User Goes To Church

Back in 2018 I resolved to learn more about Christianity. So over the following two years I spent at least a month each attending an Orthodox church, a Catholic church, a Lutheran church, and a nondemininational church. I attended services as well as catechumen classes.

Ask me anything, and I will give my unbiased review of experiences at each.

About me
>raised in agnostic/atheist household
>No prior religious experience
>Parents got a Unitarian Universalist person to baptize me to make my grandmother happy
>Bachelors degree
>Live in large city in Midwest
>Have had 3 girlfriends
>Average build
>Work as a network engineer
>Fairly sociable

So as you can probably guess, I don't have a lot of preconcieved notions here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you regret that your parents raised you as a heathen?

All christians worship satan with their eternal torment doctrine.

What can satan do, but to twist the scripture and lie about the truth?

The words which leads one to believe in eternal torment is "Eternal, eternaly, forever and ever"

But these words are wrongly translated. The correct translation is EON, which means a "period of time".

With the correct translations, the implications of the words which "hell" are translsted from, namely, tartarus, hades and gehenna, are TEMPORARY.
Here is an example from the KJV where even a child can understand its an abseloute condradiction:
1 Cor 15:25
For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet
Rev 11:15
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

The phrase forever and ever is retarded on its own, why add "ever" when eternity is already implied in "forever".

Its a mistranslation but christians wont see it, because they like the concept of hell. They are self righteous in believing that they were smart and good enough to believe, while that dirty sinner over there were stupid not to believe and thus deserve eternal punishment for finite sins. The bible states Faith is a gift, given to you by God, lest none shall boast. Christians are boasting everytime they condemn other people to eternal hell. They believe in salvation by own willpower.

All humanity will live with God, eternaly. Why do i use the word eternaly if its wrongly translsted? Because the bible states elsewhere that we will be given immortality

Somehow I suspect that this question isn't being asked in real honesty, but whatever. No, I don't regret how I was raised, at all.

Also not really the point of this thread. Got a question about church?

Funny, I myself have come around to Universalism. Eternal Conscious Torment is quite incompatible with what I have learned about Christ and God. Problem is, no church really subscribes to it. It is a major problem.

take your faggot AMA thread to reddit

I'd be ashamed of the reverse, a religious NPC

>I am a normalfag: the post
fuck off faggot just fucking kill yourself.

Do you know the name of your Gods?
Those who left their lands are cursed.
Don't use images of my Gods, just like the jewish god they won't help you

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Sorry to bother you user. Feel free to exit the thread.

I've found there are "good people on both sides". There are extremely smart and committed agnostics/atheists, and there are smart and committed Christians in each denomination I went to. What matters is a commitment to truth.

Looks pretty gay

White men are deists who use Greco-Roman mythology and Christianity to color their language about God, truth, and the cosmos. Anyone who is an actual denominational Christian or pagan reconstructionist is a LARPing faggot, especially in 2020.

Thats great man. Not many believe this even though its what the bible teaches.
Next two doctrines that christians dont understand is the:
Sovereignity of God
Jesus is NOT God. He is his son, which God has given all might and power. He is the perfect image of thats. Thats why Jesus says, "Have you seen me, you have seen the father". Its because they are one in purpose. Jesus always said he wanted to do the Will of His Father.

On the sovereigny of God, we truly are his creation which he will do as he pleases.
Free will is an illusion. There cannot be a free will if God knows the future, which he says he does.
Check out Martin Zender on youtube about these subjects. He proves them all with a bunch of scripture and exposes the christianity for what it is, of the devil.

You claim it is mistranslated but don't even offer "muh real translation".

and that "dirty sinner over there" is rather a poor sinner. Not dirty. Why would he be dirty? We are not like the jews and the muslims. We got empathy and it's sad that they rather chose to go to hell.
And do they condemn others to hell, by simply saying and noticing that they will most likely go to hell?
If you don't have the son, you don't know the father either. and you know:

>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

So noticing that you will burn in hell for not believing in Jesus is not condemnation. It's simply what the bible says.
You don't have eternal lif eif you do not believ eon the Lord Jesus Christ who dioed on the cross to pay for your sin and rose form the dead on the third day.

P. 526

also why do you claim that people now would know better what EON means, than people did historically? The further you go away form the time of the bible and the language it uses, the LESS connection you got it. Since the NEWER does influence the older. Besides you haven't even refferred tot hat "eon" passage.
I'm very sure that people in former times knew better what words meant, than people do nowadays.

