>communism killed 100 million people!

Even if you take the extremely inflated 100 million (which includes dying of natural cause and nazis killed by the Red Army) as a legit number, that same number dies every 4 to 5 years as a result of capitalism. So it took a century for communism to do what capitalism does twice every decade.

Who could have guessed a philosophy based around exploitation of resources, unsustainable growth, shareholder profits, and an utter lack of any moral basis could have resulted in so many deaths?

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Its not my fault african people think living in the middle of the biggest continent in the world and expect wite pepoo to take care of them while they have nothing to offer

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you forgot your memeflag, user

coca fucking cola did more for them while building infrastructure for delivers than their communist tribal rulers

>not real capitalism

How is that capitalism fault that Africa can't get their shit together?

Colonialism, slavery, centuries of exploitation.


If you are for curbing climate change you need more deaths

therefore capitalism is your god now

okay I gave you what you wanted now please leave

The best part about communism is that party dick suckers like op are first to be killed.

>when a libtard says capitalism kills millions because our expensive, state of the art bombs blow up terrorists
Not the same thing as starving millions of your own people, sweetie

that's all on (you) people, though

Damn i didnt realize european colonization of africa lasted throughout most of human history

Can't wait for your fucking revolution to start and you having to work in the mines instead of being a poet or a red army uniform designer

GLOBALLY vs your little nation, that didn't cure these things ether... impressive.

>Completely ignores that the same arbitrary costs could be applied to Communism.
> Slide thread

Colonialism only made Africa better. they'd be living in mud huts otherwise. Also this isn't exploitation, africans can't manage their resources by themselves.
And africans weren't enslaved in africa but sold to slavery by their fellow africans.

Nice try Jew
How are people killed by Capitalism?
Which Capitalist nations are you referring to?
What a fucking idiot

Read The Gulag Archipelago and then get back to me.

I don't know because they became "liberated" post-colonial shitholes thanks to communists

WTF I love dirty water now.


Literally untrue.

Capitalists consider profit mre important than people. We have the capability to ensure every single person on this planet have access to food, clean water, and healthcare. But we won't solve these problems because it is not profitable to.

Oh look! It's jew versus jew!

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Jewish boshleviks killed 100 million
Nice try schlomo.
The revoulution was caused buy jews funded buy jews and the officer's were jews

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How many whites die to Malaria, Hunger and lack of clean water?

Prove that communism can do a better job of fixing these issues than capitalism. You're only allowed to use empirical evidence.

It's so lonely without you, anons.

discord: 9HHysQ


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So you admit that capitalism disproportionately oppresses people of colour?

Sounds fair to me, if spregs from victims of communism can count covid deaths as caused by communism, comies can count malaria deaths as caused by capitalism

>as a result of capitalism
Lol no jew

>not saving my life is murder!
Why are kikes like this?

We're waiting for you, user.

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