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Attached: memeflag-kike-merchant-jew.jpg (208x242, 16.41K)

Nah what's making you kikes all uppity is the fact that all these Presidential powers were put into place for future corrupt Presidents and they never expected Trump to use all these tools against their own Liberal World Order. Cope.

you are so ignorant.
he handed power over to fema w/the disaster declaration of all 50 states.
i suggest you read eo12148 for a starter.

>handed power to FEMA
FEMA is a federal agency under the President's control. Are you retarded?

in other words, he does have total authority, and CNN and MSNBC are wrong.

read the goddamn eo you fkng retard.

fuck off you idiot. Cuomo outlawed the second amendment and nobody gives a shit.

You understand the powers discussed in this thread are decades old and don't come from an EO Trump signed right? This thread is talking about Trump forcing states to reopen.

You were fine with how the boots tasted when they were your side's flavor. Magic Nigra Obama had all these same powers, in fact you gave him more.

Bush siezed control of each states National Guard units. He was a piece of shit too