It has been a whole month since Zoomers were let out of school because of this Chinesevirus...

It has been a whole month since Zoomers were let out of school because of this Chinesevirus. Post how these Zoomers have changed your life for the better, or worse.
>Neighborhood streets full of Elementary-aged Zoomers yelping and screaming around.
>Dozens of bikes lining up the streets.
>Chic Fil A drive thru's stretch at least 3 miles.
>Home Depot loaded with boomers pissed they can't go to their wielding/auto repair/landscaping jobs.
>Niggers on the street coofing and making more people sick.

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For me? They've ruined Insurgency Sandstorm by flooding the servers and playing the game like it's fortnite or something
>attempted quick-scoping
>playing as females
>running around in the open
>prone? what's that?
I hate them

>sexual emergencies dissipated
>loads of sexual now available on grinder and tinder

>started streaming on Twitch because I was bored
>a bunch of zoomies watch me for some reason
>some of them treat me like a god
>reached affiliate within a couple weeks
>now zoomies are throwing money at me to play Pokemon with them

it's fucking great, thank you based zoomers for giving me your money.

A zoomer told me I had a "cute pupper" when i was taking my dog for a walk the other day. That's pretty much been my only interaction with one.

>little brother is 15
>first day he's off school he says he's bored
>tease him by saying "now you have all the time you want to play fortnite"
>goes off on a huge rant about how no one plays fortnite anymore and fortnite is for boomers
>leave him alone for the most part
>2 weeks later
>walk downstairs in the morning
>mom and dad are waiting, they are pissed off at me
>they say they cannot believe what I did, call me "despicable", etc
>wtf are they talking about
>dad went down to the basement for the first time in a while and found a spot on the floor that's covered in dried up cum
>little brother told them he saw me go into the basement a lot lately
>little shit
>I go down there to see and it's literally a huge spot on the floor with dried cum
>must have been jerking off in the basement 3 times a day
>they won't believe it was him, make me clean it up

They flooded just about every board and turned them into a shitshow

hahahaha holy shit that sucks but your brother is based

>Omegle wins

>mom found the cum carpet

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Now that's funny


>mom found the used condoms briefcase

Attached: 1584477077624s.jpg (241x250, 6.75K)

>grandpa smelt the piss drawer

Attached: 1568573220430.png (415x403, 7.8K)

Mom found poop jar

big if true

>brother found the cum nephew

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niglets roaming at all hours acting like niglets.

why is it based to jerk off on the floor

>Based zoomer bro

Lmao I hope you took the heat for your little coomer zoomer brother

Why do zoomers look like that though. They really are different. I heard the cunts are growing horns too.

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Fuck me sides!

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Why do you niggers care so much about zoomers? Just let them be, every generation does stupid shit that makes everyone else cringe.

>spray axe everywhere and hit things with elbow
>I am halo

>growing horns

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>Post how these Zoomers have changed your life for the better, or worse.
It's been nice having my 15 year old son around instead of him being indoctrinated for 8 hours straight.

i have seen some random shit threads on Yas Forums. Looked like something a 12 year old would post

23 zoomer here, I've been laid off of work and now and was wondering if any older folks could give me advice on something. How would I go about making a career change or better yet, finding what I'm good at? I'd like to use these days to finally make the change to get me out of this rut so I dont end up some depressed druggie

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This. The quality of Yas Forums is in the toilet, and I'm blaming it on zoomers being out of school.

>The quality of Yas Forums

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Had a cute 19 year old suck me off for a tiny bit of weed.
Positive impact, I guess.