It's true though. You guys are going to find out quickly how essential these illegal workers are in your agriculture-industrial complex. Either accept that you need cheap labour and look the other way or kick out the illegals and watch your food prices jump.
We have the same problem with temporary foreign workers. Farmers and corporations cry that paying people a decent wage for those jobs to provide a Canadian standard of living would cost too much, and really those Jamaicans are happy to be exploited anyway, and no one wants to do them anyway (for that pay level, but forget about that).
We have our own house to clean, bud.
Die traitor
Foreigner's are the worst
I have a friend who runs a very large farm operation. They bring in Mexican temp workers every year. The Mexicans seem happy to come, some have done it for 15+ years, and locals would never do the work even IF they were being paid minimum wage. The Mexicans are also hard working, experience, and skilled.
So either accept this system or setup incentives to hire Canadians to do this work, either subsidizing partial wages or some other scheme.
>the party of labor doesn't want to pay a living or legal wage
You have to go back, Pedro.
So you’d rather pay 8$ for a head of lettuce?
>You don't care about your country if you put the well being and living standard of the people before corporate profits.
I am perfectly fine paying more money for goods that are produced legally.
"It would raise prices" is not a valid reason to break labor law.
Also Democrats
>Lol you rely on cheap illegal farm labor
>What? Amazon is paying their employees less than $400 an hour and demanding they actually work????
How am I a trader? Do you think it's a coincidence that all the republican states full of people who hate illegals all look the other way when it comes to migrant workers that are essential for massive industries?
I fully agree with the need to stop illegals and encourage domestic production (and reproduction). But the fact is, if you get rid of all the illegals in the US you will have a significant food security issue that must be addressed. Acknowledging this reality =/= me being a traitor.
Temp workers aren't illegal.
Go fuck yourself shill
Fuck Democrats but I can tell you’re an even bigger retard
your average citizen has zero control over who the big ags hire so this meme is gay af. now go back to sipping your kale smoothie
Everything I wrote was true. My friend has to bring in the Mexicans because they can't get enough local help AND the Mexicans are cheaper. This latter point irks me, why not just pay an actual living wage to Canadians? But if that happens, our food prices will rise even more OR the government will have to subsidize these wages (which = more taxation).
Illegal immigrants are the only good immigrants. They are a 100% benefit to the economy, they have no right to any welfare. It is the only group in society that doesn't drain the social welfare system.
Yaaaaaaa like caulifornia doesnt have any illegals.
fuck you demonrats
>I am perfectly fine paying more money for goods that are produced legally.
Isn't the fact that most would be up in arms over that kinda the real problem here? Most people would have a fit if their luxury goods prices went up 30% once you cut out totally-not-slave labor or if their delivery prices went up because Amazon was not allowed to piggyback on postal service.
How about you offer something to refute him?
Is the fact that our food production is reliant on foreign cheap workers ultimately not a problem?
You fucking retards are so god damn counterproductive, you’d rather virtue signal how’d much you the browns then even acknowledge the issue.
Democrats, Republicans, you’re all just retards.
we can't help that big business lobbies sold us out for cheap labor.
btw who the hell picked the veggies and shit 30 years ago? if the beaners leave (why would they, they have everything here) i guess the paradigm will shift once again.
The problem here is that an illegal Mexican can live off a much smaller income than an American citizen. They also don't have to pay taxes. Americans don't want to do the work, not because it's hard, but because it doesn't pay enough to support their families. Why would you spend 8+ hours in the hot sun every day for the same wage as someone flipping burgers at McDonald's? The illegal doesn't have this problem because he has access to food banks, free health care, sometimes even food stamps and public housing. He then sends the majority of his non taxed income back to Mexico where it is worth almost ten times as much as in the states. This is not a problem with the American work ethic, it's a problem of corporate greed and bought off politicians.
Friendly reminder that jews ran the slave trade.
>has to bring in the Mexicans
what does this mean? he pays for their transport from mexico to canada?
thank you for being honest Leaf.
>Temp workers aren't illegal.
