What the fuck was their problem? Why did they destroy Europe?

What the fuck was their problem? Why did they destroy Europe?

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wrong flag FAG

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Now fuck off with this D&C shit thread.

Nazis tried to save Europe, post WW2 Jewish regime re-started pre-Nazi anti-White programs.

If you look at pre-Nazi Europe and Germany, its really amazing even back then how anti-White was constantly being pushed by Jews.

That happened long after you already leveled the continent, plus you krauts loved Turks. They’re even mentioned to be Honorary Aryan in der untermensch book, same book you called all Slavs subhuman. We were just making your wish’s come true and import the Turks for you.

Based. Let's spit on muttoids together, Hans. No more brother war. Death to la creatura

Does your cunt have vessels like this?

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>you already leveled the continent

Wrong flag FAG

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>Nazis tried to save Europe
by killing most of their younger generation, by not killing the bank Jew, by invading all of their neighbors, by establishing income tax?
Those Nazis?
How the fuck did any of that rescue Europe?
Are you stupid?

They did no such thing, they tried everything they could to save us

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Based Pierre.


Amerijew ZOG shill

See pic, it’s German bombing of London, it still pale in comparison to the Eastern Front. Let’s not forget how many civilians were killed in Saint Petersburg, Stalingrad, Kiev, Warsaw, Kharkov, etc... always conviently ignored by krauts.

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Fuck you jew slave

May I join your spit fest with Hans, brother frog?

You can poop on the mutts faces. Bongs have ugly poops (I watch a lot of scat)

S... Source?

I'll stock up on the prune juice then

America is a Jew controlled human farm for creating fighting mutts and spreading Jewish propaganda. It's one of the biggest evils in the world.

The USA. the shittest country to exist in all human history
bunch of literal sub-humans so biologically altered from normal humans through countless generations pump fed corn syrup and s o y, chemicals in their food, chemicals in their water, 5G radio waves rotting their brain, processed food, mac and cheese, fast food with s o y, fast food chemicals made from plastics, estrogen in their water supply, consumerist, materialist culture,

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Because we never had a great Empire like all the other european Nations

Why did you Americans destroy Europe? Didn't you all have a fucking continent for yourselves? What the fuck was your problem?

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Hitler was mad albanian virgin. He was probably mad that slavic hotties in Austria always rejected him

lol, its not like they did not deserve it in london
and slavs in the east are not human




lol why your ancestors didnt fight for hitler? Maybe he would win with your help.

I don't know but they are monsters

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Germany is a bulwark of Europe


Based Stasi poster

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