To the fucking CIA glowie posting that d*scord link in every thread:
Your time will come.
To the fucking CIA glowie posting that d*scord link in every thread:
Your time will come.
Other urls found in this thread:
Finaly some calléd them out
When will they stop it wont work
>inb4 he posts it in this thread too
动态网自由门 Highway of Death 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 USA VIRUS 六四天安門事件 No Gun Ri Massacre 天安門大屠殺 MKUltra 反右派鬥爭 McCarthyism 大躍進政策 My Lai Massacre 文化大革命 AIPAC 人權 Human Rights 民運 Popular Vote自由 Freedom 獨立 Racial Justice多黨制 More Than Two Parties 台灣 臺灣 Jet Fuel Melting Point 中華民國 Palestinian State 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Timber Sycamore 達賴喇嘛 Bashar Al Assad 法輪功 Aberdeen Scandal 新疆維吾爾自治區 COINTELPRO 諾貝爾和平獎 Trophy Skulls 劉暁波 Sinchon massacre 民主 言論 思想 反共 USA VIRUS 抗議 運動 Iran Contra 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 Bay of Pigs維權 示威游行 李 "Kill Everyone Over Ten" 斷種 USA VIRUS 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 NSA Phone Taps 和平演變 Legal Abortion 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 Black Panthers 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 USA VIRUS屠殺 活摘器官 Piazza Fontana bombing 遊進 走私 毒品 USA VIRUS 六合彩 天安門 USA VIRUS 法輪功 李洪志 USA VIRUS 动态网自由门
Noticed that too
These photos they are posting along with the discord link are str8 up CP, the previous invites that have been posted used to be a little toned down , but they are not posting that shit and it’s screaming “come here for CP”
It’s all disgusting , and the day of the rope is coming fren
I honestly think it's the JIDF considering Discord was started by and run by Jews. I honestly believe it's yet another unit 8200 front. In the past I've replied with fuck off JIDF only for them to delete the post.
I thought it was discord trannies
There is actually a significantly sized cell within CIA who are pedos.
This. Storm all discord and post fuxk nigger jdif
Also never post eyes or hand
Seeeeeeeeeth jidf faggots
2d lolis aren't cp retard
>only for them to delete the post
it was removed by jannies retard you didn't do shit
not installing that shit m8
>Found the Kike
Not going to argue with you, you get the rope
For once the huemonkey isn't a nigger.
fuck off Israel, no one likes you
What's their endgame tho?
ok retard
I'm not israel
Kill yourself
Fuck I keep forgetting you have to download shit ,are you sure ?
I think last time I was able to lurk without downloading , someone posted he was going to make high score and thousands people signed in to watch live stream of it but it didn’t happen
anyone who posts here at this point who doesn't understand that discord is a honeypot deserves what they get.
You first roach
Why are they spamming this shit?
I’m only replying to tell you to get the fuck off my board. You don’t even have a soul , Don’t ever fucking reply to my post again
Is that the one with a random loli pic attached?
ask your Rabbi
you should kill yourself.
Yeah I noticed that around 2am-5am central/US time every other thread had one posted on it
Honestly dude try following it.
The people on that Discord reacted to my entrance by immediately creeping on me, so it'd probably be good for randoms.
Yeah just tell him to leave, that'll definitely work
it is
>You don’t even have a soul
Funny coming from an amerispic
don't do this at all, don't go near the discord as a matter of fact, it is likely a honeytrap chock full of cp/loli garbage
Gonna check my laptop , that was a long ass time ago I forgot I might have that shit
A canadian got busted on hate for it because it skirts the line there while legal in the states.
also no
Also if anyone is interested the posts look like this
Anyone have any idea what the random sequence of letters is?
It's different in every post
it's still enough to make the newfags panic
If I was also a pedophile kike like you, I would. Burn in hell.
Its to close to comfort
10am to 1pm Israeli time
>intelligence ops on a mongolian basket weaving forum
When did Yas Forums become so infested with pearl-clutching soccer moms?
>pic related
There’s is a huge difference , you say that 2dLoli isn’t CP .. but Atleast I’m not sexualizing some character with a kiddy voice The point is , I don’t want woman I’m fucking to look like that, so to me it’s hard to sexualize that image I’m my sure
Sure I see a small nude girl , but then my fantasy doesn’t go past that .. how can I relate to something that looks like that ?
What the fuck do they want?
Anyone notice posts beginning to be eaten upon submission?
I’ve always wondered what’s in the discord. Does anybody dumb enough to have joined it got anything to report?
Keep forgetting to check the time In isreal whenever shit goes down , Deff confirms kikes are on the clock
Come here anons! ^-^
This posting wasn’t like the ones earlier
Your trying too hard
Nah, kill yourself.
go glow somewhere else