If evolution were true then why are humans the only species on the planet with higher intelligence? Why haven’t the other thousands of species that have supposedly existed on this planet for much longer than mammals have, for millions of years even, hardly changed or evolved into super intelligent humans like we have?
Evolution is a lie
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whites evolved from pigs
why should they? intelligence isn't the end all be all for reproducing
>If evolution were true then why are humans the only species on the planet with higher intelligence? Why haven’t the other thousands of species that have supposedly existed on this planet for much longer than mammals have, for millions of years even, hardly changed or evolved into super intelligent humans like we have?
Because of Natural Selection
Blacks didn't evolve. They've just stayed where they were at.
go fuck yourself
So evolution is just incessant reproduction with no end goal? What is the purpose of life, then?
Why aren’t alligators “naturally selected”? They’ve been here for (supposedly) millions of years.
And what good does intelligence serve if reproduction is the ultimate goal? We can be vapid & stupid and still reproduce.
Natural selection is not evolution. Those genes were always there just unexpressed.
Fucking christ Mutts are retarded as fuck
What genes?
Then inform us, oh wise one.
They did, still are. And they have cousins and similar genetic lineages all over the world.
The path from one common ancestor to another isnt based on intelligence. It's based on survival and several other driving forces behind evolution.
Humans somewhere along our evolution picked up the ability to image forethought which gave way to imagination.
Okay. So the only purpose to existence is to reproduce?
Wouldn’t intelligence allow for more reproduction, then? If alligators were smarter they would pass more genetic lineage on. I mean if it’s a numbers game there are more successful species than humans in terms of population success. None of these answers explain intelligence or how and why we have it. It’s not necessary to pass on genes.
That's the sad reality user. Something god fags cant comprehend. It is built within our genetic makeup, RNA self replication is how we started, we are just a more complex variation of that very same thing. Except we use dna, and in order for dna to replicate you need to breed or reproduce somehow.
>So evolution is just incessant reproduction with no end goal?
>What is the purpose of life, then?
There isn't one unless there is some sort of higher power. That's why atheistic societies die. They become nihilists that think that life is ultimately about having as many orgasms as possible. They virtue signal about purpose and making a difference in an attempt to be popular and have more orgasms.
The only people who have any meaningful sense of purpose are those who have some sort of spirituality. Otherwise, life is just a masturbatory race to see who can survive the longest before the heat death of the universe makes it all for naught anyway.
> Why haven't we seen any other species evolve an ability that allows them to utterly and swiftly dominate the rest of the planet and kill off all other life?
user, I....
How pathetic.
Selective or sexual selection is intelligence.
Alligators didnt need to evolve like that. It's just that simple.
Right. But, to me at least, that would seem utterly pointless in the grand scheme of things. Without meaning there can be nothing. Everything must exist for a purpose. This is why I’m a believer in a higher power, even if I do think science can explain it without supernatural mechanisms.
But we did. Why? You can’t seem to come up with any convincing answers.
Why do I feel like every time we have one of these threads half the people don't know any of the basic mechanisms behind evolution besides just repeating 'natural selection'.
Evolution is a lie. Nebraska man and all those other missing links are complete bullshit. Lucy is just an old ass chimpanzee with no connection to the human race. We've been lied to all our lives and there is literal no proof of evolution other than microevolution. The same people that show you the exhibits of human evolution at museums destroy and hide the elongated skulls and the giant skeletons. They completely try to destroy or just ignore those things don't exist. Giant humans and elongated skulls completely destroy the evolution narrative
Dr. Kent's got some great videos BTFOing some evolution, here's a good one on veins.
The Great apes have a considerable amount of intelligence, although they only really learn by monkey see monkey do. Even elephants and dolphins are super intelligence and have complex emotions, we know each orca population has their own languages, speech dialect and diets and elephants have memories with their families that lost all their lives, even showing grief. Dolphins kill themselves when they get suicidal by ramming their heads into tank walls. Intelligence is subjective
>So evolution is just incessant reproduction with no end goal?
Yes, in fact, it's the purpose life even according to the bible. God's first command to mankind was to go forth and be fruitful.
Because we had to. No way we could have faced other species without teamwork, which brought comunication. Comunication is the basis of intelligence, it allowed for the first ever database, called tribal teachings. Your ability to talk is what made you what you are. If lions/aligators could talk, we would be fucked. If octopus could talk, they would be exploring galaxies
You have faith that everything just poofed into existence?
Erm wind the clock back 500 years sweetie, or 1000 years.
Romans and Greeks were creating civilisations more or less equal to our own while savages sniffed eachothers bottoms and performed primitive tribal dances in Africa.
Africans are still being eaten by insects.
Chinese are still eating insects, which is barely any better.
No, there are several species of humanoid, all of which are more intelligent than the beast, it just so happens that the European descended humanoid is the most accomplished.
Remember that before the European age of exploration there were humans on this planet... but no humanity, only the European had the fortitude and ingenuity to explore the world and connect all the species of humanoid, even the unfortunate ones.
Every animal that developed opposabal thumbs before us just used them for jerking off and died out.