Obviously not, but it is a system that allows businesses/corporations to pay cheap wages for labour. Then they say "but we can't get local Americans/Canadians to do the work". Well no shit, because you pay shit wages. Then they say "but we have such a thin profit margin as it is and can't afford to pay more for labour". Well no shit, because you've relied for so long on an artificial labour system that excludes everyone but migrants/illegals from working because of the shit pay.
Right, because the illegal aliens are the ones who passed NAFTA, destroyed the maiz industry so Ford and Coke could open plants, and then decided how much they were going to get paid.
Ignore the rich white people who created the problem in the first place, brown people bad
What am I shilling? Reality?
What do you suggest, increasing wages to attract Americans? I agree with this, but be prepared for increased food prices, because someone eventually has to foot the bill.
>worth almost ten times as much as in the states
wasn't nafta supposed to level the playing field? what happened?
LOL gold Jerry, gold
Man how I wonder how anyone ever did anything before illegal immigrants showed up. Oh no my strawberries will cost $1 more. Nigger I pay $8 for a dozen eggs suck my free range local cock you luxury soup faggot.
I tried to get a farm job once and they wouldn't hire me because I was a citizen. Fuck illegals.
>implying minimum wage is attractive
Try paying people more than minimum wage faggot
Yes, it's likely subsidized. The Mexicans like it because they make (relatively) good money and are treated well, and it's less stressful than being an illegal in the U.S. They get to come here, work, then go back home after harvest.
NAFTA was a con job from the beginning. Ross Perot called it when he talked about that big sucking sound.
They have been doing temporary farm work since at least WW1.
How did we have farms before all the Mexicans started coming here in the 80's
Retard, they work construction, landscaping, and cleaning. Farm labor makes up less than 1% of illegal employment. And we already have a surplus of unemployed labor.
How tf eggs so expensive for you? What happened to your egg market user?
You just said nothing but used lots of words. Congrats faggot.
Keep sucking off the jew, lolbert goyim
We don’t need cheap labor...if anything Juan coming over suppresses wages because they’ll do it under the table for less than minimum wage. Why pay someone more when someone is willing to do that work for much cheaper.
it took 30 years for that to happen. i live in NC. NC used to be home to big Tobacco. Tobacco was everywhere. 30 years ago there wasn't a fucking beaner to be found but now they are everywhere and not just picking tobacco. once the pols let them in without consequence the more they came and a farmer is not going to pass on cheap labor.
you and I had no control over any of this. the paradigm has shifted. will take 30-50 years to reverse it
If all the retards in this thread want to see people go back the where they came from so badly, hold DRUMPF accountable for not fixing NAFTA when he had the chance.
But you fucking nigger iq retards wouldn’t know or cars about that would you?
>people are getting paid more
>people have to pay more
>everything balances out
>only ones getting fucked are spics and corporate bosses
Why is this a problem? How did people get food before illegal immigration?
(((rich white people)))
lmao. ever heard of AIPAC you little kike weasel?
This is a racist conspiracy theory. White people have never had to farm in their entire history. Why do you think they had to sail around the world exploiting brown people? It's because they couldn't farm, and had to steal resources from the only real human beings, POC.
LOL they get welfare benefits in the US in many states
Like half the retards in this thread
This is the final redpill on capitalism. Not a marxist. Before anyone jumps on that.
The right to lots of cheap shit is like your 34th amendment. Americans act patriotic, but there is a reason they buy Made in China garbage over more expensive products of domestic origin.
Ever since China arrested two Canadians and continue to hold them in solitary confinement, I've refused to but anything Made in China. With the chink virus I'm even more adamant about this. I'll pay more but the average person won't, especially if they can't afford to or don't want to deal with inconveniences. People are apathetic.
Not to mention there is clearly a lobby to maintain a fresh supply of illegal agriculture workers.
How does one collect welfare without a social security number?
