CDC proves this is just a flu.

Attached: NOTHING.png (1293x567, 68.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: FluVSCorona-SidebySide.png (1278x1269, 89.28K)

Attached: meds, take them.gif (388x369, 1.27M)

This hurts old people, and people who are sick. This is the history of the world, it's time to let our youth live their lives.

Attached: NOTHING2.png (1241x575, 83.51K)

its like everyone but trump wants to just burn everything to the ground and trump lost all his energy. I think hes tired of playing president and doesnt care too much anymore

动态网自由门 Highway of Death 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 USA VIRUS 六四天安門事件 No Gun Ri Massacre 天安門大屠殺 MKUltra 反右派鬥爭 McCarthyism 大躍進政策 My Lai Massacre 文化大革命 AIPAC 人權 Human Rights 民運 Popular Vote自由 Freedom 獨立 Racial Justice多黨制 More Than Two Parties 台灣 臺灣 Jet Fuel Melting Point 中華民國 Palestinian State 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Timber Sycamore 達賴喇嘛 Bashar Al Assad 法輪功 Aberdeen Scandal 新疆維吾爾自治區 COINTELPRO 諾貝爾和平獎 Trophy Skulls 劉暁波 Sinchon massacre 民主 言論 思想 反共 Hate Speech Laws 抗議 運動 Iran Contra 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 Bay of Pigs維權 USA VIRUS 游行 李 "Kill Everyone Over Ten" 斷種 USA VIRUS 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 USA VIRUS 魏京生 王丹 NSA Phone Taps 和平演變 Legal Abortion 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 Black Panthers 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 USA VIRUS屠殺 活摘器官 Piazza Fontana bombing 遊進 走私 毒品 USA VIRUS 六合彩 天安門 USA VIRUS 法輪功 李洪志 USA VIRUS 动态网自由门

Which Races struggle with COVID at this early date?
>the one with the highest HIV rate?

He can resign, nobody is stopping him. Could be an epic Mike drop.

Attached: TotalMortalityByRaceUSA.png (1011x337, 28.93K)

Now let's see that compared to last year's flu numbers.

Based. Fuck Mutts.

Thanks for that, the last thing I want is chinks shitting up these threads with their communist bug bullshit.
Chart is for the 4 week period March 1- March 28, USA, from the CDC.

Attached: NOTHING5.png (1245x733, 107.66K)

Fuck you!!!! My Blackberry just shut down again deleted my entire browsing history of trans gay porn AGAIN and this time I got a SMS warning from the CDC to head home Stop posting this!

To date 19-20 Flu.

Attached: FluView_StackedColumnChart_2019-20.png (1200x500, 37.2K)

And stacking on that the entire 2018-19 season.

Attached: FluView_StackedColumnChart_2018-19.png (1200x500, 37.1K)

Nyc has 10,000,000 people.

By that math (4.6 x100) they should have about 460 hospitalizations.

Instead they have 10,000 dead.

Bro, obesity is "being sick" A LOT of people are quite sick.

Consider that maybe those weren't actually Corona deaths? Or that they're not counting the dead on hospitalization? Kinda leaves it up in the air.

Bump Nothing burger, confirmed.
Trump was right, it's the flu.

what level of super mario is this lmao

It's a hoax, everyone knows it, he just had to play along and manage the media crisis.

NYC is epicenter of the hoax, obviously.

>he just had to play along and manage the media crisis.
Trump's a fucking actor just like the rest of 'em.

We know that deaths are classified as COVID deaths even without testing so you can't trust the inflated death numbers.

Overcounting? Hospital admin want attention and cash.

Can anyone see a trend in the last 4 weeks of "the flu" that corresponds with the last 4 weeks of "corona"?

thank anime we are saved

Covid 4th week at near 40 per 100k killing off boomers, flu 4th week >5? per 100k.


bro a hundred bazillion deaths
just give it two more weeks
only those with hazmat suits and canned beans will survive

COVID-19 has killed over 21,000 Americans.

In a single month. With quarantine measures.

It is not a flu.

Cumulative, which is the strangest way to count anything.
I keep having to explain it like, it's the number of people, total, who have banged your mother, just added on. So it's like a exponential, since every 1 here is actually like 3,200 more.
So if your mother were counting the number of people she shags, using powers.
1 = 3200
2 = 6400
And the real number for your mother, ...

>no sources
Nigger, you came to a thread full of sources, and you talked out your ass.
Holy fuck, at the least, bring a comparison, like how many people die per month in the US on average.

Rule #1 of Stats 101, numbers mean nothing out of comparison.

OP is trying to compare an entire months long flu season to a single month.