Trump is cooked. An incumbet cant win when large swaths of Americans cant feed their families. The economy wont get better for a long time
Grayson Foster
>why was he such a niggerloving cuck “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”
Whites are the superior race of the earth and niggers are polluting nonhumans.
>CA, OR, and WA proclaim that they will ignore any order to open up and plan to keep it going until "at least the end of the year" >Twitter starts astroturfing that Trump is a dictator
yeah sure why not I like em and im same age. Just make sure you wash your hands a lot.
Wyatt Smith
Weird shills getting auto filtered, only based posts shining through.
Charles Nguyen
But... why?
James Taylor
it is 2016 again.
You will see a bunch of polls showing Trump losing AZ,GA,NC. Then Trump will not only win those states, but will then flip NH,Nevada and win his 2016 map.
He is breaking primary records everywhere and they expect us to believe people are going to go out and vote for Dementia Joe.
Not happening.
NH, Nevada, Minn and even Maine as a whole would go red before AZ,TX and Ga would go blue this year.
Ryan Lopez
cruises unironically suck, it's all old people and jailbait
Justin Reyes
Your "people" have made that place a hellhole, Abdul.
>going on a cruise Cruises are floating golden corrals, why would you ever want to go on one?
Bentley Edwards
Based. I think I'll use my trumpbux. I've been on one that went to Alaska. You get to meet a lot of interesting boomers and see good sights. Plus you normally don't get wifi so you have an excuse to disregard work for a week.
Jaxson Phillips
>it is 2016 again Leftists CANNOT learn. That is an ability found only in higher lifeforms.
Cooper Ross
>states don’t wanna listen to the retard who squandered the time he bought by stating it was just a flu bro Like wtf is wrong with them? How dare they listen to their own best interests. Americans who aren’t willing to die for the economy are bad goy.
Hourly remiender that trump is a fag who only does MIGA and is suddenly based again when campaign season rolls around.
Jackson Bell
i just don't like the idea of going anywhere I can't readily leave
Isaac Gutierrez
Why is this fat mutt stuck on the front page of Youtube? What's weird is that there's normal-looking people in the video, Youtube literally chose the ugliest person to be the thumbnail.
California does need to be locked down until it's American again.
John Nelson
He is the incumbent in the middle of an economic depression. He is done
David Adams
>How DARE you attempt to end government interference in business and people's lives. What are you, a DICTATOR? We need to arrest people for going to church. Have we reached peak retard yet?
Based, put everyone under house arrest and suspend the constitution indefinitely. We must criminalize being alive in public and hunt down those who dare to camp or walk in the wilderness or exercise their religion.
The Alaskan ones do seem kind of cool in a Jurassic Park sort of way: seeing a deadly landscape from absolute comfort fit even for a 90 yr old to thrive.
Jaxson Cook
Hire a caterer to take you food while you're in the bathtub, it's the same thing.
Jose Martin
Breadlines are getting longer here in east republic of Texas
Jaxson Moore
False. They're counting every death as coronavirus, no matter what, because they get money just for "coronavirus deaths". >Big Big Booty playing in the background
动态网自由门 Highway of Death 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 USA VIRUS 六四天安門事件 No Gun Ri Massacre 天安門大屠殺 MKUltra 反右派鬥爭 McCarthyism 大躍進政策 My Lai Massacre 文化大革命 AIPAC 人權 Human Rights 民運 Popular Vote自由 Freedom 獨立 Racial Justice多黨制 More Than Two Parties 台灣 臺灣 Jet Fuel Melting Point 中華民國 Palestinian State 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Timber Sycamore 達賴喇嘛 Bashar Al Assad 法輪功 Aberdeen Scandal 新疆維吾爾自治區 COINTELPRO 諾貝爾和平獎 Trophy Skulls 劉暁波 Sinchon massacre 民主 言論 思想 反共 USA VIRUS 抗議 運動 Iran Contra 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 Bay of Pigs維權 示威游行 李 "Kill Everyone Over Ten" 斷種 USA VIRUS 民族淨化 人 USA 肅清 VIRUS趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 NSA Phone Taps 和平演變 Legal Abortion 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 Black Panthers 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 USA VIRUS屠殺 活摘器官 Piazza Fontana bombing 遊進 走私 毒品 USA VIRUS 六合彩 天安門 USA VIRUS 法輪功 李洪志 USA VIRUS 动态网自由门
Xavier Nelson
Exactly. Most of the boomers literally just hang out in their suites watching the sights and eat. No pool/bar/excursions.
Kayden Sanchez
Have you been on a cruise? I disagree.
Austin Johnson
Trump barely won in those few key states and has done diddly shit to help those people and follow through on his promises. Combine this with the worst downturn in nearly a century and he is fucked. Good riddance.
Caleb Robinson
Isn't it fucking hillarious how the shills not only come in here at the same time, but post the same material?
Why is it hard for them to come up with new shit?
Yea, A Conservative lose in Wisconsin Yesterday, because 300k people still voted for Bernie because they mailed in ballots before he dropped out. Those voters were more than the difference and
Did anyone else notice something? Trump still got 606k votes in Wisconsin despite the fuckijng Virus?
The Dems are beyond fucked.
If Donald Trump gets 606k votes in a Priamry in a state he won in 2016 with a virus and reduced turnout the Dems are fucked.
What did Biden get? 530k running against Sanders who got 300k
Anthony Jackson
>253442390 Let me see he didn't declare war on satanic sandnigger countries of Syria and Iran for the Satan loving jews, lowered immigration, and put the screws on China. You're a mad hoe who won't get a refund from Bernie.
Please state the document that gives the governors or the President the authority to keep anyone from working. Thanks. Pro-Tip: There isn't one. They can't legally fine people either.
Jace Edwards
No depression, tha twas the shills hoping for one thinking this was going to be a 65 months shutdown with a million deaths. This is a fly hoax meme virus & a months holiday that got rid of the weak businesses.
Jaxon Baker
Lol. Do you actually think this makes us butthurt like it does for you, Chang?
When the founding fathers thought of the constitution and bill of rights, did they ever hear about a little something called THE FLU? Big oversight, really. I'm sure they never heard of the plague. They probably couldn't even read.
we can build a giant sign flipping china off on top of mt. fuji >it's possible to cheat in war lel it's just called winning, it's their fault for not having a response to a secret civilization-ending superbomb even in the worst case where we weren't able to succeed operation downfall you know the worst case estimate was 10 million dead japanese, or over 14% of their population, right? that's not winning by any means, and that's even assuming the soviets didn't start gulagging them from above tl;dr grorious nippon empire trembles in fear before the mighty power of FREEDOM