It has been a whole month since Zoomers were let out of school because of this Chinesevirus. Post how these Zoomers have changed your life for the better, or worse.
>Neighborhood streets full of Elementary-aged Zoomers yelping and screaming around.
>Dozens of bikes lining up the streets.
>Chic Fil A drive thru's stretch at least 3 miles.
>Home Depot loaded with boomers pissed they can't go to their wielding/auto repair/landscaping jobs.
>Niggers on the street coofing and making more people sick.
It has been a whole month since Zoomers were let out of school because of this Chinesevirus...
For me? They've ruined Insurgency Sandstorm by flooding the servers and playing the game like it's fortnite or something
>attempted quick-scoping
>playing as females
>running around in the open
>prone? what's that?
I hate them
>sexual emergencies dissipated
>loads of sexual now available on grinder and tinder
>started streaming on Twitch because I was bored
>a bunch of zoomies watch me for some reason
>some of them treat me like a god
>reached affiliate within a couple weeks
>now zoomies are throwing money at me to play Pokemon with them
it's fucking great, thank you based zoomers for giving me your money.
A zoomer told me I had a "cute pupper" when i was taking my dog for a walk the other day. That's pretty much been my only interaction with one.
>little brother is 15
>first day he's off school he says he's bored
>tease him by saying "now you have all the time you want to play fortnite"
>goes off on a huge rant about how no one plays fortnite anymore and fortnite is for boomers
>leave him alone for the most part
>2 weeks later
>walk downstairs in the morning
>mom and dad are waiting, they are pissed off at me
>they say they cannot believe what I did, call me "despicable", etc
>wtf are they talking about
>dad went down to the basement for the first time in a while and found a spot on the floor that's covered in dried up cum
>little brother told them he saw me go into the basement a lot lately
>little shit
>I go down there to see and it's literally a huge spot on the floor with dried cum
>must have been jerking off in the basement 3 times a day
>they won't believe it was him, make me clean it up
They flooded just about every board and turned them into a shitshow
hahahaha holy shit that sucks but your brother is based
>Omegle wins
>mom found the cum carpet
Now that's funny
>mom found the used condoms briefcase
>grandpa smelt the piss drawer
Mom found poop jar
big if true
>brother found the cum nephew
niglets roaming at all hours acting like niglets.
why is it based to jerk off on the floor
>Based zoomer bro
Lmao I hope you took the heat for your little coomer zoomer brother
Why do zoomers look like that though. They really are different. I heard the cunts are growing horns too.
Fuck me sides!
Why do you niggers care so much about zoomers? Just let them be, every generation does stupid shit that makes everyone else cringe.
>spray axe everywhere and hit things with elbow
>I am halo
>growing horns
>Post how these Zoomers have changed your life for the better, or worse.
It's been nice having my 15 year old son around instead of him being indoctrinated for 8 hours straight.
i have seen some random shit threads on Yas Forums. Looked like something a 12 year old would post
23 zoomer here, I've been laid off of work and now and was wondering if any older folks could give me advice on something. How would I go about making a career change or better yet, finding what I'm good at? I'd like to use these days to finally make the change to get me out of this rut so I dont end up some depressed druggie
This. The quality of Yas Forums is in the toilet, and I'm blaming it on zoomers being out of school.
>The quality of Yas Forums
Had a cute 19 year old suck me off for a tiny bit of weed.
Positive impact, I guess.