What event / observation / experience made you racist?
Why are you racist?
I'm not racist. I've got some issues with certain cultures, and apparently by modern standards claiming that certain traits ARE NOT inborn is racist. We live in clown world.
Racist doesnt mean anything.
Well observing niggers in every country on the planet leads me to believe that they are not functional human beings
cuz ur gey
Racist is a buzz word made up by Bolshevist Jews to silence white Christians who protested against Jews genociding white Christians
This for sure. I've seen someone at a certain very-liberal university legitimately argue that all people with light skin are inherently racist and need to "acknowledge their racism". Not "privilege", straight up "racism".
And you say "user, why did you say 'light skinned' and not 'white' up there?"
Well user, that's because this dude's thesis was predicated on how "light skin = racist". So light-skinned Kenyan people? Racist. Light-skinned European people? Definitely racist. Northern Chinese people? Racist.
Basically if you grow up as a white man around jews and shitskins you will either be a cuck or a racist
Growing up around niggers
image related, they're also stinky
FRENCHMAN: Excitable. Wears beard, gesticulates wildly.
SPANIARD, MEXICAN, etc.: Sinister, treacherous.
ARAB, AFGHAN, etc.: Sinister, treacherous.
CHINESE: Sinister, treacherous. Wears pigtail.
ITALIAN: Excitable. Grinds barrel-organ or carries stiletto.
SWEDE, DANE, etc.: Kind-hearted, stupid.
NEGRO: Comic, very faithful.
Everytime I try to explain to blacks that their black on black crime rate is terrible, they get angry and start verbally abusing me. This makes me think blacks are incapable of moral reasoning meaning I have no reason to even want to be around these people or have them around me.
I’m not racist, I just hate Egyptians and poos. Blacks are mostly okay.
Being around blacks.
If hating terrible behavior is racist, then I am PROUDLY a racist.
im racist now because i was labeled a racist just for being white.
now there is no going back. fuck niggers fo life
no more helpo for these niggers.
no more civil wars no more live aids,no more missionary trips to build these monkeys wells schools and hospitals.
fuck you
Growing up with blacks and hispanics, the most casually and actively racist people I have ever expierences. They FUCKING HATE WHITES, we were raised to be the least racist generation, they thought us racism, there will be no peace or domination by minorities, only a final straw and likely soon.
I dont need to advocate hate or redpill others, minority hatred and acts of vengeance for wrongs not perpitraited or expierenced by either party and blind liberal delusion do more then I ever could.
We silently prep, they do all the work to increase our numbers.
Sleep well, the boogeyman you manifested is comming
Obama and black lives matter primarily.
Niggers are so stupid, that they think that we hate them because of the color of their skin.
Meanwhile, it's the Jews that caused all of these problems.
Racism is pointless, the government keeps stoking the fire so we fight with each other so we dont fight the government
The (((government))) doesnt want us to fight each other because they know their african bioweapons would be exterminated.
>>This makes me think blacks are incapable of moral reasoning
It's not just moral reasoning.
Black people don't have blue eyes
Well i started disliking people from MENA and some eastern states in the 90's when they started flooding in over our borders, filling up schools and apartments. Their uncivilized and sometimes evil manners, their retarded clan culture..
Now that im older i hate the people responsible for bringing them here. And even more so, the people responsible for that it keeps happening (including my fellow countrymen).
You would think creatures as tribal as them would inherently think that blacks destroying their own kind at high rates is a bad thing yet they get confused then say nonsense like "white people have lots of crime too" "white people cause wars and all dat shit" "its cuz we cuz we got da crime" "its your fault we got crime" "Structural racism causes this crime and you noticing it is structural racism you should be ashamed of yourself" "Immma real mofo witeboi fuck out of here wit dis crime rate bullshit damn"
Not a single one even thinks of criticizing their tribe morally they just blame non blacks.
Ugliest beast
For me it's the absolute fakeness in pictures like this.
I pulled up to a gas station in kansas city last week at about noon. It was a busy place and was turning around the pumps when I saw a teenage girl twerking at the furthest pump. She had her hands on the ground and ass flopping in the air.
After rounding the corner (avoiding a car missing a tire blocking a pump), she was still going but now a girl on the pump across from her decided to join in. The other people from each of their cars surrounded the two as they shook their asses towards eachother, in the middle of a gas station, for no apparent reason. One of the cars had a little girl leaning out of the window watching gleefully.
The pump that I was going to stop at actually had a pile of garbage in the way, so I made the choice to get the fuck out of there. On the way out there were some homeless passerbys who had joined to watch and dance as the girls were now rubbing their asses on some guy from a different car.
I think this is a normal occurrence there among strangers.
If someone doesn't have the bare minimum pattern recognition skills to acknowledge the existence of races and that there are specific stat differences between them while learning to evaluate them from your standpoint, you might as well be lobotomized.
This. Fuck all minorities
Is that what your SJW friends told you? That we are racist?
It is an objective truth, that not all races and cultures are worthy. And for the sake of the human race and civilization, we can not allow the lesser cultures to impede the progress of the most advanced.
Islam, is a drag on development. They contribute nothing to civilization, in fact their existence negatively impedes it.
Africans, and decendants similarly just costs money. It is a black hole of resources costing the developed people unending grief and losses.
They can live in their own shitholes, that is fine. But they cannot be allowed to exist and thereby deprive resources from developed nations and their people.
Living with and around sandniggers and niggers. Next dumb question?
Going to school with niggers and spics in Chicago.
Being around them makes you racist.
I just love the fact it pisses off normies. I'm not racist as much as I hate fucking normies.