How is this acceptable in a society ?

How is this acceptable in a society ?

men should be men and women should be women

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that's a man

kek, these ghouls think HRT is some magical potion that will change their bone structure

I struggled with homosexuality after I was introduced to porn at a young age. Through the power of Christ, He revealed to me that I wasn’t homosexual but rather a woman trapped inside a petite male body. Through the power of prayer, it was revealed to me that I should get a sex change. I did several years ago and have never been happier. I am looking for a passionate Latino man to marry and move to the Midwest with. We will start a quaint little homestead and a family. I will provide him with many sons and he will toil in the fields. I will fill his tummy with home cooked meals and he will fill my tummy with his seed. He will read our sons bed time stories and tuck them into bed and we will sneak off and make sweet love in the moonlit cornfields of Nebraska. Come home, Emilio.

Having cartels is better than having trans kids.
Prove me wrong.

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Childhood abuse can easily trigger autogynephilia. Prepare for this thread to 404, desu.

what in the hopscotch blue berry fuck, that's a fuckin' man baby. nothing is going to hide that shadow from facial hair LMAO

It what happens to people pass the point of no return when it comes to virginity. Chris chan couldn't get laid, so he went for the next best thing.

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Autogynephilia, it's a sexual perversion. These people are demons in human skin.

Why should society decide what I do? I don't want to dress as a woman but fuck society or what ever fucking authority figure that wants to reach into my life for trying to stop me wearing a dress. Fuck your fee fees, let me do what I want as long as I'm not harming another citizen, and no your fee fees being hurt isn't fucking harm.

I had more respect for Marxists back when they used to promote a working class uprising. It's kind of sad how far they've fallen. They've been demoted to running a circus freak show featuring psychotic transvestites.

They still are. No matter if they cut their privates off and put on a dress. That's why they are screaming and killing themselves. Cause people aren't pretending they are what they can never be.

Long term... idk. maybe. Depends on the criminal organization.
I would much rather live under the Yakuza or Sicilian Mafia than anything coming out of Mexico or China.

>this is what libertarians actually believe
you do realise that this "just let me do what i want maaaaan" attitude is what has allowed this to happen in the first place...

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wait till our trans cartels fuc you up spic

Im trans, that's a man, we hate people like this just as much as you do. Informed Consent was like allowing women to vote, It was an open invitation for degeneracy.
Gate Keepers did nothing wrong

__D1sc0rd_linKKKK: FXUtCw


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it's not my job to explain to you what makes up a functioning society. Clearly you failed to have proper male instinct about this and deserve nothing but a steel tipped boot

cartels turn kids into drug addicts and criminals
gender ideology turn your kids into faggots and mentally ill with suicide tendencies
so, what's better?

my brother (30 yrs) started taking hormones
and is now dressing as a woman

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>Im trans, that's a man
so are you

Wtf you're right. Didn't even notice, I was already unzipped.
Thanks for the save

They gave in to their bullies, their sexual predator or domestic abuser. Therapists need to stop recommending HRT because that will lead to them offing themselves after they realize their sexual desires went away efter their balls got cut off.

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May God have mercy on his soul.

Thx for the support bro, very kind of you

Kill yourself cock sucker. You can thank big brother for keeping his boot firmly on your backside but I'm not.

I don't give a fuck. I don't want society trying to run my life. I don't fucking care about the degenerates who ruin their life, it's their prerogative to do so.

In my religion Islam, any dude who larps around and pretends to be a female shall be put to death. Lmao we don’t breastfeed the degeneracy


>this is your brain on libertarian nihilism

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show tits

For the same reason other mentally ill people are “accepted”. Allowing them to exist in peace doesn’t mean I accept them as women.

already did, everyone hates living in mexico

>How is this acceptable in a society ?
it is when jews run the show

Nah I'd rather shoot them

Nah, fuck off mate. Go back to your governmental circlejerk.

That is... horrifying.

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Islam is degenerate . Muslims think allah is the perfect man to be emulated......

my fucking sides

I don't even mean to click Yas Forums just now but I'm glad I did

Money, plain and simple. Doctors realized there was a lot of money to be made off of people with confused gender roles and ran with it. Expensive and on going therapy, dozens of surgeries and hormone treatment make them tons on cash. And all it takes is a few doctors saying it's normal and putting up a nice chart to convince the public it's true.

>i don't care what happens to society
>degeneracy should be tolerated
>you can't tell people how to live maaaan
yeah, you're a nihilist. reminder that you must be 18 to post here

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>How is this acceptable in a society ?
R*ddit isn't indicative of society, it's a little commie echo chamber filled with kids about to get a massive life lesson.

> Islam thinks Allah is the perfect man to be emulate
>assumes Allah’s gender!
Nigga, no one knows whether Allah is man or woman. Literally it doesn’t say anything about that in the Quran.
Also we Muslims don’t emulate Allah even tho we know is all knowing and perfect, we try to emulate and follow our prophets path (Peace be upon him) get your shit right, dumbass