Got my Stimulus Check today, because I’m not a useless NEET...

Got my Stimulus Check today, because I’m not a useless NEET. Also got to keep my job this whole because I’m not a nigger. I get paid for my mind, not my body. Can’t wait to drive by Home Depot and throw rolls of pennies at the Mexicans.

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>is poor enough to get stimulus check
>pathetically brags about it
just kys, you obviously want to

Lmao okay NEET boy. Sorry you were filed as a dependent this year. No money for you.

Its nawt tru I did not cash my stimulus check it's bullshit I did nawt cash it I did nawt oh hi Mark

Got mine too.
But the real icing on the cake is the 28th. When I get my extra $600/week and 3 weeks of retro pay..lel get 2700 that week.

Jokes on you nigger NEETS on SSDI do get it, now back to work wagie.

How long have you been on HRT? Looking good, Gurl!!

Non filers, that is people that do not file for taxes or are below the filing threshold who make $0.00 to $12,000 a year also qualify under the Non Filers Stimulus Program.
Just have to provide bank information for the direct deposit, and they'll likely start getting their Trumpbux by Friday.

Op is a closeted faggot. Probably has a dildo he sucks every night "for the lolz, it's not gay"

Imagine being ok with govt cheese as your primary meal

Okay. You’re legally classified as useless. I work from home like a white man.

Not if their mommy already claimed them for the $500.

>made just under 75K on 2018 return
>made over 100K on 2019 return
good thing I decided to put off filing my 2019 return.

>I get paid for my mind, not my body.

And I get paid to do whatever I want, wagie :)

>I work from home like a white man

Oh, I get it now. You’re not white at all.

Haha that's so cool.

>I work from home like a white man.
Having a perpetual pornhub tab open in your browser beating your meat ain't "workin". Even Dire Striaits knew this shit.

I thought Yas Forumsacks were made of sterner stuff.

Please do not feed the prostitutes.

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walmart bro! still going strong i see!

Are you masked up or nah?

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You get 0 pussy tho.

I’m European. Only mutts with no heritage consider themselves “white”

Eww you work in retail. I did that during college.

imagine being such an effeminate beta that you would visit home depot for anything but power tools.
>I get paid for my mind not my body
yeah so do politicians but we all know how much they're really worth

I should be getting like $4000 this week Im pretty stoked to go get a few new guns

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>walmart bro! still going strong i see!
>Are you masked up or nah?
No, because it's a retard test, an unfunny PsyOp, and I already had Coronavirus in January. 4 days out of work. Never again.

>Eww you work in retail. I did that during college.
Welp, with the economy fucked from now and until the end of eternity, it has and will now be the only game in town for employment. All the college kids are useless around exam times. Callouts, slow as fuck because no sleep. I'll gladly take the shifts. It ain't like I got much going on now or ever because paying $10k a year for community college is fucking highway robbery, and I already work 50+ hours here, so there's no time for that.

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'adda boy!

Keep laughing but that guy is in more professional music videos than you'll ever be.

anyone who made over 99K did not get a check. you are a poorfag.

>caring about being in 'pro' music videos. fuck you you degenerate.

Nice cope. You’re quick to assume we’re all fat neckbeards that are on ssdi.

Chris-chan isn't doing your kind any favors in the looks department.

I've still been working full time and getting paid. The check is going right into savings.

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I can’t argue with you there.

Community college is free in Cali lol. Best state brah.

Well you are. You have a mental defect. You’re bad for the gene pool. KYS.

"Hey, Peter!"

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How long before you move innawoods?

You gonna buy estrogen with your NEETbux?

High taxes and ground-zero for globo-homo.
>best state

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Don't get over stimulated, you'll end up biting some poor cunt & the cops will suicide you.

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>tfw got tax returns and stimulus today
>still getting my normal paycheck
Guess I'll buy some dragon dildos


I’m still working. Going to buy some new work boots with it and maybe a PS4. I can’t check my bank account because my bank’s website keeps going down due to this.

Yup for your dad. Gonna make him my milf.

I haven't filed my taxes yet (too lazy) but I filed them last year and they have my bank account on file. Did I get my trumpbux today? I haven't checked my bank account yet but I only made like 20k last year.

>Did I get my trumpbux today? I haven't checked my bank account