Chris Cuomo went on a rant today about how having the coronavirus has made him reconsider his life

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He’s going to take his bullshitting into politics where he can make a difference or some stupid shit. He’s not redpilling.

fredo needs to sit on a window of a tall building

he's such an idiot


Does he still want open borders?

Him and his brother are about to run for office.

Screencap this.

He realizes now that he should have married a Kennedy spawn like big bro.

reminder his brother gov of nyc name was in Epstiens little black book.

>He’s not redpilling

He had what alcoholics refer to as a sober moment, he's going to do pod cast Joe Rogan style and leave the office.

He'll still go orange man bad perhaps even louder now, that's his shtick

fat tire biker? what does that mean, who is referring to?

lol he literally got bullied by a biker for Trump, what a sad faggot
remember folks, bullying works

Does he mean people who ride fat bikes? I would love to own one of it snowed here still

checked, twatter is killing him fucking kek'd

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He's gonna smoke himself in minecraft

Based. I think my dream of him caused this. I also came to the same conclusion that I hated my job and life and didn't want to do it anymore. I'm sending my love to him I think he is awakening.

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Fredo needs a safe space because somebody spoke unkind words to him.

Fuck him and his ugly brother

He is the dumbest greaseball Italian roid monkey motherfucker. He needs to be mopping a gym floor for a living.


capped and deleted

Ok which one of you is the biker that made him hate his job?

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That's what I would think but besides not knowing the "fat tire biker" reference I don't get how it relates to turmp, was there some incident in normieland I missed hearing about having to do with trump and fat bikers?

This piece of shit deserve to have every fucking tooth in his faggot skull, cracked with a ball peen hammer. Fucking lying, partisan, piece of shit.

they can only live in denial so long about their irrelevance and the growing hatred people feel towards them

Wide Glide boomers btfo.

Fat Tire Biker maybe -> “Fat Tire” the beer brand?
Who even knows what he means lol

Everything beyond his first day or two after being diagnosed has been LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!

Using COVID to draw attention to himself vs the virus. Sounds about right.

This. He's been a stuffed shirt his entire life and this is the closest to death he's ever been, he's never contemplated his own mortality before this point because he's a meat headed moron.

eternal fredo

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He never said that you lying pony-faced internet warrior

He sounded drunk.

Nah he just sounds like that, on account of being an idiot.

Lil fredo is a lil pussy! Cant handle being sick!

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I was thinking that too, maybe.

This was what I was thinking?
Will he be a hero before this all ends?
Or is he changing careers to politics?

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