Instagram butt model: I make $1.5M a year with sexy ‘honesty’
Thats a bubble
just proves to me even more that i shouldn't waste my life caring about a number
Eat box get pox
I'm bi and mostly attracted to girls and she looks disgusting af why men are so dumb to pay such an disgusting creature when there are so much better pornstars for their lonely asses for free
>I'm bi and mostly attracted to girls
Fucking degenerate.
girls had been bi since the beginning of times but in general in denial, that's the way we were created ://
>I'm bi and mostly attracted to girls
>Russia flag
No. Also
>post tits or gtfo
You know, it's funny. Most people play the jewish game and pursue wealth because it will set them free. Take your typical educated man working in a professional setting. He doesn't love his work like his life in most cases, he has hobbies, interests, pursuits, and hitting it big - becoming a millionaire is a way to free him of the daily burden of work he doesn't care for so he may enrich himself in things he's passionate about.
Vapid whores however are not passionate about anything other than the material. A woman like this might make 1.5 million per year, but he she has no idea what to do with it other than surround herself with the trappings of wealth and opulence to show other people that she has it. She likely wears expensive clothes, carries expensive purses, eats at expensive restaurants, goes to expansive resorts or spas to "relax" from her highly stressful job of existing and being photographed. At the end of the day however, she is hollow. There is no substance to her beyond fleeting nonsense. She isn't going to use her money to free her for her intellectual or character based pursuits because she has no intellect, she has no character, she's just a walking magnet for fetishist sexual desires then one day suddenly she won't be. She'll be 50, desperately clinging to her past "attractiveness" (if you can call it that), no longer making any money, no longer garnering attention. Then she'll be mid-life, honestly a bit beyond that and she will have never developed as a human being. She will begin to panic and develop mental illnesses surrounding her identity.
I can't imagine what it's like being a hollow person. A facade for others to gawk at, with nothing of substance behind it. It's extremely ironic that sometimes the people who make a lot of money very easily are ones who have absolutely no clue what to do with it.
plastic surgery needs banning
There is absolutely nothing attractive about this person. Why are women with fat asses being pushed so hard these days? Some of them are downright obese.
There was a time when she would get made fun of for looking so ridiculous and unnatural. What ever happened to fit girls being hot? A nice, tight, toned ass is a million times better than this.
Post ya titties Sofya
Why can women complain about male privilege while all they have to do is start a video game livestream or show some lewd pictures to make tons of money? I hate the beta males that put these women up on the pedestal. I can't escape it anywhere, not even my video games which servers are occupied by gamer girls.
That's a lie and retarded.
Show tits whore
why didn't you say you were a woman?
Just bring on Armageddon already.
Underrated post friend. Too true, this is why it it said that some people do not have souls. They exist to be embodied by the energetic currents that control this world.
This woman is a Thrall for human lust and materialistic desire. Truly dancing in the cube.
Stop giving this tranny replies holy shit
>sexy honesty
women should be shamed repeatedly if this is the outcome.
You were created to post your tits in this thread right now. Let's see them.
>1.5 million a year
That's rookie numbers.
weird but i got kissed on lips by a girl when there was the police next to us and nothing happened but to gay dudes they're getting beaten so I guess it's alright to be a lesbo in Russia
Yes, myself I've always felt attraction to girls and every girl I knew had that attraction to other girls
you're retarded sad wanker with hoe mother and nu i'm not a hoe
what the actual fuck
nu i was created to drink 2 bottles of vodka a day and smoke cigs like factory listening to post punk music if not witch house suka
Triple dus confirm based
finally someone with some sense!
im a guy and this is exactly how I feel
seriously why do people honestly like this shit it doesn't even look good
nobody believes u ivan.
kys faggot
now someone out here spiting facts
>the economic bubble butt bubble
Yes all of that is very boring. Your tits on the other hand might be fascinating. Don't you want to captivate the jaded nazi wizards on 4chins? Now is your chance. It won't be your musical taste or beverage consumption that does it, but if you have a ripe pair you can stop a thread like a freight train hitting a mountain.
Kek blesses the truth.
>Russian prostitute who has to chew diseased box for money is threatened by Instagram thot
Why are women so easily threatened by each other like this? I know this is b8, I'm still curious
>tfw wasn't born a good looking woman
How do they make money? Just donations?
selling their own amateur pornography. If youre an autist who cares about video and picture quality and not having to interact with the thots to get their content its infuriating.
I seen her onlyfans. She takes nigger cock up her ass. It was leaked in the onlyfans hacked
Brands pay them to shill also she probably makes a couple hundred thousand each year getting gangbanged in camel land.
Thanks, you're helping reveal the quality of that meme.