Got to love your country and your values.
WWE is held as essential business like grocery stores and pharmacies that can stay open despite coronavirus-related restrictions statewide.
What is Yas Forumss opinion? Is it essential?
Got to love your country and your values.
WWE is held as essential business like grocery stores and pharmacies that can stay open despite coronavirus-related restrictions statewide.
What is Yas Forumss opinion? Is it essential?
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Third world opinions on first world matters disregarded with extreme prejudice.
If fast food and liquor can be listed as essential, why not?
gotta throw vince a bone, xfl went bankrupt ;_;
Fuck you pekka. Your chink genes are showing. China lied, people died.
All employers filed as essential, and if you fear for your safety, you're fired. Fuck this place.
Finland is first world and white.
America is a third world racial soup.
Cope more mutt.
Lucha is superior.
It happens.
How you holding up walmart bro?
You only have a few decent indie places to turn to. Thankfully Tony is signing up the indie guys who are out of work due to this shit and putting them on AEW dark, or in squash matches on Dynamite.
Really hope that essential worker bill shit passes that gives me an additional $13/hr. I'll be making $27/hr. That's when I know I've hit the big time!!!!
>Third World
Imagine being this retarded.
Based and true
Homicides rate 4x higher than EU average = actual shithole
who was mr america - did anybody ever find out his identity?
Hey buddy what if I were to tell you that this fucking virus is overblown garbage?
Yeah I agree that the US is becoming third world but thats because we have a thing called Democrats and RINOs
I didn't even know there was a bill for an extra $13 an hour. I drive truck, so we don't get anything like that, but I'll be happy for you service guys. I've been there, and people suck.
don't worry you're doing a good job following our footsteps by allowing niggers and other nonwhites to your country
eh, i mean if thats the case that means the far superior AEW is also an essential business.
Reminder that Finland will soon introduce mandatory chastity belts for all white Finnish males over the age of 16 to combat the rape epidemic (caused by brown immigrants)
>The virus is a hoax, now get back to work goy!!! Who cares if you have a chance of dying or receiving permanent lung damage? If you don't make up for lost time I won't get my quarterly bonus!!!!!!!
>Thirld World
Imagine being this retarded. Anyway, do you have any opinions on the topic? Or is it just insults only? Is WWE essential? Also UFC seems to be gaining some serious momentum.
Who gives a shit? The bills will still have to be paid and my Jewish landlord is going on with buisness as usual. The kikes are complicit in this as this situation is diverting the blame away from gods chosen people.
I dunno I don't like the idea of being potentially shot by cops for buying seeds and getting out of my house
Admit it, most governors right now are being power-tripping cunts
I don't know, man. 90 day Fiancee tells me otherwise...
Without Corona-chan we wouldn't have seen the Evangelion of Wrestling in Wrestlemania 36.
Keeping up morale is important, although I'm not surprised a Finn would fail to understand this.
God I wish that were me.
I just want to live in the US and work at Costco or something, and have a trailer of my own in a comfy midwest rural town.
That was bullshit. You dont have to be Jim Cornette to see this was hot garbage.
Ok, Now this was epic.
>Loss Wrestling Edits
Never gets old.
Good attitude, wagie. Back to work to make me more shekels!
Yes, fuck those power tripping governors who are making informed decisions based on unanimous medical and viral epidemic expert consensus. They don't care that I'm losing shekels over here!!! If millions of people have to die horribly or be permanently scarred to get me my bonus then so be it!
Nigger, pot shops are open, but I had to fight to stay open and I run a vitamin shop.
There is no Costco here for many hours of driving. Walmart it is. Welcome aboard!
>good attitude
Ok, jewmer.
I'd work at walmart again, but I got fired years ago for calling the store manager a chink. That's actually a true story.
gibs greencard then fren
>informed decisions
>NYC has the most diseased people
Desantis should have ordered every Jew Yorker to be shot on sight but he's nice enough to at least screen the fuck out of them