Honest answers please

Can somebody explain why we’ve shut down the global economy over a literal while hyper inflating our currency over a legit nothing Burger?

If we’re worried about death why not use that money to fight abortion, cancer or use it to feed people?

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Multiply that number by 10 if we didn't social distance, then it'd clock in right below smoking. Also the number is massively unreported because china doesn't want to tell us 200k people died.

Big nose wants cheap stocks.

user, would you believe me if I said not being rude or violent would make the entire world economy surge 6% annually for the next decade?

>if we didn't social distance
Source on that = NONE

Stupid chart, there were 0 deaths from abortion this year, or any year

The economy was on life support already. They needed a scapegoat for its demise.

That includes not being antisemitic. Not stalking people, not fixating your whole mind on hatreds, not obsessing about how much you want to destroy things that suck, etc.

>Can somebody explain why we’ve shut down the global economy over a literal while hyper inflating our currency over a legit nothing Burger?

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T. Roastie

>75 million people died in World War II
>women abort a WW II every seven years
What the fuck?

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So, we shouldn't care about having clean drinking water then?

Society stopped producing dignity. The VIP set felt like they were constantly dying and getting no new blood to replace them. The new potentials that arose were unethical, incompetent, or unpopular. The cost of being unpopular went up as abusive people online worked to perfect their art.

Conservatives meanwhile pumped their thumbs in their asses and said golly this smells bad.

>nobody has an abortion

Loads of bitches have abortions its a yuge industry.

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>because the economy is shit
>because everyone has to stay home
>because the virus is overloading hosipitals

what isnt there to get about that

Why didn’t you list hospital error you fucking fag

>Conservatives meanwhile pumped their thumbs in their asses and said golly this smells bad.

Im a conservative and ive never done that it sounds uncomfortable and unhygienic.

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Because the economy isnt important. Its litrally something invented by kikes just a little over 100 years ago

Why fight abortion?

Just wait 2 weeks

Nah it's just a flu. Unless you have a weak immune system or you already have a respitorial problem you just shrug it off. It practically weeds out gays with AIDS, trannies who are weakened from hrt, vegan onions boys and jews who insist on strict kosher diet, all the nasty smokers and potheads... Apart from the stock market crash, I'm enjoying the show.

they are delibetary crashing the worlds economy, in Lithuania there have been like 20deaths, and majority that died were barely alive, more people die from normal yearly corona virus.

And they keep extenting the lockdown, longer and longer.

Im 100% convinced they want to fuck up working class even more, more rules, more regulation, less pay, more surveillance, crappier jobs, crappier life, new implanted chips, etc, etc..

Wrong. This whole thing has been a stupid overreaction.

Did you murder your baby?


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Not only are abortions the worst killer, it should be attributed to the number of years lost instead of just lives.

I don’t know, you’d have to account for every other statistic being under/missreported as well. There is a huge gap between covid-19 everything else, that would require a lot more than China leaving out 200k deaths...

Your mother aborted your brother/sister, didn't she?

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Because the system is a joke and common people get palyed like a fiddle. Welcome to the world

Where people could have had potential, it was destroyed by unrepentant manipulators - or unrepentant people with little concept of how they victimized others. With sufficient unrepentance they're the same thing. Honest errors can be worked through. Eventually those who can't communicate straightforwardly or apologize to those they hurt may as well be manipulators.

More broadly, society started to breach into a greater true openness. People started being themselves in the open without worrying about popularity. I fucking missed it, backed into a corner of society where popularity was bought with cybersexual services as I was, but I'm aware of the phenomenon existing more broadly.

If people aren't hateful, it doesn't matter what they're like. Except it turned out that hatred ascended even in the left, and the test of not being hateful started to be how much "not"-abuse you could take.

Which made society shit.

We need dignity. We need etiquette. Politeness needs to not be regarded as exclusively authoritarian. Polite honesty is needed for people to collaborate.

We're starting to need truth and reconciliation councils, and as someone stalked by hateful people, I myself am losing my will to oppose surveillance. I don't think a surveillance state would have permitted what happened to me.

Unless it was corrupt. That's the problem with surveillance. It is very intensively interesting to corrupt people.

This makes the most sense though I still feel that would be difficult to coordinate a plan like this and their would be easier ways to do it. Also why the fuck would they care about having a scapegoat?

The underreporting frightens me. I know England isn't testing people because my family there all got sick and were refused testing. I have friends in New York and the problems they're seeing are worse than the numbers show. If the US and UK are deflating their stats, god knows what everyone else is doing. We all know China is lying.

The vast majority of those numbers increase linearly with time. Infectious diseases grow exponentially, and COVID-19 has a pretty high exponent. The number will only stay low if we take this seriously.

>He believes the CCP
At least 500,000, probably more like 800,000 fatalities. And that was before they made a not-so-hard decision to resume interaction to preserve the GDP and let the weak insects die off.

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