Was an incel until college. Started slamming 6s and 7s. Any other incels get laid recently, share stories. I’ll share mine if anyone cares
Was an incel until college. Started slamming 6s and 7s. Any other incels get laid recently, share stories...
You had sex. Good job. Lmao
six and seven hundred pounds?
guys who fuck fat ugly sluts out of desperation are more obnoxious than incels.
Sure doesn't make you sound like any less of a loser
What are your stats, how did you looksmaxx, why were you an incel etc
Always been getting laid but mostly 4s/5s.
Just recently started working out and used Law of Attraction to fuck 8s-10s. Including 18 year old girls straight out of high school. I feel like a new man.
Didn’t have to looksmax, was never ugly. I wrestle in college so I went to a bar a fucked a cheerleader, and a sorority girl after. Not bad.
was an incel (and a virgin) until 21. Got laid with a really hot hooker and carried on banging various hookers for the next couple of years (luckily, I lived in Czech Republic where it's easy to fuck decently hot women relatively cheaply and they love it too). Got my girlfriend when I got 23 (she was solid 7, I'd say) and have been fucking 6-8's since
still incel at 35, been working out 5x a week for past 15 years in hopes that one day I'll get laid
checked and he's got a point.
>exercising is the only factor in getting laid
you're not going to make it
Was an autistic cel until 19. Then a girl asked me out. The end.
Incels don’t want sex you brainlet they want a committed relationship.
>personal blogposting
>no source, argument, or context
Wow, mods are really asleep today.
long term relationship ended and all i want is a waifu, the only place people seem to find mates is at bars which makes me wtf and some even say clubs which makes me laugh out loud
yeah let me go to this nightclub to find a wife
I'd rather be forever alone
According to half the guys ITT he will.
This guy gets it.
>Law of Attraction
that's the placebo effect, moron
You have to at least make yourself available. Even though hanging out with retards can be insufferable, it's needed. If it makes you feel any better, I remember when I lost my virginity to the girl I had a crush on since elementary school. While fucking, I just looked up at the mirror and thought to myself,"I kind of hyped this up a little too much".
the placebo effect, while being the placebo effect, still works
Checked and kek’d
An object acquired rarely retains the same value it had when it was in pursuit.
Go back to Yas Forums
You're probably one of those guys that trains and looks the same as he started since you don't know what you're doing.
If you post about getting laid on Yas Forums odds are you are lying and in fact an incel still.
I fuck beautiful fat sluts instead
Was at my friend’s college party one time and her roommate kept looking at me from across the room. Probably a 5 or 6 out of 10. Later on my friend tells me that same roommate wanted to fuck my brains out and take my virginity but I declined. Could not put myself that low to lose the V card with some desperate not good-looking woman. I came close fellas didn’t pull the trigger though.
That's most normies honestly. I've known a ton of people over my life that I see constantly making compromises with their fitness for comfort or pleasure. They eat a huge slice of cake and then say they'll make up for it later. Then they do that every single meal and slack while exercising. Their entire lives are composed of nothing but compromises.
One of my roommates in the past would lift poorly for 4 months, then get angry because he's not seeing progress and he'd quit for half a year. He's been doing this exact same cycle for 10 years now. Looks the exact same overweight as he always has.