismanagement, and there is very little accountability. In St. Louis County the smaller municipalities are pretty solid. Lots of accountability and very little mismanagement.
Yes it is.
And the metro link brings the subhuman filth to many areas of the city and county.
Poorly designed large house that has an emphasis on large gaudy fixtures that has very little design aesthetic. I was once told my an architect that you can download the plans for them online.
Southwest is the white part of St. Louis. And if you live southwest of town in one of the smaller towns it is even whiter
if you asked that guy if black people are good he would still tell you heyuhl yaya.
it's so bad police don't come unless someone is dead
meh, i live in Memphis which is similar and it's not that bad unless you go to bad parts of town
I'm a white guy who grew up in East St.Louis just down the street from the Down Town St.Louis Airport, in Cahokia IL. This comment nails it. If you go to Cahokia, Centerville, East Saint Louis, or Washinton Park, have a gun on you at all times no matter what. A level 3a vest under a windbreaker/hoodie is a good idea as well - No Bullshit put on a vest! It's rough around here.
I have been to Memphis and I live in St. Louis. I agree with your opinion. The rough parts are similar, but you have more of a southern poor vibe. St. Louis has this post rust belt poor vibe mixed with french architecture. Walking through the shitty parts of New Orleans felt like St. Louis.
Its a shithole. I stayed at one of the nicer hotels in downtown during a 2 day stop and had homeless dindus riding up on a no doubt stolen or 'rented' bike to beg for money everytime i stepped out anything other than the main entrance. Especially at night. I learned to leave my wallet inside but carry my sidearm real quick. Motherfuckers could see i had no wallet bulge but was definitely carrying. Was in chicago next stop, and downtown chicago was miles better than that shithole. Was right beside the cardinals' stadium for reference.
Not as violent as Scarborough.
Bro East Saint is way worse than Memphis. It's as bad as Gary Indiana.
Nigger infested shithole. Stay the fuck away.
I worked with a girl who's parents were East St. Louis Police officer auxiliaries. Her Dad had been involved in over 10 gun fights. Cops get paid pretty well to work security at the bars that stay open all night. Bars in Missouri generally close at 2:00 a.m. and Missouri doesn't have lots of Strip Club (because of Muh Jesus). So if you want to drink and have fun past 2 am you gotta go to the East side.
One of the road side coffee shops/stands in washington park had bullet holes in it from a shoot out.
Of course lol
>Which is the most violent place in America?
A mystical place we call Coontown.