Is it even possible to make a billion dollars without fucking children on an island? I mean I'm sure once in a generation something like the UFC breaks through but for normal industries? It seems to get to that level you have to get involved in politics to get favorable treatment and suppress the competition etc and by that point your drugged out of your mind balls deep in a toddler at the billionaire ranch.
Is it even possible to make a billion dollars without fucking children on an island...
elite pedos rings are a myth
Snopes debunked back in 2017 when the pizzaschizos were raiding the board and shot up an actual pizzashop irl
Nearly all billionaires have their wealth because they cheated others out of money. Very few have been moral entrepreneurs.
A good amount are satanic, influencing global economies, and lobby for shit they want pushed.
Capitalism still is the best system we got, though.
If we didn't have paper money than they wouldn't exsist
Cheated and because of interest. Distributionism is a better system, imo
>max level characters in mmos shouldnt exist
why not, user? are you just a jealous level 1?
All billionaires are collaborating with the jewish oligarchy and are traitors to their race and nation.
They ALL deserve to be shot.
based user is right
snopes knows what those pesky billionaires are and arent up to!
This. It takes money to make money. Any “started from the bottom bootstrap” retard needs to open a history book or be gassed.
That particular instance was false, but there are well documented elite pedo rings like the Franklin Coverup and all the Epstein shit just a few years ago.
>Is it even possible to make a billion dollars without fucking children on an island?
I would do it for free
>A good amount are satanic
Name one and back it up with some real proof
>All billionaires are collaborating with the jewish oligarchy
>Jewish oligarchy
What the fuck are you even talking about? Do you have brain damage?
Distribution could be a better system, but that makes the average person reliant on said system. It makes people lazy, sadly it goes against human nature.
We aren't built to work together, sure tribes and nations exist, but one like the US solely exists because people came here to do better for THEMSELVES. Not for others, they wanted others to succeed, but at the end of the day, they cared if they could feed themselves first.
That's my issue with distribution, we are hunters and gatherers by nature.
I say help those that fall behind, who can't afford their rent, who are stuck in Slums. But we've seen that welfare and food stamps don't help, generations later, and that same bloodline is still on Government assistance.
Would you want to play an MMO where your ability to advance to higher levels is based on who you know and how much the devs like you? And not only this, but the max level characters who all know each other work together to kill you at spawn and take what meager items you managed to get from the lower level caves.
>elite pedos rings are a myth
Bluepilled faggot.
Return to reddit where you belong.
do you have to make this thread everyday?
yeah - but vote republican to give them additional tax breaks
don't forget to MIGA
I believe Bill Gates is a Satanist, or at least has connections to powerful satanists
Why? Because Microsoft published a video promoting Marina Abramovic, a known practicing Satanist.
These same powerful people are known to go to Satanic parties, where they act out pseudo cannibalism, eating food made to look human.
Hope you're just trolling, this is reality buddy.
There are different types of rich people.
>Old money aristocrat
Most of them you've never heard of and they mostly seem like good people. People in this group have done a lot of nice things like donate buildings and such. They are dignified and classy, which is how they are still rich after all this time. Not an easy feat it seems.
>New money technocrat/industrialist
These guys made their money through business ventures and probably stepped on more than a few throats along the way. Not the best people in the world but also not necessarily aligned with satan.
>Criminal class
These are the Jeffery Epstein's of the world. They are bad people that made their money through illicit means. It's only a matter of time before their shady associates get rid of them or they lose the money by being low-class.
Who knows what is going on in the upper echelons of society. All the groups may have merged by now, but my point is there has been very wealthy people of that weren't criminals.
I don't trust rich people unless they are heavily religious.
Atheist Billionaires are dangerous, everyone has an allegiance to something, what do you think they want?
Notch was a neckbeard programmer who shitposted on Yas Forums, who sold Minecraft for over a billion dollars, so yes, it is possible. He outbid several A-list celebrities for the most expensive house in LA even.
Sucks that he is now miserable
middle aged
All that wealth and no children, no trophy wife.
That dude handled becoming rich in a horrible way
Silicon valley average person makes 100 thousand a year and most of the profit goes toward rent or home.
Doubtful since employer would still pay you in any make believe currency. You studied how many times bitcoin and other online currency has crashed or been swindled?
Not sure why you'd assume that.
Honestly yes. He owns a giant mansion but doesn't do anything with it, because he probably doesn't have any connections. He spends his days on Twitter and probably the Chan's, playing video games and programs for fun.
The guys is based and redpilled, if I was him I would buy Yas Forums at least.
>elite pedos rings are a myth
>Snopes debunked
Sorry guys he's a new hire.
Pizza gate was just a pizza place getting attacked by a white supremacist.
People like you need to understand that the Elites have our best interests in mind :)
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