Does transgenderism improve society?

Does transgenderism improve society?

Left: a violent white male incel virgin loser who could eventually evolve into a mass-shooter

Right: transforms into a cute girl and enjoys the easy life in a gynocentric society. also she isn't a virgin and she gets sex easily because she's so attractive

The result of transgenderism: decreasing violence, decreasing criminal activity, decreasing terrorism, decreasing inceldom.

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>increasing white suicide rate
sounds like a great idea, no wonder this shit is everywhere

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99% of transgender males are still incels.


trannys commit more crime not less. they work overwhelmingly as whores and drug dealers.
Also in case you forgot suicide is a crime lol

you actually want that faggot on the left to reproduce? he unironically looks more appealing as a girl. his genes are shit, and (s)he should only exist to please my BWC.

>a cute girl and enjoys the easy life in a gynocentric society

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>Left: a faggot
>Right: a faggot


This but unironically.

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Sage with your discord tranny garbage

>left: a faggot
>right: a faggot I'd let suck my dick

>buries axe 6 inches into your skull.
>Muscles heaving, he grabs a box of tampons and walks out the door.

unironically i want them to all die. The world would be better off

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kill them both

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Just a symptom of a sick society.

by about 40 percent, yeah.

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I'm straight, but I kinda want to be raped by a group of hot trannies until my sexuality breaks.

can you lil twinks post some boi pussy pics this 30 year old boomer needs to fap

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How did his face fill out and he went less bald up front?

so you're closeted

But that's not really a girl is it? And when the realization sets in it's the noose.

yep. end of a civilization. people always start going insane.

>Right: transforms into a cute girl
except not

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stop watching fucked up porn. for your own sake. damn.

>How did his face fill out
probably female hormones, they add facial fat, dunno about the hair, probably angles

Is transitioning the final solution to the incel problem?

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>gynocentric society
>no vagina

Damn, in both forms he/she is cute and hot. While I can’t even be hot in one form.

how is he gay for getting his dick wet? you literally can't distinguish a guy's mouth from a girl's mouth. i know that from personal experience as i've gotten sucked by both males and females

it's only gay if a man sucks another man's dick; not getting sucked off

That's not the same person. The hairline, nose, jawline, and moles are all different.

Red pilled out of Trannytown

fuck I want all these cringe lil zoomers to transition its honestly an improvement

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>The result of transgenderism: decreasing violence, decreasing criminal activity, decreasing terrorism, decreasing inceldom.

If you would kill every human on earth no one could comit any crimes, if you would put people in cages you could prevent crimes, if you would stick people into guilt of their skin color and their sex THAN OF COURSE THEY WOULD STOP BEING VIOLENT, they overall would lose their will to live or their will to do anything because they would just be put down by sociaties roles until they explode and either kill themselfes or kill other people and than themself. You haven't come up with a new idea you're just repeating a opressiv system.

All I wanna do is wear long 1950s dresses, milk my Hitler-cup breasts and snipe Jews with a gatling gun.
Is that so much to ask? Why must life be so mundane?

Sean is 4chans favorite tranny clearly

Maybe stopping gynocentrism would be a far better solution. Lots of men wouldn't even consider becoming women if just their lives had any value.

we can take all the zoomer pawgs with daddy issues for ourselves.

It is retard she posts on lgbt grr egg metals all the time

Trannies are fetishists, sexually degenerate

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Symptom of a weak society. The only thing the west has propping it up is our technology and raw IQ superiority. The muzzies or more likely chinks will dominate the world at some point. There’s a reason why in China they censor pornography and all forms of degeneracy.

Honestly wouldn’t mind a chink world. What’s the alternative? degenerates in the streets and bossy masculinized women? Fuck that.

Trannies only look remotely female with the right filter, right angle, right make up, right clothes

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Wanna know how I know you're the actual retard here?

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STFU Tranny and go kill yourself and donate your penis to Private Ryan

Yes. Yas Forums needs to stop resisting the evolution of incels. white guys on Yas Forums complain about everything because they're pathetic and autistic


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Oddly the majority of these are non-White despite the fact the media only shows the White ones.

I think years of killing fags in Europe between Charlamagne and Wiemar purged a lot of the borderline faggots from the gene pool.

>have a seat, user

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Even biological women are heavily dependent on makeup

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Yes but only in your country David Leibowitz. Semites are naturally disgust inducing anyway so it wont be much different. Open borders, race mixing, and gay pride seem like very good policies for Israel.

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Sounds like cope you invented to justify your homosexual experiences

>Right: transforms into fugly dude and suffers a harder life in the real world. also he is a virgin and he never has sex because the wound isn't large enough and they are not attractive.
This is true

>Left: loser who could eventually evolve into an hero
This is the sad reality

Lol, I just thought "You shall not pass" as soon as I saw his face.

LotR is now hatespeech.

Don’t say that about Sean

She cute >:(

>Left: An ugly guy who could spend a few years in college studying STEM, live in a big house and fend off gold diggers for the rest of his life
>Right: An ugly guy with makeup who lets faggots fuck his ass out of desperation

Poor Chris...

Also, they're clearly not even the same person

It is incel she posts on lgbt gen

How does it feel to be a disgrace to your bloodline lmao

Violent my ass. Mass shooter? Doubt it could hold a gun. Fucking pos either way. Go dilate op, you fucking fag.

>also she isn't a virgin
Because a doctor fucked "her" up with a scalpel?

As an unattractive man with no social skills (most probably), left guy won't be able to find a job.

I became daddy's girl almost immediately after I started transitioning. Mom took a bit longer to accept me but she's okay with it now.