You know as a group, illegal immigrants are a net positive tax group. Turn off the Fox hypnobox retard
That’s what happens when you get free range eggs unless you get them direct from a farmer. Distributers put their mark up on it. If you cut the middle man out it would be more profitable for farmers and less expensive for consumers
See, the immigrants are good as long as they are "legal" and "hardworking". There is only a problem with "bad amigos", which is everyone who doesn't make a profit for the big wigs. It's happening here too, the farmers were the first ones to kvetch over immigration limitations because of the virus.
I'll take 'importing cheap foreign labor' for $100, Alex.
>White people have never had to farm in their entire history. Why do you think they had to sail around the world exploiting brown people? It's because they couldn't farm, and had to steal resources from the only real human beings, POC.
>This is a racist conspiracy theory.
So you’re just going to ignore the whites selling out their own race then, working along side AIPAC to pass bull shit like NAFTA?
Dance puppet dance.
Fuck you kike.
You're right about this. What we need to do is instate mandatory work programs for the young. Either in a factory or a farm. The Soviets were based on this front.
>WWI beaners picked all the fruit
not in the same numbers retard.
Farmer here who pays workers well above the minimum wage and only hires New Zealand citizens. Ask me anything.
Seething bernout cope.
So any tourist can just come and collect welfare? What states are these? I'm gonna get neet bucks.
You're confusing whites with kikes again.
>let’s give niggers gibs so we have to import Native Americans from the former Spanish Empire to become future voters
>I tried to get a farm job once and they wouldn't hire me because I was a citizen. Fuck illegals
Similar thing happening here, farmers were whining because Covid-19 restriction prevent foreign workers from coming for crop season and tons of citizens volunteered and even set up a site where you could apply. Farmers ended up saying Austrians can't do the work and are now flying in Romanians to do the work (=translation: We can't get away treating Austrians like slaves and pay less than minimum wage). Seriously fuck them.
yeah this seems to be true in my experience. there are so many manual labor jobs and companies (these fucks get small business loans easily now). farm work is more and more automated while the dirty spics are doing roofing, painting, landscape that US citizens used to do.
Replace entirety of big agro with high-yield vertical-grow hyrdoponics greenhouses in every town, city, county, and state. Emphasize community and individual permaculture and bring back ww2 style encouragement of "victory gardens". Make food production in the US completely decentralized and self-sufficient at the local level. There is absolutely no need to have migrant workers picking crops in large fields. That model is totally obsolete and moronic.
I envy how easily Leaf's can accue juicy, succulent, (you)s.
>You don't care about your country if you put the well being and living standard of the people before corporate profits.
I didn't give any indication of my beliefs in this post, but the fact is Americans like cheap food/goods and IF they truly want illegals out, they'll have to accept the increased cost of living. Might as well start now by only buying local and not supporting big agriculture, which relies on illegals. Most Americans who claim to be furious about illegals wouldn't go through the inconveniences and increased costs incurred by only buying local or doing research and voting with their wallet.
People are apathetic. Republican politicians hate illegals but look the other way when it supports the industry of their cronies or constituents. Democrat politicians love illegals but cultivate a system that effectively oppresses and exploits them. In other words, despite what everyone says, they all maintain the status quo while using red herrings to fire up their base.
There are machines now for fruit picking that only require two people to operate which will do the work of 100 illegal immigrants.
The problem is the capital cost and that too much land is now corporate owned not owner operator.
And soon to be obsolete, robots are going to be taking those jobs away very soon if not already.
There was an article about this in canada the other day
>be farmer
>heavily subsided
>living in a $3Million house
>cry about how they cant farm without foreign workers because canadians refuse to do that work
>trudeau agrees to lift the ban on visitors for 60k "temporary" foreign workers
So you're telling me farmers cant find people willing to work seasonal jobs on a farm for $15-20/hr? When I was a high school or university student I would love to do this. Or what about all of those hobos on the streets? If you have work available for them and they refuse, cut off their gibs. I'm tired of this shit. Hell I'd be willing to work for cash while I'm getting my Corona bucks. I look at online job postings regularly and I have never once seen any for a farm laborer. Something is afoot
Sell outs get the rope too
Keep fighting the good fight user
But it’s true though. No one really wants to be in the fields when there are alternative, and more profitable jobs.