Have any of you seen what people working at those 60k+ a year jobs actually do?

have any of you seen what people working at those 60k+ a year jobs actually do?

they accomplish so little it’s actually funny

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i would even say a neets philosophical musings benefit society more than these parasites

Also jews ran the slave trade

I make things for a living.

honestly this is true

have a friend that earns about 100k
he made a spreadsheet that calculates numbers for his position
says if his boss ever finds out hes just using a spread sheet and spends the rest of his day on reddit he would be fire instantly
has a house wife and 2 kids
i put in 7 more hours of work a day compared to him
still renting, no wife, no kids, make like 20k
life is fun

>posting cartoon little girls
Kys degenerate pedo tranny

Tranny faggot like the op

office and computer jobs specifically seem to be a special type of useless. they literally do nothing. also most of the “helper” positions we have are totally useless and just exist for virtue signalling.

how have we not strung up our governments on the streetlights yet?

>a mere picture of a girl is now pedophilia

SILENCE, neet filth. I'm busy answering emergency support calls at 4AM while your fat ass is still in bed dreaming of tendies. The world doesn't just run smoothly, shit breaks all the time and its up to US to figure it out and get it working again. All of my tax dollars are going towards your fucking Trumpbux that I won't see a dollar of since I make too much money. Money is a societal measure of importance, of which you have none. So when you're sucking down your nuggie sauce paid for by MY fucking labor you show some GOD damned respect nigger

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why do you feel the need to sexualize everything?

At one point I tried to get out of the neet lifestyle and got into an office. Lasted all of a week before getting fired due to my... abrasive personality.

Anyways yeah those self important office fuckers do next to fuck all. Half the day they don't actually do anything and just float around. Like they're in a fucking daycare or some shit. The rest is useless e-mails, "meetings", some meaningless form gets filled out, a few buttons on the corporate software get pressed to mark that a form was filled and a meeting was held, and that's their whole work day.

you answer phones bro LOL

writing the word emergency in front of it doesn’t somehow make it more important

Op is a shill that spams fake threads everyday with anime pics newfag

>its just a call bro
A call that describes the problem which I then have to go investigate, the call is just step 1 you dumb leaf

they get paid sometimes 100k for this
and i want you all
to think about that

Today I put some rectangles on a pdf floorplan
That's 5 hours done, 3 to go

I do agree with you. My employment has a lot of people who make way more than me and are completely useless individuals. I probably am an exception to the rule. 60k for a manufacturing position.

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oh now he’s an investigator, very fancy. is step one asking the customer if their computer is turned on?

Most jobs in general are bullshit. I wouldn’t care anyway I’ve been a neet for three years .

earning that big salary your dad got you, keep up the good work

meanwhile the shelf stocker is permanently damaging his back lifting heavy ass boxes and can’t even buy a house

If people want to pay me 60k+ to do nonsense so be it.

>your dad got you
My dad worked his whole life in maintenance thank you
He said "son, go to college so you don't have to do what I have to, it sucks"
What advice did your dad give you?

you should care, no woman is going to get within 3ft of you if you aren’t at least making 60k.

life really doesn’t have to be this bad. extreme violence is probably the quickest way.

>He thinks a shelf-stocker is valuable and tech companies are not
Nigger, how do you think that Amazon box gets to your house so quickly? All the websites you use, how are they maintained? That grocery store you get your food from, how do they order all their produce such that it arrives at the perfect level of ripeness? You stupid fucking ape leaf nigger

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>abrasive personality
No way, really?

a real free thinker right here

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yes after grooming, feeding and guiding you. nah you probably just had some innate potential combined with hard work. you should try making a triforce with those rectangles newfag.

my father tragically passed away when i was a boy. let me tell you, the world is not a kind place for someone like that.

kind of wish bloomberg had managed to stay in the race and paid me 60k to basically make maga hats

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You sound really jealous chief

>people will still say money has value
the rich just select who gets to indulge.

Stfu faggot, you are so full of shit

>my father tragically passed away when i was a boy
I'm genuinely sorry that happened to you, but it doesn't give you a valid reason to be angry because it didn't happen to me

one day this jealousy will turn to violence, i assure you.

imagine getting scalped

Not sure what's stopping you pal

keep telling me what I’m allowed to feel rich boy, we really like it.

>weak tranny faggot threatening violence
Oooh so scary animefag

how do you think this ends? I’m far from alone in my... predicament

really, tell me. how does it end, in your mind.

This ends with you taking a deep sigh of acceptance and spreading your cheeks for daddy government and daddy private industry to turn your asshole into poundtown

It ends with you cutting yourself on your own edge...bucko