UK Pigs 5 times more likely to stop and search black boys

>Racial bias in police stop and search getting worse, report reveals

>Despite reforms, black boys are nine times more likely than white people to be checked for drugs

>Evidence also suggested "changes in the level of stop and search have, at best, only minimal effects on violent crime", according to the equality impact assessment published by the Home Office, which rolled back restrictions on the "controversial" tactic as part of a bid to crack down on knife crime and violence.

>Under existing measures, evidence pointed to a "disparity in the use of s60s on individuals from BAME communities, especially black men compared with white men", the findings suggested, adding: "It is possible that this disparity is at least in part a result of discrimination/stereotyping on the part of officers and forces carrying out searches under s60."

>Section 60 powers give officers the right to search people in a defined area during a specific time period when they believe serious violence will occur. They can look for weapons before they can be used, or those used in a recent attack.

>The changes mean officers can stop and search anyone in a designated area "without needing serious grounds for suspicion if serious violence is anticipated" and there now only needs to be a reasonable belief an incident involving serious violence "may" rather than "will" occur.

>The report mentioned a specific case in which a 16 year old black male was walking with his girlfriend who was white, when passing officers smelt marijuana coming from the pair they threw the black male up against a wall and frisked him. After finding no evidence of marijuana they let the pair go but failed to check his white girlfriend. The girl later filed a complaint to police that her boyfriend had been racially targeted.

>Data "consistently shows" people from BAME backgrounds, and black people particularly, "are more likely to be the subject of s60 searches than white individuals", according to the report.

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Blacks commit 5 times more of the crime

Nice lack of source nazi. Snopes has debunked the pro police propaganda lines a long time ago pal, give it up stormturds

You know where they'd fit in and finally be treated like everybody else?
#Blexit - because there's no racial disparity in an ethnostate

>Nignogs commit more crime
>More likely to carry weapons or deal drugs
>More likely to start shit
Gee it's a real mystery why they get searched more often.

Makes sense if young black men do more crime then other demographics

>Snopes has debunked the pro police propaganda lines a long time ago pal, give it up stormturds

Of the populations of whitebois and blackbois which has proportionately higher rate of being caught with drugs/knives/guns

Wouldn't be a problem if the niggers:
a) stopped being a bunch of filthy subhuman criminal degenerate scum, or,
b) got the fuck out of the country altogether.

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Good. Fuck niggers. I don’t like pigs much either. But goddamn do I hate me some niggers. I hope they throw more of u criminal fucks in jail and abuse you jungle monkeys out on the streets openly and with extreme prejudice.

I deal with you animals every fucking day, and you all deserve a lot worse. You should honestly be grateful that you’re treated so well.

Quoting snopes like a true faggot, no citation needed for your out of closet homosexuality.

Here's an idea. If you a young black man, don't commit crimes and become a nigger. Easy, right?

Snopes is compromised and for faggots though, so...


>b) got the fuck out of the country altogether.
This right here.

Cut the fucking welfare

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Make it 10.

> 5 times more likely
> 9 times more likely

Pick one nigger

Also, UK can't do stop and search they have fuck all power and are cucked as fuck.

Niggers are at least 10 times more likely to commit crimes, so it's actually the SJW bullshit keeping police from doing their jobs effectively.

>Also, UK can't do stop and search they have fuck all power and are cucked as fuck.
What are you on about?

Incredibly based
Fuck niggers

This. Didn't even read his crap. Fucking reddit sois polluting this board.

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If the copa stop you they need a reason to search you. If you aren't being arrested or having had the cops called on you specifically for a name crime they can't do shit.
I got stopped plenty before I moved from the UK and the most they can do is ask you for name and address etc, not search.

Learn your rights faggot.

Snopes confirmed you gay as fuck boi! Hahahaha

God bless our commonwealth brothers

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Fuck made a typo, best just go and kill myself now since my point is immediately ruined.



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Blacks like >5x more likely to commit a crime

Turns out nogs are far more likely to commit crimes, racial bias is just a fancy word for pattern recognition

> police are told to go to crime infested area
> give them the authority to stop and search

> "wtf its mostly niggers in crime infested areas"