1 timothy 4:10
Therefore we labour and stife, because we have put our hopes in the licing God, whos is the saviuor of all humanity

If you replace the world eternal with aionian(which means a period of time)you would see that the special salvation of those in 1tim4:10 refers to being made in the 1000yr kingdom and the new heavens and earth, which both are different EONS. Believers is in the body of christ and have a place among him ruling a d reigning the universe.

I provided you with the correct transkatil but you are too lazy to check it out, because you like hell. You like that you chose while others didnt, even thought the scripture says faith is not out of yourselfs, but a gift from God.

1:4:10 therefore we labour and strife, because we have out hour hopes in the living God, who is the saviour of all humanity, especially believers.

Explain this verse to me please.

>All christians worship satan

>Jesus is NOT God.
>Free will is an illusion.
>christianity for what it is, of the devil.
Can you make it any more obvious you're a fucking kike?

>There cannot be a free will if God knows the future
Occam disproved that claim 700 years ago you fucking retard.

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Imagine believing that you worship the real God when you think he will send 90%of his creation to eternal torment.

Imagine believing a random dude instead of the scripture regards to free will.

Imagine an internet without amerimutts

>a random dude
Yeah Occam was just "a random dude" sure thing, Shlomo. His argument regarding free will and God's knowledge of the future is well known in philosophy. I'm not a Christian and I don't care about scripture. You've made it clear you're a vile Jew with your hate of Christianity though and your claims about free will are absolutely retarded and have been logically refuted for hundreds of years. Take your garbage pilpul and shove it up your diseased rat ass, kike. The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.

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don't you have an Algerian to suck off?

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free will

the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion
Ephesians 1:5
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will

Ephesians 1:11
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will

I guess you have problems reading. "Who works ALL THINGS according to HIS will. Not yours. Christians believe that their own willpowet to choose To accept Christ, but you couldnt be more wrong.

John 15:16
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

Go ahead, believe that you evolved feom fish despite creation is clearly shown in everyday. Im assuming here. Good day.

Have you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?


>Im assuming here.
Of course you are because you have no argument. You resort to fallacies and can't engage the main point: that there is no contradiction whatever between free will and God's knowledge of the future. You attack me first because you think I'm a Christian and when I tell you I'm not you resort to the basic talking points and memes used against atheists. I'm not an atheist either, kike. I believe in God. Keep clutching at straws Jew, you've got nothing left.

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What type of Catholic mass did you attend? My background is really similar to yours, and I ended up converting after going to a Latin Mass parish for about a year.

Standard mass. "Novus Ordo".

I'm in a fairly similar situation OP

I was raised slightly right of center, went full edgelord/metal head, fell for the "muh satanic bible is simple and effective" meme, did my best to avoid Christianity because i was a blue pilled faggot and associated it with all the "turn the cheek" and pope kissing nigger feet

I knew something was wrong with the world, I wanted to find answers, somehow found my way to Yas Forums
>began learning why the world is shit and (((who's behind it)))
>Learned the true nature of Christianity not the kiked pope version
>Realized that Christianity has been fighting against the bad guys for literally thousands of years

Once my KJV bible arrives i plan on reading a bit everyday, and continuing to learn about true Christianity and uncovering what else i've been lied to about

TFW did everything to avoid Christianity and yet the trail led right back to it

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Awesome stuff man. One piece of advice I can give, is to never stop digging. People of all denominations will tell you that theirs is the "One True Way", and then you just stop digging, because after all, if you are already part of the "One True Way", why keep expending effort? I almost fell into that trap myself.

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Check this out anons!



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Which church did you prefer most after attending them all?

fuck offffffff you nigger. vpn glowen mongoloid

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My personal opinion? Either the nondenominational or the Orthodox. They both had involvement by the attendees that noticeably surpassed the Catholic and Lutheran. My personal theory is that both were probably more heavily made up of converts, while the Catholics and Lutherans were more of a "my family did it so I will too" thing.

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Jesus is a fag. Xian theology will always lead to communism. You retards ironically worship Satan. His “father” sacrificed him in imitation of his demand from the elite who rule over the dumb Xian masses. It’s why you’re compared to sheep: on the one hand he gathers the stupid sheep who fear hell and are told they don’t have to do anything but believe and on the other he collects the elite who practice real cannibalism, not the imitation kind the masses get (Eucharist). This world is currently ruled by “satan” and anyone promoting Jesus worship are controlled opposition.

The answer is a return to the Vedanta aryan religion. We are Gods descended from the God of Gods. The world is our battlefield of the souls and you ONLY gain salvation/moksha but recognizing the delusions of ego and overcoming your weaknesses ON YOUR OWN, living a fearless and courageous life, restoring order where there is chaos, and establishing the moral hierarchy. No one can do it for you. That is the lie of “satanism” or what you fools call Christianity.