Do you want to leave this jewish meme union?
Do you want to leave this jewish meme union?
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I know you don't. Sucking on dem juicy €uro-tiddies.
I wish we had nothing to do with your shitty conglomerate
The European Union is the best thing to ever happen to Europe. You're an absolute dungbrain if you disagree.
Does Germany have any other currency besides the euro in case the EU collapses?
I really don't give a fuck about the €.
This jewish meme it's gonna be over sooner or later. I hope you enjoy
>mass muslim migration
>lgbt rights
I rather earn 400-500€ less a month then to have this shit. Fortunetly for us, in Romania those things don't exist.
Yes. The politicians who dragged us into the euro and the EU should be hanged.
How strong is the eurosceptic movement in your country?
You must be baiting. The only country that benefits from it is Germany. If it had its own currency their products would be twice as expensive and unemployment would be sky high.
On the other hand Italy, Greece and Spain could run huge government deficit, high gdp growth, moderate inflation (between 5 and 10%). In the 70s and 80s our government was spending a lot of money, the central bank bought government bonds (aka printing money), and our currency was cheap resulting in more exports. We had lower taxes and mostly paid them through inflation rather than directly. It was great.
I want this
Dude at least taxes can be used for something. Inflation is just robbing you of the value of your savings.
Italians are untrustworthy, and they trust each another the least. That's why they refuse to pay taxes, and why Italian bridges keep collapsing and killing hundreds of people.
Between 60 and 70% of the people are against the EU and the Euro. There's not much of a debate about it. If we were to have a referendum libcuck parties would manage to get their voters choose to stay despite most lefties being nostalgic about the past. At the end more than 50% of the people would choose to leave the EU and the Euro.
You don't need taxes to fund the government if you can print more money.
Inflation increases investment and real estate, as people do not want to keep cash. At the same time if you're in debt, it's value decreases over time. Debt yields wouldn't be too high if the central bank keeps buying bonds, so getting credit wouldn't be as difficult as people might think.
Good. I wish you good luck and hopefully this jewish retarded meme will be over soon. We need a Europe of nations.
>centuries of war destroying people and wealth
>almost 80 years of peace and prosperity
Centuries of history, tradition, national identity.
Almost 80 years of lgbt rights, diversity, multiculturalism, muslim invasion
>no war
I will take war any day.
>The only country that benefits from it is Germany.
Not really. Since we are part of the EU the cost of living has gone up, salary has gone down, jobs are outsourced and we got flooded with shitskins.
That's not beneficial.
That's what the EU already is, though.
A bunch of weak and pathetic individual nations banding together to have a common voice against the bigger super-empires like the USA, China and Russia.
And whenever somebody fucks up through their own incompetence, everyone can blame that nebulous supranational entity called the EU, despite everyone having agreed on all the things on it, because it's a perfect convenient scapegoat for everything.
In the EU, it's the council that is the most important and most strongest institution, and the council is made up of all the national leaders arguing and trying to come up with a common direction, ordering the commission to draft up more concrete plans and then to convince the fake parliament to give it a sign of legitimacy.
What the EU would unironically need is being granted more power over its member states, which means less power for the national states that make up the members of the EU. The member states won't do that, though.
They want to keep their power AND keep blaming the EU for their own mistakes.
The fuck Ivan?
>countries vote for liberal policies get liberal policies
Italian soldier removes EU flag from his barracks
I'm very pro European, and integration in quality standards, food safety or environmental regulation is a great thing, but each country should be independent.
Now that the risk of a war among us is negligible (not because of the EU but because of economic growth), there's no point in being in a retarded confederation.
Then I'm a dungbrain, because its all it has eveer done is make Germany stronger and everoyne else poorer.
True, Italians are well known bullshitters.
t.figlio di soia
Fuck these subhumans scumbags who say EU is shit.
Lets federalize it more and lets unite !
Here some faggot NGO sued Romanian state to legalize "civil union for sodomites".
The Romanian state of course told CEDO and the faggot NGO to fuck off.
show flag, the EU is shit
Not for the German citizens of course. It's funny how West Germans miss the old days and even East Germans miss the DDR. All the billions of euros worth of current account surplus is not going in your pockets for sure.
You have your flag on , and I dont know it.
What shithole are you from?
Yes please.
We are part of the union that you so happily shill.
We need to restore greater Europe.
We need to create a new SPQR.
Or we all die in competition with China's 1.5 billion people.
>Yes please
You cannot deny that every bong who voted for brexit is a low IQ inbred subhuman.
Everybody knows that.
Anyone that votes is low IQ.
We need everyone.
Geographical Europe has only 750 million people.
Why compete, when the endgoal is the Eurasian Prosperity Sphere? EU, Russia AND China together vs. the American continents.
Winner gets to have Africa and Australia.
Shit im gonna admit.
Thats pretty based.
no no noo the answer is just more EU. t. Verhofstadt
What you just said, but reversed
No, we Swiss refuse to join.
It's better if you other nations are divided up and become small cantons under our nation, though.
>we Swiss refuse to join.
You will be a canton of the Chinese empire then.
based cheese and watch makers
Turkey's population would have a negative value in every possible way.
I voted No but it wasn't that bad overall as countries have huge freedom to shape their own policy.
Shithole states will be even more shitholes without EU and her gibs - and any screwing up is on your own politicians.
Mudslimes flooding the whole continent. My forefathers had to shed blood to keep the ottomans out of our country, only for them to be able to enter in legally due to the EU being ultra cucks when they let the turkroaches in.
You are going to lose it due to autism.
Mind you, the Turks are only allowed in because their country is at an important geostrategic location and part of the NATO.
The whole point being that the West doesn't want them to be too closely allied with Russia.